
I'm linking up to Toddle Along Tuesday this week and the topic is Holiday Wishlists for yourself.

I keep long wishlists for the kids on Amazon, but mine is rather short. Most of what I want is for them! So I had to think pretty hard to come up with this!

1. Downton Abbey [Blu-ray]
- I would love both seasons of this. It's one of my favorite shows and I can't wait until season 3 airs!

2. Kodak PlaySport (Zx5) HD Waterproof Pocket Video Camera - Aqua -We had the white older version of this camera with Grace, but we discovered a few days ago that it is dead. I hate not having a video camera now with Connor so this is something I really need.

3. Willow Tree Shepherd and Stable Animals- I collect Willow Tree figurines and Mike got me the Willow Tree Nativity Set several years ago. It is my favorite Christmas decoration and it has the prime center location on our mantle every year. I would love to start getting the additional figurines that would complete the set.

4. Adobe Photoshop Elements 11- I really really really want photoshop. It was on my wish list last year! I want it for simple editing jobs on my hundreds of photos that I take and for simple collages. The price has dropped a ton so I'm thinking this might actually happen this year!

5. Love you the the moon & back Necklace- I am pretty much obsessed with everything in this shop and I really want this necklace!

What are you hoping to get under the tree this holiday season??

I promise there's more real content coming soon, including Connor's birth story. We are finally settling into a somewhat normal routine where I might be able to fit some regular blogging time in!

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