March 9th was all about the Apple Watch, but the Cupertino-based company also pushed out an iOS update in preparation for the watch’s debut. However, though iOS 8.2 paved the way for compatibility with Apple’s own smartwatch, it caused problems for users of a very popular, currently available smartphone, the Pebble.
Shortly after the update was made available, Pebble users began reporting issues with SMS and Mail notifications on their wrists. Pebble confirmed the issue in a thread on its own forums, stating that it was a bug on the phone’s side.
“We are indeed aware of this problem. This is caused by a bug on the phone side,” forum admin Thomas revealed. “We are working on a workaround that will allow the notifications to keep coming. This will require a firmware upgrade. Should take a few days/week to test it well and then release it.”
Sure enough, just over a week after the issue was first reported, Pebble has released version 2.9.1 of its Pebble Firmware, which promises to fix the above issue for iOS 8.2 users. The company hasn’t posted any release notes, so we don’t know if there’s anything else hiding in this quick update, but you can download it by navigating to Menu >> Support >> Check for Update.
SourceTwitter, Pebble Forums