Dear All Family Members,
3rd July 2012 is the Guru Poornima, the most important day to offer deepest of our gratitude to our Guru. It is a full moon day of the Ashadh month from the lunar calendar. Delhi BTW family has decided to plant trees as an expression of gratitude towards Mohanji. Many others are also going to plant trees on this day. We will all nurture these plants. Soon these big trees will be useful to others. Let everyone’s contribution in planting trees please the Mother Earth.
On the occasion of Guru Poornima, Mohanji has given following message to all.
Love and regards,
BTW Family
Compassion deep within…
My Beloved Embodiments of Love,
Happy Guru Poornima to all of you and your families!
Thank you for all the wishes, prayers, healings and concerns over my health. It was not serious though and I am feeling much better now and should be fine in another day. I would physically meet some of you who are here in Muscat on the Guru Poornima day. All of you who are not in Muscat, I will certainly meet in the energy plane and you will know my presence.
Let me share a few of my thoughts today. Since we have not communicated much off late, this could be a long letter. Beware! I am looking at the world and am looking at you, too. Please do read without prejudice, which would do a lot of good, if digested well.
If you have firm faith and conviction in your path, tradition or Guru, that itself will lead you, guide you. All you need is firm faith and conviction. When asked how he received his powers, Baba Muktananda said “I never asked my Guru (Bhagawan Nithyananda) – “WHY?”.” He just followed the instructions of Bhagawan without questioning or analyzing. His faith in his Guru gave him everything. This is the path of Shiva. This is the path of Dattatreya. This is the path of Nath Gurus. All you have to do is take the plunge. The river itself takes you to the destination. Sometimes you may feel there is no movement; that nothing is happening. Sometimes, repetition of the same thing may give you boredom. Patience. Devotion and Deep Faith. You will be tested for your determination and endurance. The path of Shiva is not an easy path. Dissolution means agony before ecstasy. If you survive with determination, it is the sacred golden path where only Unconditional Love exists. No expectation or binding exists. When you take the plunge, you become the river. Beingness! Total Beingness! There is no duality anymore. Only oneness exists.
Patience. Devotion and Deep Faith. You will be tested for your determination and endurance.
Natural acts of kindness and compassion truly make us human. It elevates and maintains consciousness at a higher level. It helps endure and erase the emotional terrains of our existence. When kindness and compassion overflow from deep within, man becomes human. My sincere appreciations, blessings and congratulations to my beloved Delhi team for their continuous expressions of selflessness against all odds. Ekta, Smriti, Yamini, Sakshi (Jammu), Bharati, Dana, Joga, Shashank, Phani, Sumit and all the lovely team members of Delhi and Jammu, I am so proud of you. I am also proud of Namrata and her teams efforts in Mumbai; Annette, Hein and their team in South Africa. These acts of compassion and kindness are the most splendid Guru Dakshina any Guru would cherish.
Guru Dakshina is an expression of gratitude. Prior to the foreign invasions into India, and commercialisation as well as communalisation of our educational systems, India used to have a system where those who seek knowledge or those who have eligibility for knowledge were attracted to the abode of teachers, stayed with them, served them and attained knowledge and skills. Education was spontaneous. Teacher delivered to each one according to their nature, level of receptivity or capacity. This was a beautiful system where the bonding between a student and the teacher automatically opened all channels and the eternal wisdom of the master enriched the seekers. It also gave practical training in life and living. Before the student left, as an expression of gratitude, Guru Dakshina was offered to the Guru. It used to be whatever is available in the neighborhood, as the students were not earning money and the teacher’s abode usually used to be in the forest or at least in remote villages, away from the contamination of city life. Guru Dakshina also used to be selfless service to the Guru and his mission. So, what can the student give to the teacher? A fruit, a plant or in some cases, a thesis work on what he learned from the Guru. Guru never expected anything from his disciples and delivered everything that the disciple could digest without expectations. Guru would be well pleased when his disciples live his teachings rather than imitate his lifestyle. This was such a pure relationship. Even Great Avatars like Krishna, Rama, or Adi Shankara were students like this. They were the source of all knowledge, what did they have to learn from anyone? Just to establish the dharma and faith on this beautiful system, they set the examples by subjecting, committing themselves to it. Remember, the real test of life is in enduring and navigating successfully through the winding roads of karmic life itself, and not in the marks you scored in your examination. This needs FAITH. This needs GRACE. Knowledge may not come in handy at all times of turmoil. If one has deep faith, grace is always around them. Grace never leaves their hands. They are always protected.
Man becomes a ‘human’ when kindness and compassion overflow from deep within…. Mohanji
The criteria for admission to such Gurukuls were eligibility, receptivity and never purchasing power. You can understand the depth of degeneration our education system has undergone as of today. Education has systematically become degenerated over the years. Education is another commodity for sale. It is sold and bought, and there is no value system in its true sense. Superior knowledge is used for gaining supremacy over people, institutions or governments. Education is invoking competition, one-upmanship. Students are forced into studies, which they do not often like or are opposite to their natural aptitude. They are forced to compete with one another. They are insensitively called failures, which ruins them for life. Our system demands the fish to climb the tree and when the fish fails in its attempts, it is branded as a failure! Children suffer like this. It takes away their faith in education and even in parents who force them. They become tired. They rebel. They find solace in drugs or unholy company which preaches destruction. There is no peace at home. Parents are anxious, often angry and insensitive. They push the children to the edge, society and teachers do the same. Their inherent anger instilled by the system is nurtured by negative company. They destroy themselves and the world. Self-destruction is so rampant today. When a person is self-destructive due to bottled up anger within, one destroys the society too. Lack of real spiritual grounding beyond the walls of religions and emotional existence is the curse of our society today.
Children exist in virtual world of make-believe. Relationships are virtual for them. All gratifications are virtual. Nothing is real. They are scared of the real. They expect the ease of make-believe in real life and suffer miserably when alternative realities hit between their eyes. They create friends on-screen and create a virtual life on-screen. Sometimes the speed of connectivity also determines the speed of failure in relationship. When constantly in the virtual word, when a child creates its own sunshine and the wind, it fails to accept or appreciate the real Sun. Real Sun becomes too harsh and intolerable and so does nature. These children become misfits in the real world. If any catastrophe happens, they perish. Nobody can prevent the decay. Society is creating them. Society will also destroy them when they are not needed anymore. Awareness is the key. Nurturing awareness of who you are and instilling it in the children will keep them grounded. You could use any gadget, as long as nothing enslaves you.
Intellect provides artificial comfort and a feeling of superiority over others, at least temporarily. When you know things better than the other, you feel better off. This is also bondage. “One who is proud of his intellect is like a prisoner who is proud of his prison cell” – Fr.Antony D’mello. This is the truth. When knowledge becomes escapism and a means to show off, man binds himself. These are all subtle traps of our existence on Earth and should be extremely cautious about.
Guru would be well pleased when his disciples live his teachings rather than imitate his lifestyle…Mohanji
We cannot ignore the world and stay spiritual. Spirituality is not escapism. Spirituality is being natural, being flexible and spontaneous. We need to be aware of life, living and the suffering of the new generation. We are constantly creating a restless world which thrives on emotions and emotional outbursts. Parents are destroying the children because of their undue anxiety and total ignorance of karma. Every child is a karmic being and will go on with its individual karma whether you worry about it or not. Society is destroying the children because of its insensitiveness and silly judgements such as winners and losers. Nobody is always a winner or nobody can always be a looser too. All are relative terms. It depends on many factors. There is no faith, there is no trust. Just sheer competition. Success in life and not in examination, is real success. This means a life lived with peace and purpose. A life lived in kindness and compassion, satisfaction and acceptance. A purposeful, purpose bound life will be a complete life. An emotional life overflowing with desires and judgement will never give any satisfaction at any point in time.
Guru is a primarily a principle. Life is the biggest Guru. Nobody can teach you anything better than life itself. Nature is Guru. Every event, every moment gives forth some valuable lesson. We can continue to learn if we have the eyes to see or entertain average receptivity, from everything around us. Yet, your personal Guru is your own soul. All the spiritual guides who ever walked on earth are reminders of certain eternal truths of existence. Simple truths such as whatever you learn externally, has to be unlearned and nullified before you transcend to the highest, or before you dissolve completely. Whatever you learn externally must be shed to “become the knowledge” and merge into it. Knowledge lies within. Your soul knows everything. You have to transcend the intellect to reach the soul. In order to achieve that, we must systematically detach from the external. And detachment should happen spontaneously, when requirement for it ceases. Only what drops off by itself drops off forever. Whatever you forcefully shed, only get suppressed and will sprout back at another point in time.
Eyes when connected with, fill us with his consciousness leaving no space for negativity.
When you grow beyond all gunas, after nullifying the binding karmas, you merge with the source, the supreme. The supreme contains all knowledge. The supreme is the knowledge. So, when you and your Father (the supreme) becomes one, there is nothing for you to know anymore. So, it is through shedding that you evolve, not through accumulation of knowledge. There is no need to chase knowledge. Much knowledge does not help you with liberation either. Sufficient knowledge, which would be promptly delivered time to time by the Guru-principle is sufficient for one’s spiritual progress. Need for more knowledge than that is greed of the intellect, just like material greed, for the sake of some intellectual gratification. That will not help spiritual evolution. It is not in knowing, but in being, that awareness grows.
Seeming illiterate masters like Jesus, Bhagawan Nithyananda, Akkalkot Swami Samarth etc. proved this point with their own life. The learned men of their time asked, “How can an illiterate carpenter teach scriptures to the educated priests?”. It is possible when you are the source, knowledge, or when you actually merge with the source. Acquired knowledge has limitation. When you become knowledge, there are no limitations and you are not bound by the intellect either. They taught simple things and that too, non verbally, mostly through their own lives. Simplicity is Godliness. Real spirituality is having access to everything – but not needing anything, even knowledge.
Another important matter is “understanding yourself and your guide”. Shirdi Sai Baba did not even have a name. Mhalsapati called him Sai and others followed. What was the real name of the one whom we call Akkalkot Maharaj? Great masters never even had a name of their own, while today, we see gurus sporting big and long titles. Even a name is binding, just like fame. In the path of dissolution, all names, forms and titles are barriers, one way or the other. When the matter that the Guru delivers is profound, no titles are required. In today’s spiritual climate, titles are a clear sign of deep insecurity of the teacher. A sign of doubt within themselves whether they are recognised and revered or not. Beware of fancy titles; which do not confirm any spiritual stature. They may have acquired knowledge and certain siddhis. But, that is the minimum you can have in any case. All that glitters is not gold.
We cannot ignore the world and stay spiritual. Spirituality is not escapism. Spirituality is being natural, being flexible and spontaneous. We need to be aware of life, living and the suffering of the new generation. We are constantly creating a restless world which thrives on emotions and emotional outbursts. … … Mohanji
This is your individual journey. If my image or what I teach is seemingly blocking your progress, be bold enough to remove me and my teachings and progress further. If history proves that it was a mistake to leave me or the path that I am taking you through, welcome back, my doors are always open. Just do not develop regrets or guilt.
The path of Shiva is the path of dissolution. There are no stops or detours until we become Shiva. There should be no mid-way stops. There are only two possibilities here. Either we are SHIVA (The Source or the conscious) or Shava (the unconscious, the Ignorant or insignificant or another brick on the wall…).
True Gurus need nothing from you. Every seeker should have eyes to see this. Who is a true Guru? One who exists beyond gunas, One who is always connected to the source and the sign is usually silence and reluctance to be visible in public. He will not be bothered about siddhis and will be usually the matter-of-fact. He would be deeply rooted in non-duality. All the rest are acharyas holding fancy titles. Beware. As Swami Rama said, most are chasing siddhis (miracle powers) to earn their sustenance. They make tall claims and if they could not deliver, they blame the inefficiency of their disciples. Adi Shankara said the same thing; that it is for the sake of a square meal, these people are dressing up in weird ways. One truth that Swami Rama categorically expounded makes real sense even today. When a man spent years to learn the siddhi of spitting fire from his mouth, his Guru said, “Oh, that is sheer waste of time. I would rather buy a matchbox!” The avadhoota whom we met in Kumbh Mela said, “When will people drop the craving for finding aura, chakra, or kundalini and catch God?” We are indeed beating around the bush since lifetimes! Craving for smaller siddhis does waste our lifetimes. When will we shed the dark, thick wall of our conditioned ego and embrace the overwhelming light? From Darkness to Eternal Light!
We must develop eyes to see the truth. A true master has truly mastered his mind, elevated himself beyond gunas, and existing in eternal bliss state. He lives beyond all barriers. This will be unmistakable, too. Love is the expression along with perpetual compassion and kindness towards all beings. Keep your inner eyes open, you will see.
Inner eyes! That is what you must nurture. Inner eyes always shows us the truth. External eyes are always confronting illusions. Poor guys, they are confused. They cannot see what is real and what is unreal. And when they finally decide and focus on the real, the image changes and they get disillusioned again. Trust your inner eyes. They never deceive you. They are always open and focused on the REAL. They are married to higher awareness, too.
Keep your inner eyes open. Liberation is the ultimate aim of every soul. Any knowledge or any path that makes it take further detours is its enemy….. Mohanji
There are masters in all planes of existence, not only on Earth. They are the conduit between the gross and the subtle. They are the eternal connectors. They are the promise of higher connectivity. Delusion is mostly in earthly plane because we use senses much more than our inner eyes, intuition or the sixth sense. We hardly use our inner eyes consciously. External eyes follow what glitters. We chase spiritual powers and get stuck with it. We flaunt it and pull ourselves down and away from the path of liberation. Liberation is the ultimate aim of every soul. Any knowledge or any path that makes it take further detours is its enemy. This is one criterion for knowing the right path. A path that keeps you liberated (unbound) and takes you towards liberation is the right path. All that binds you to rituals or gurus are wrong paths for the soul. Everything should be dissolved before the final exit. So, lesser the baggage of habits and demands, the easier the transit! True Gurus keeps you liberated. Acharyas bind you to systems. Systems give solace to mind because mind needs consistency. It cannot accept changes. Change is inevitable. Everything changes. Nothing can remain constant forever. Being flexible is important. Just by watching your thoughts, words or actions you can reach the highest. Being aware is the key, not “doing” many things. Doing keeps you busy and makes you feel fine. But, ask yourself – are you being occupied or are you actually evolving? Have peace settled in? Is your inner space clean? Do you entertain anxieties and worries? Has your awareness shifted? Do the same anxieties and fears still bother you? Think again. Walk away from anything that binds you as this is your individual journey. No Guru will carry you on his shoulder.
Help the helpless. Our family members are doing a lot, Mohanji Seva Foundation and Ammucare in India, ACT Foundation in South Africa and through UK. Participate, support and if you cannot be of physical assistance, be morally present. Let us see if we can wipe the tears of at least another being today and every day. You will remain immensely blessed.
Having said all that, I wish you a Happy Guru Poornima. Surrender your thoughts, words and actions at the feet of your Sadguru, whoever it is, with deep faith and belief that he represents the Supreme Father, Parabrahma. Do good to the world and your fellow beings, so that you live the teachings of your Guru. Express your Guru in your daily life. Be one with your Guru. Be one with His consciousness.
Love You Eternally.
Mohanji offering Gratitude to all Masters.