
Money Make Fast
Money Make Fast - Ideas, tips and secrets: Making Money, Blogging, Web Design, Business

by aquababe

Email as a correspondence medium is getting more and more approval incredibly among the ‘new generation web savvy youth’ in India. Internet penetration among the pupils in India in age group of 13-18, can be because excellent because 70 %. Though actual statistics are not accessible, it’s estimated that there are 42 Million Plus Active Internet consumers in India. (as on March 2009). Like the rest of the planet, search and e-mail are the initially 2 actions any new comer initiates in the online planet.

Though Internet as an Marketing medium has much evolved in India, specifically through paid search & online Banners and entry of Ad Networks & Digital Agencies, nevertheless Email has not much evolved as a advertising tool. Majority of the e-mail marketers who claim to be “severe e-mail spenders” nonetheless might not be able to answer the easy concerns like;

1) How Great is my e-mail list. (list hygiene)

2) Whether the Commercial emails, I send over is getting delivered to the In boxes (Deliverability)

3) Whether I need to pay any attention to the topic line

4) What form of reports the Marketer must receive on his Campaigns

5) Is e-mail advertising all about Direct ROI or is it has an intangible value to the advertiser.

Let me share my experience with a leading Retail chain in India, during 1 of our advertising discussions. They were running a normal loyalty programme to their whole e-mail database; And usual mailers were targeted to these “opted in ” consumers on a bi monthly basis. The time we talked about list hygiene, the advertising team mentioned they “believe” their database is wise. However there is 5 % Invalid addresses” .

Finally as we ran the initial send shot to the whole database, to our surprise (client’s too), virtually 25 % of the database was invalid e-mail addresses; We initiated the list cleaning activity and even after that the initially send shot resulted just 90 % deliverability. (Kindly note deliverability is not merely decided by list hygiene, but other factors like ISP Relations, the topic line etc.) Before we went live, we have guaranteed to conduct different spam conformity tests (for topic line, send body -the content etc, the proportion of text vs image etc.) that is very important in almost any advantageous e-mail advertising programme. A/B Split tests were initiated with different topic lines and content customization. After 3 months of joint effort, the customer is today seeing deliverablity because excellent because 99 % and might provide customizations in the product products based on historical information (real time monitoring and analysis of the customer reaction to different product products in the past mailers). To reiterate a few of the advantages of the approach;

1. Better control over your Marketing Email Campaigns & Better ROI

2. More Personalized reach to your customer

3. Better Knowledge of the “desires” & ” likes” of the send recipients, based on which the marketer will create new clusters and customized has additionally.


If you’re e-mail marketer usually understand how wise is your list and provide customized has by examining the the offline and online buy behavior in addition to the ‘click through patterns’ across segments. Also any realistic marketer understand that all these escapades will likely not arise in a flip of the second; yet requires a individual, systematic and scientific approach. To create it easy e-mail as a advertising tool is very measurable.

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