

Yea right! and that is why Afganistan and Saudi arabia--the most conservative nations in the world with the most conservative social structures are such wonderful places to live! What a joke![/quote]

Why do you continue to perpetrate the notiont rhat each position, liberal and conservative, is an all or nothing thing? There are structures in society that need to be conserved for there to actually be a society and not chaos. Raising children like so many of them are raised these days is just self-destructive, and if we're not willing to support the structures of society that allow success, then we shouldn't be surprised by what we currently have...generation after generation of messed up kids. By every measure, being reared in a single parent household guarantees more poverty, more illness, more problems. And we enable this behavior by never being able to uphold the structures of society because it's insensitive and politically incorrect to tell anyone they should do the right thing and get married. How selfish is a society that can't even try to be good examples for the young by getting married and staying married if you're going to raise children and by reiterating these standards on a regular basis. Memes, standards of society reach subconscious penetration when they are endlessly reiterated. It's good Jay-Z and Beyonce got married and it will be even better if they stay married.[/quote]

what nonsense are you trying to cry about now? You are the one that tried to claim that leaving the social conservative lifestyle(like they have in Saudi Arabia) is the answer to societies ills.

The only thing that garuantees more poverty, more illness and more problems is the wealth inequality in America. Unless you want to pretend that if Dick cheney's daughter decided to be a single parent that her child would be poor and sick and have problems.[/quote]

There ya go...just ignore the careful way I try to urge looking at both sides of the issue and claim i said i wanted to recreate a gulag in America. Blah di blah.

Yes, Colts, inequality in America is a HUGE problem...the biggest one,for sure. A return to conservative banking principles might help.

You bring up Cheney's daughter rearing a child on her own and how t would be no hardship for her...well she is exactly the sort of person who should get herself partnered and show support for the structures of society. Sure, she doesn't need them, but other people need that example all around them to learn.[/quote]

The point, the basic point, that you want to make is that traditional family values, conservative values, family and hard work, will prevent preoblems. It won't. They won't. You can take them and a dollar and buy a cup of coffee but you ain't going to buy a job if there isn't a job to be had.

But let's just play make believe for a minute and act like we are in fairyland and that you just saw a falling star and you make a wish that every single poor person in America would wake up tommorrow morning with strong family values and aa awesome work ethics. And it happened.

There still would not be a job for them to get unless they moved to China where the Mitt Romney's of this country sent them, so that the Mitt Romney's of this country can build mansions for their five sons while every fucking one of them does whatever it takes to dodge military service and paying taxes.

Or you could wake up and see that the real problem, the ony problem, is that trickle down economics do not work.[/quote]

Once again, I agree. There is not much point in touting middle class values if you don't have one of the basic tools of advancing to the middle class: a job.[/quote]

You won't have jobs until you stop taxing the shit out of small biz owners and big biz owners...not to mention all the regulations handed down by big govt...

Statistics: Posted by Miss Violin — Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:24 am

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