
As much as I hate to admit it, back-to-school season is upon us.  Around this time of year I’m always looking for tools to help me get organized as leisurely summer days morph into busier and more scheduled weeks.  Which is why I’m super excited to tell you guys that my ebook, Project Organize Your ENTIRE Life: The Quick Start Guide, is part of a very special ebook bundle valued at over $100 and only available for sale for the next 4 days.  Here’s everything you need to know…

The ladies over at A Bowl Full of Lemons and Clean Mama have come together to bring you an amazing set of e-books and tools. These fantastic resources will help you get your house clean and organized and your time in order. This exclusive bundle will only be available for the next four days, so grab yours now!

While this bundle is valued at over $100, it is available to MPMK readers for only $15 (or less than $1.00 per e-book or tool)!

“Fresh Home” is the perfect bundle to get you back on track as a new school year begins and new routines are being implemented in your home.


The “Fresh Home” Bundle is a collection of 16 e-books and tools devoted to getting your life in order. What’s included:

three cleaning e-books

one cleaning printable kit

one emergency preparedness e-book and printable kit

one babysitting notebook kit

three time management e-books

six organizing e-books

one complete household binder printable kit

Everything you need to get your house clean and organized is in this fresh new bundle! Keep reading to learn the details about each home management e-book and tool….




Clean (Enough)


Clean Enough: Simple Solutions for the Overwhelmed Homemaker is packed full of practical tips and advice to encourage you in your high calling and help you become a less-stressed housewife.

Perfect Cleaning Schedule


Christine has put together an easy step-by-step plan for you to create your own cleaning schedule that fits your lifestyle, your preferences, and your family. It will help you Create Your Perfect Cleaning Schedule.

Cleaning Around the Seasons: Deep Cleaning On Your Schedule


Cleaning Around the Seasons is a comprehensive guide for anyone that needs to do some deep cleaning and doesn’t know how to start or where to fit it in to a busy schedule. With an easy to read style and quick start approach, you can read it and get started all in the same day.


Project Organize Your Entire Life


Inside this easy 50 page read you’ll find a new approach to starting down the road to a simplified and more organized life. Rather than instructions on how to fold your T-shirts or organize your pantry, you’ll take a look at your daily habits and weekly routines to start thinking differently about how to efficiently spend your time.

10 Steps to Organized Paper


Can you imagine being able to find ANY piece of paper in your house anytime you needed it? 10 Steps to Organized Paper will motivate, encourage and walk with you step by step while you turn your mountains of paper into organized systems.

Getting It Together


Getting It Together is an ebook designed to help you set up your own Home Management System that works. It includes a step-by-step tutorial, and over 30 printables that you can use to start your system right away!

The Busy Mom’s Guide to Getting Organized


Getting organized is the key to keeping busy moms sane. As a professional organizer (and mother of two active boys), Sara Pedersen shares her favorite tips and easy processes to guide you to an organized, efficient, happy life. You’ll learn how to organize your time, your clutter, your kids, and the abundance of paper and other things in your busy life.

Emergency Preparedness: Organizing An 8 Week Step-by-Step Survival Station In Your Home


Emergency Preparedness outlines step by step directions on how to put together an Emergency Survival Station in your home. The E-Book also comes with a “printables kit” for the Emergency Binder with several pages to fill out your family information.

Simple Living – 30 Days to Less Stuff and More Life


Need a bit more simple in your life but unsure where to start? Simple Living is written for you. Using minimalist principles Lorilee has created a 30 day course, taking less than 1 hour a day that she guarantees will give you a simpler life.

“Who Knew? Get Organized Now!


All of us want to be more organized…and here are secrets and strategies for doing just that! In this ingenious book, the authors of “Who Knew? 10,001 Easy Solutions to Everyday Problems” reveal how to clear clutter once and for all, with ingenious organizing ideas, secrets for repurposing items you already have at home, and much, much more. “Who Knew? Get Organized Now!” uncovers hundreds of tips and ideas to help you clear away clutter and become more organized than ever before!


Tell Your Time


Tell Your Time: How To Manage Your Schedule So You Can Live Free outlines Amy’s straightforward, step-by-step approach to controlling your schedule and ensuring the important things don’t fall through the cracks.

28 Days to Timeliness: Tips and Confessions From a Semi-Reformed Late Person


Full of useful tips and funny confessions, “28 Days to Timeliness” is packed with practical information that will help teach you how to manage your time so you can be on time.

Plan It Then Do It – Living on a Dime


“How To Get Organized” is designed to help you organize your time better. It includes pre-made schedules and lists along with information to help you make your own customized schedules.


Babysitter Notebook (JOYS)


JOYS Babysitter Notebook is a simple pdf for busy moms who want to empower their babysitters to make the best choices, no matter the situation.

Citrus Paper Company – Chevron Binder Set


Citrus Paper Company’s complete home binder printable set includes ALL of their binder printables to keep your life and finances organized and beautiful!

Clean Mama Printables – The Cleaning Kit


Clean Mama Printables’ Cleaning Kit is a comprehensive tool sure to streamline your cleaning routine and maximize the time you spend cleaning. This simple, printable kit has six original documents and introduction sheet that can be used together or separately – any way that works for you!



This post includes affiliate links, and I make a portion of the sale of each Fresh Home eBook Bundle. Thank you for your support of this site!


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