
Today I’m officially issuing the extra income challenge to every single person reading this. Why?

Earning more money is awesome. It has unlimited potential. You could make an extra $5 a day or you could grow your extra money to $10,000 a month or more.

It doesn’t matter how much extra cash you want to make or how you want to make your extra money.

All that matters is you have an extra income goal and you’re working towards that goal.

So, today I’m issuing this challenge to get you moving.

The Extra Income Challenge

I challenge every single person reading this to make extra money this month. Simply fill in the blanks in the below statement for your first month’s challenge.

You earn bonus points if you leave your challenge in the comments at the end of this post.

I, YOUR NAME HERE, accept the extra income challenge. I challenge myself to make an extra $(INSERT AMOUNT HERE) of income this month. I plan to make this income through INSERT HOW YOU PLAN ON MAKING THE MONEY. I will report my progress next month on the next Extra Income Challenge update.

This challenge is meant to be 100% fun and no one will make fun of you if you don’t hit your targets. I won’t allow it. In fact, everyone will be cheering you on to hit your targets.

Look at this challenge as an inspiration to begin growing a small income to have some fun with, to pay off debt or the push you need to start your side business. No one will hit 100% of their targets all the time, but we should all be working toward our targets every month.

Define What Extra Income Is To You

First, you must define what “extra” is to you. In my mind, it is any money my wife and I make outside of our day jobs.

To a freelancer, it might be any money they make outside of their normal freelancing business or outside of their normal client base. To an hourly worker, it may be any income earned above their normal 35 hour week.

Whatever you decide “extra” is to you, the next step is figuring out how to earn it.

Ideas On How To Earn Extra Income

Now that you know what you personally consider “extra”, here are a few ideas to get you kick started on how to earn it.

Sell stuff you no longer use

Start up a service business in your neighborhood (dog walking, lawn mowing, etc)

Sell something or a service on Fiverr

Drive for Lyft or Uber (only if you follow all laws and insurance requirements)

Work extra hours or overtime at work

Get a second job or temp work in your free time

This is just a small list of ways you can make more money. If you have a favorite way to make more money, please share it with us all in the comments. Others will be grateful thanks to your helpful suggestions.

Ideas On Extra Income Targets

If you’ve never earned any money beyond your normal sources before, it might be a good idea to start small with your first target. You could aim to earn an extra $50 this month to pay for a dinner and a movie date. You could even simply aim to cover your weekly coffee trip at $20 a month.

Others like to go big with their targets. You could aim to cover your car payment this month or even aim to cover the mortgage! If you’ve already been earning extra money, you might be aiming to make $5,000 this month to cover all of your household expenses.

No matter how much you decide your extra cash target is going to be, make sure you have a target to aim for. Bonus points if you have a reason behind your target to keep you motivated.

Note: Points don’t count for anything, but they’re fun to accumulate in your head.

My Personal Acceptance Of The Extra Income Challenge

I, Lance Cothern, accept the extra income challenge. I challenge myself to make an extra $500 of income this month. I plan to make this income through freelance writing. I will report my progress next month on the next Extra Income Challenge update.

Well, what are you waiting for? Accept the extra income challenge today. You can accept in the comments below or in any other way you wish. If you don’t want to be public about it, you can personally email me your acceptance. Or, if you have a larger platform such as your own blog or your Facebook page, feel free to accept it there as well. Bonus points if you mention you found it here or share it with your friends.

P.S. Be sure to check back the same time next month when I’ll update how I’m doing on my personal extra income challenge. I’ll also share more detailed information about ways to earn more money. If you have a story about how you make extra money, please send me an email if you’re willing to share about how you make extra money.

Photo by: Tom_Bullock Text added by: Lance Cothern

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