Before my first baby was born, I was an avid horse-back rider. In fact, my Mom and I have been riding since I was 13 and we loved our time together. I also read constantly and I finished my 2nd half-marathon a few weeks before I got pregnant. You get the idea. I had lots of hobbies. I had an identity.
Suddenly after my daughter arrived, my identity vanished. I had to give up horses while I was pregnant, I couldn't run for 6 weeks after she was born, and then I had a hard time getting back into it. Worst of all, my baby was colicky so I scoured every parenting book available to man instead of reading my beloved novels. Slowly I found myself feeling sad and I just wasn't myself. And no wonder! I wasn't passionate about anything anymore besides my baby.
I decided to change this and I forced myself to start riding again. I also went to the book store and bought several good books and forced myself to read them before I went to bed every night so that my brain was free of babies right before I went to sleep. I discovered that when I got back to my own identity, I became a much better and happier Mom. Every Mom needs a hobby. We need something we are passionate about, that can feed our individual souls so that we can embrace life. Our kids benefit from seeing Mom have a special talent or interest.
So, if you're having trouble finding your identity, I have spent several weeks coming up with 101 hobbies for Moms (You might be surprised how hard this was). Pick one. Or three. And nurture your talent and get out there and enjoy a life that is separate from your children!
Horse-back riding
Bike-riding. This is also great for getting back into shape!
Running. You can just go run a few miles, or you can get really serious and start a marathon club. Nothing feels better than completing a long race you've trained months for.
Join a book club
Join a Bible Study group at your church
Scrap-booking. They even have scrap-booking "weekends" where you can sit around with your friends and chat and scrap-book!
Art. This can even be turned into a way to make money. My friend Carmen has used her talents to create an amazing business painting murals. She paints childrens' rooms and her talents have even morphed into an oustanding photography business.
Volunteering. Find an amimal shelter or homeless shelter. Anything that makes you feel good.
Baking. My friend Michelle has become a phenomenal baker and she started her own business and makes the most amazing cakes and cookies you have ever seen.
Playing the piano
Crafting. Just get on Pinterest and you'll find more ideas than you know what to do with!
Illustrating. This could even turn into a career for illustrating children's books!
Sell something. I have a friend who sells amazing Designer Jeans . She just does it as a way to earn extra money, but really enjoys it too. She says some people really can earn a great living this way. And if jeans don't appeal to you, you could sell all kids of things like candles, cooking stuff, jeans, jewelry, etc.
Jazzercise (Or any dance/exercise class)
Home Decorating. This can even become a way to make money. Offer to decorate your friends' houses to get started.
Learn to speak another language
Raise a litter of dogs (Sounds crazy to me, but some people are very good at this and passionate about it)
Collect something. Stamps, dolls, anything you find interesting
Cooking. Take a class. Learn to be a truly amazing cook. Then blog about it!
Cross-Fit. This is a life-style. They do have gyms all across the country you can join, but it's even more than that. Trust me, my husband started it a few years ago and it's a real hobby.
Painting. If you were good at art in school, buy a few canvases and try to paint something. I can't paint at all but I'm told it's very liberating.
Become a spin-bike instructor to earn a little money
Go back to school, whether just to take one class, or finish a degree.
Golf. This will likely make you very popular with your husband
Shopping. This probably won't be good for your finances, but shopping with friends can be quite good for the soul.
Hunting. Again, if you have a hunting husband, this hobby will make you very popular.
Politcs. Get involved. Volunteer in a campaign. Now would be a great time to do it.
Become an old movie buff.
Learn to sew and then you can make your kids' Halloween costumes!
Join your church choir. Or any choir if you're good at singing.
Become a dog-trainer and/or dog-walker. This is also a great way to a little extra money.
Teach a yoga or exercise class. Great way to earn a little extra money and they often let you join the gym for free.
Go antiquing.
Become a realtor. Great way to earn extra money and you might be surprised how fun it is to shop for houses.
Do a triathalon.
Organize a consignment sale. This is another way to earn extra money. Rhea Lana is a great company with franchise sales all over the country. I have worked with them several times and they are very professional and their sales are always a huge success. You can contact them directly about starting your own franchise.
Become a high school swim coach. This is what my Mom did when we were growing up. She always said it kept her sane because she got out of the house for a few hours and had a great time with the high school girls. Plus she got to earn a little extra money.
Take up Tennis
Organize neighborhood Bachelorette Watch Parties. These are a great way to spend time with friends.
Become an expert couponer.
Become a writer/blogger. This has been a great way for me to earn a little money and I truly enjoy doing it.
Get a side job in a bookstore or coffee shop. Again, a great way to earn a little money and get out of the house.
Make candles
Make jewelry
Become a tennis coach for high school girls
Start a bunko group
Go to Bingo. I remember doing this with my grandma as a kid and there is nothing more exhilerating than screaming, "BINGO!!!"
Become involved in your local alumnae group, for your college, your sorority, or even your high school
Re-finish old furniture. Again can be a good way to earn extra money too.
Calligraphy. If you have good hand-writing, this could be a great side business for you.
Make hair bows for kids and sell them at craft fairs.
Make home-made jam (and possibly try to sell it).
Join a local MOPS group (Mother of Preschoolers), usually available at most churches
Tutuor kids in math, science, or a language
Learn some basic graphic design
Become a bird-watcher. You laugh, but some people really enjoy this and have special binoculars for this.
Tail-gating. This wil also be a fun hobby for you and your Hubby. People can get really serious about this, and spend lots of time making food and organizing for the weekend tail-gate.
Become a museum-buff
Do puzzles
Start or join your neighborhood welcoming committee or home-owner's association
Volunteer at your kids' school.
Start a bridge club
Become a high-school chearleading coach.
Start a poker game. If you've ever seen Desperate Housewives you will understand how fun this could be.
Teach English as a 2nd language
Teach Sunday School
Become a Twitter queen
Play guitar
Fly a helicopter
Fly a plane
Ballroom dancing
Shoot guns
Teach Piano
Become a secret shopper
I hope that you have a hobby you love. Tell me what you love to do!
If you enjoyed this post, you might like to read more about how to be a happier Mom in my new book, The Happy Mommy Handbook: The Ultimate How-to Guide on Keeping Your Toddlers and Preschoolers Busy, Out of Trouble and Motivated to Learn. I co-wrote it with former Kindergarten Teacher and best-selling Author, Susan Case. We give hundreds of ways to keep your kids busy, but in productive ways so that you get more free time with your child is actually learning! Then we have a chapter as well on how Moms can nurture themselves so that they can in turn nurture their children.
In fact, here is what one of my readers said about the book:
Love your book! Seriously, I rate it up there with my heroes Elizabeth Pantley and John Rosemond in terms of day-to-day usefulness. Bravo! ~Dawn@Prickly Mom
You can download the first chapter for free on Kindle to make sure you like it or see us chat live about it so you can get a feel for whether it's something you want to spend your money on!
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