Maria asks…
Any tips on how to choose a new mobile phone?
I’ve had my last mobile phone for a few years now and it had all the requirements I need, however much I want an iPhone, I don’t think I would use it enough to warrant the fees so I’m looking around to find a model of phone that would suit me. Any tips on how to find the perfect mobile?
I previously had a Motorola V3X.
Contributor via RSS answers:
The mobile market has now become competitive and over crowded. It is very difficult for a customer to make a right choice out of all available options. The prime option is to choose a mobile that is suitable not only according to the use but also according to the budget. The following are some tips to choose the right mobile:
Assess the need:
The most important thing is that a customer must know the requirements. After knowing the requirements it will be easy for the customer to choose a set that is suitable to the needs.
Make a comparative evaluation
There are a number of companies that provides the mobile phone plans according to the requirement of the different set of customers. In this situation a customer can make a comparative study to choose the best set that is suitable according to the budget.
Search the best deal:
The most popular mobile phone deals are SIM free phone deal, as pay as you go deal, contact phone deal etc. The retailers offer the options of choosing a suitable plan from all the network service providers. Most often a customer gets confused by the pricing and the sale structure. One should make all the points clear before making a deal. To determine the true value of the deal a customer shall compare all the option keeping in mind the tariff for different services including the calls, messaging, voice mail and other value added services. The gift of free services can be another option for comparison. Most of the network service providers provide some free services along with the value of paid services. One can compare these services in terms of values and use.
Use internet:
Internet is another option for the individual searching for a mobile connection. Almost all network service providers have their official website on the internet. One can browse these sites to know every aspect of a plan. It will remove the confusion and enable a user to choose a suitable tariff plan.
Consult the existing users:
The existing users of a particular plan will tell everything more clear than the retailers. So it is better to search an existing user of a particular plan in the friend circle.
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