
The holidays are here, and in our house that means family coming to visit, watching the town’s tree lighting ceremony while little children sing carols in the ridiculously-frigid Minnesota night, riding in a horse-drawn sleigh — yeah, it’s all pretty magical. To put it simply, we’re definitely making memories that these kids
better never
won’t ever forget. We went ice skating with Santa, made edible houses at Gingerbread Night at kiddo’s school, and decorated the Christmas tree to set the mood for Nöel awesomeness. Trust me, I love all the typical Christmas traditions. I excitedly look forward to when that one obscure radio station starts playing holiday music 24/7, I belt out my favorite carols at the tip top of my lungs. I go to ugly sweater parties. I do all of the Christmas things.

But, there is a side of my sarcastic, jokester nature that loves the clever, not-so-serious side of the holidays. Funny holiday tees for the kiddos are exactly the stress relief I need as we wait kinda, sorta patiently in what feels like the thousandth line to nab a deal. Of course, we’re always behind someone that’s taking 20 minutes to complete their extreme coupon transaction, or someone who is super confused about each price that rings up on their order. While I silently count backwards from 10, I can glance at my cute girls, read their funny holiday t-shirts, and be transported, at least mentally, to a much merrier place. I’ve rounded up hysterical holiday tees to help you let off some steam with a little laughter as you wait in line, circle the lot for a parking space, and hunt for deals this holiday season.

You Smell Like Beef and Cheese Tee

If Elf is still on your yearly must-see list, let your kiddo's shirt proclaim it, so that everyone knows.

Photo: Rolls and Raspberries

Nice Until Proven Naughty Tee

Without any concrete proof, you don't really know that the kid stuffed all your jewelry in the toilet. Maybe it was the dog.

Photo: Prosisely from the Hart

Rollin' with My Homies Tee

Shake 'em up. See what you get. Nun, Gimel, Hay, or Shin.

Photo: Lola Bleutique

Mom Lacks Elf Control Tee

Some people never outgrow their belief in Santa. This tee is for the mom who's just as obsessed with the holidays as the kids.

Photo: Rolls and Raspberries

I Sleigh Tee

Beyoncé may slay in her way, but your kiddo sleighs in his.

Photo: Fawn and Mud

Pizza on Earth Tee

We can all unite behind rising crust and melting cheese, right?

Photo: TATY Kids

Gangsta Wrapper Tee

Your kiddo may be too young to listen to Drake, but he can still broadcast his street cred.

Photo: Pineapple Pancake Kids

Let's not Bring Santa into This Tee

Sure, your kid is acting completely nuts. In public. Again. But, that's no reason to tattle to Santa.

Photo: Comfy's Corner

Oh, Snap! Tee

For those times when your kiddo gives you that, "Oh, I know you didn't just give me a crumbled cookie!" look.

Photo: Beachtown Baby

Silent Night Tee

Whether they're 3 months or 13 years old, these kiddos never stop babbling.

Photo: Bub and Boo Designs

This is How I Roll Tee

The dreidel game just got really real.

Photo: Beachtown Baby

Dear, Santa... Tee

There's always some lengthy explanation for why one kid hit/kicked/shoved the other. Give them a chance to tell every detail to old Saint Nick.

Photo: Cool Kids Tees

Elf Food Groups Tee

The all-sugar diet that elves enjoy seems nearly identical to the food pyramid your kid craves.

Photo: Ice Cream Tees

Ba Hum Bug Tee

Sometimes, the kids just aren't quite in the holiday mood. Give well-meaning, cheek-pinching relatives a fair warning with this tee.

Photo: Well Said Creations

'Tis the Season Tee

Everyone loves spending hours on end with extended family, right? Right?

Photo: Gemma Clothing Co.

The post The Funniest-Ever Holiday T-Shirts for Kids appeared first on Momtastic.

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