
SomeGuy555 wrote:

coltsfan1955 wrote:If you are doing nothing wrong than they probably can't even get a warrant to tap your phone lines. The NSA was not tapping phone lines. They were simply recording which number called which number, and I don't see the difference between taking pictures of who walked down which street.

Let's keep it real.

Sorry, but you're missing some crucial information... These orders require delivery of all the metadata... So not just "called to/called from" but also time of call, duration of call, which towers were pinged during the call (were you moving around during the call or stationary) and for phones with GPS on by default, their exact GPS coordinates throughout the entire call. Depending on which provider you have they might also be logging make/model/serial# of the phone, version of OS, and in some cases, which apps are installed.

That's a fair-sight more information that just "who you called and when."

Yep, and all this information is ALSO available to the schmuck who works at Verizon, google or AT&T.
What this boils down to is this: who is more trustworthy, the schmuck who works at Verizon, google or AT&T or the schmuck who works for the NSA?
From what I know as of right now, I think I trust the NSA more with that data then a for profit corporation.

Statistics: Posted by RP McMurphy — Wed Jun 12, 2013 3:29 pm

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