
Welcome to Mobile Industry News and Strategies, an online newsletter made up of the most interesting news, articles and links related to mobile commerce and marketing, mobile payments, mobile money, e-wallets, mobile banking, mobile ads and mobile security that I run across each week.  I am specifically targeting market size and market trend information.

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Snapdeal has revealed it acquired Letsgomo labs a mobility solutions company. The move is taken to strengthen its position in mobile commerce as online consumers in India increasingly choose to shop over their phones.  Read Original Content

Ericsson, a leading communications technology firm, announced it has formed a partnership with Verifone Mobile Money. The two companies will work to make it possible for Ericsson’s to participate in the mobile payments sector.  Read Original Content

Global mobile Internet commerce growth is projected to balloon to US $850 billion in 2018. Asia will be the top user of mobile commerce, with probably half of the predicted revenues coming from the region, according to Digi-Capital projections.  Read Original Content

According to Ayden's quarterly Mobile Payments Index, today more than 27 percent of global payments are made on mobile devices. As this number continues to rise more merchants both large and small are understanding the importance of accepting mobile payments.  Read Original Content

According to Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers Digital Growth Funds head Mary Meeker, companies like Snapdeal and Flipkart today see close to 70 percent of their business coming from mobile, while Chinese companies like Alibaba are closer to 50 percent.  Read Original Content

According to a report by The Wall Street Journal, Google is gearing up to enter the mobile commerce game. The search giant will begin showing buy buttons in mobile search pages, which will redirect clickers to Google’s own product page where the purchase can be configured and even completed using stored payment information.  Read Original Content

Mobile devices are gobbling up a bigger slice of the proverbial sales pie. In a new report, eMarketer estimates US retail mobile commerce sales will near $77 billion in 2015, up 32.2 percent from 2014. By 2019 mobile sales are set to double to $153.50 billion.  Read Original Content

Japanese mobile operator SoftBank plans to invest $1 billion in South Korea’s biggest mobile commerce company Coupang, in a deal that will be the country’s largest Internet investment.  Read Original Content

BI Intelligence predicts in-store mobile payments will reach $37 billion this year in the United States. This is lower than the organization’s previous forecast, largely due to the late launch of new mobile payment services, such as Samsung Pay and CurrentC.  Read Original Content

The face of mobile advertising is set to change forever, with Apple’s incoming iOS update primed to include support for “Content Blocking” extensions.  According to Apple, the functionality can be used to block “cookies, images, resources, pop-ups, and other content.”  Read Original Content

The “State of B2B Mobile Marketing” report published by Regalix shows 67 percent of B2B marketers want to increase brand awareness through mobile marketing, making it the top priority.  Read Original Content

According to eMarketer, a March 2015 poll conducted by Analysys International Enfodesk on Chinese teen and adult mobile buyers found their preferred time to shop on their mobile devices was after nine o’clock in the evening, with nearly half of them in the country choosing that as their preferred time.  Read Original Content

The 2015 U.S. Retail Banking Satisfaction Study from J.D. Power shows that, while overall satisfaction with retail banks has improved to from 2014, satisfaction with mobile banking actually dropped over the past year.  Read Original Content

British bank customers were already logging onto their banking websites via mobile devices 73.8 million times a week by the end of March, up from 18.6 million times a year earlier and 9.1 million times in 2013, said a report by the British Bankers' Association and consultancy firm EY.  Read Original Content

Australians are among the world’s fastest adopters of mobile banking, according to the survey of consultancy firm Bain & Company. Survey figures from Bain had indicated 38 percent of the interactions of Australian customers occurred using a tablet or smartphone in 2014 compared to 22 percent in 2013.  Read Original Content

According to a report from online data company comScore Inc., concerns over security are keeping a significant portion of customers off their mobile devices. ComScore says that 65 percent of those who own a tablet or smartphone don't use the devices for banking.  Read Original Content

New data from iResearch has shown that Q1 of this year was a good one in terms of mobile shopping in China, with the total transaction value exceeding US $5.9 billion.  Read Original Content

After polling 1,000 mHealth app users and 500 medical professionals, Research Now found that 86 percent of healthcare professionals believe mobile health apps increase their knowledge on a patient’s medical condition.  Read Original Content

BlackBerry, which has stood fast with its own operating system for its products for years, is now looking at running Android on a future BlackBerry smartphone as it fights to remain relevant in the marketplace.  Read Original Content

The global mobile health market is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 33.5 percent between 2015 and 2020, according to a new report from Allied Market Research. The market was valued at $10.5 billion in 2014.  Read Original Content

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Kevin Benedict

Writer, Speaker, Senior Analyst

Digital Transformation, EBA, Center for the Future of Work Cognizant

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***Full Disclosure: These are my personal opinions. No company is silly enough to claim them. I am a mobility and digital transformation analyst, consultant and writer. I work with and have worked with many of the companies mentioned in my articles.

Kevin Benedict,
Senior Analyst, Digital Transformation, Cognizant
Follow me on Twitter @krbenedict

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