
Mobile’s in the can

Please click here to register for the Mobile FirstLook: Strategy 2015 conference on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 14-15, 2015

Registration is open for the fourth annual Mobile FirstLook: Strategy 2015 conference Jan. 14-15 featuring speakers from Coca-Cola, GE, Time Inc., Forrester Research, GrubHub, HSN, eBay’s StubHub, Silver Airways, Twitter, Yahoo’s Tumblr, Deloitte and The New York Times. This two-day New York event is a must-attend for brands, retailers, ad agencies and publishers looking to develop and implement mobile-surround strategies and tactics in 2015, a year where mobile integration into other channels and mediums will question orthodoxies in marketing and retail.

At this exclusive summit organized by this publication at the Time & Life Building in Midtown Manhattan, attendees will get to listen and meet with key executives moving the needle for mobile advertising, marketing, media and commerce. The conference, whose agenda is below, will be limited to only 200 delegates and is divided into brand- and retailer-led keynotes as well as concurrent deep-dive panel discussions with marketers, ad agencies and market researchers on various mobile verticals and disciplines.

“The discussions around mobile next year will focus on integration and making mobile the common DNA that runs through all marketers’ marketing and retail efforts,” said Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief of Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily, New York. “Consumers now expect a level of sophistication in their interactions with brands that recognizes and rewards past behavior and anticipates future actions.

“That said, the issues of privacy, device upgrade fatigue, slowing tablet sales and growing complication in technology, execution and media measurement will require safe hands to handle mobile marketing and mobile commerce pushes,” he said.

Key analysis and insight

Bagging sales in mobile

Completely editorially led, Mobile FirstLook: Strategy 2015 will offer enough insight and analysis for attendees to make informed opinions in a year where the fight for the consumer’s attention and wallet will be more intense than ever.

In addition to research on mobile marketing and mobile commerce, the summit will also focus on the issues, opportunities and challenges that lie ahead in mobile advertising, banking and payments, content and publishing, database/CRM, legal/privacy, mobile commerce, search and social media.

Also under discussion will be the role of advertising agencies as mobile redefines their role as brand custodians as well as a recap of holiday 2014 from the mobile standpoint.

Attendees will get access to presentations made at the event.

The event is priced at $695 for two days, which includes breakfast, lunch and cocktails on day one and breakfast and lunch on day two. Refunds will not be given 72 hours before the event or for no-shows on the day of the conference.

For sponsorships including tables, lunch keynotes, moderating slots, seat drops, charging station, breakfast and cocktail hour, please contact Jodie Solomon at ads@mobilemarketer.com.

Mobile FirstLook: Strategy 2015 is part of this publication’s exclusive summit series.

The summit agenda can also be accessed via http://www.mobilefirstlook.com.

Please click here to register for the Mobile FirstLook: Strategy 2015 conference on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 14-15, 2015


Mobile FirstLook: Strategy 2015

Jan. 14-15, 2015

A Napean presentation


Time & Life Building

1271 Avenue of the Americas

8th Floor Gallery

New York, NY 10001

Jan. 14, 2015

7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
8th Floor Gallery
Breakfast and Registration

8:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Welcome Address
Outlook 2015: Weaving Mobile into the Fabric of Retail and Marketing


Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily

8:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Opening Keynote
Coca-Cola: Marketing in a Mobile World

That mobile is a macro-force changing everything is beyond debate. But what can be debated is how marketers and marketing must evolve to remain relevant and effective in this changing world. Few companies on the planet touch more people in more places on a daily basis or drive as many physical transactions than Coca-Cola: Nearly 2 billion servings of its products every day. In this session, attendees will learn:

• Steps that the marketer is taking to have mobile become an indispensable and irrevocable part of its business

• What worked last year and lessons learned

• How the Coca-Cola consumer is changing

• Outlook for the year ahead


Tom Daly, global group director, Coca-Cola

9:30 a.m. – 9:35 a.m.
Mobile Hall of Fame Induction

9:35 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.


9:45 a.m. – 10.30 a.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Research Keynote
Forrester Research: The Mobile Mind Shift: Closing the Capability Gap

Consumer expectations have shifted. Forrester Research calculates that 21 percent of United States online adults expect to get what they need in context immediately in their moment of need. Another 29 percent sit on the bubble of shifting. For brands, this means the battleground for consumers has shifted to what Forrester calls “mobile moments.” A mobile moment is a point in time and space when a consumer reaches for his or her phone to get what he or she wants immediately, in context. Companies are woefully unprepared to make this mobile mind shift with their customers. Only 4 percent of executives surveyed by Forrester have the budget, resources and organization in place to make the shift. This session will share:

• How consumers have evolved their mobile behavior and what it means for marketers

• What defines the mobile mind shift

• Anticipating consumer expectations in the year ahead

• Market data on mobile consumption


Julie Ask, vice president and principal analyst, Forrester Research

10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

10:45 a.m. –11:30 a.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Time Inc.: How Mobile Became the Largest Digital Platform for the World’s Leading Magazine Publisher

Time Inc. reaches 63.2 million mobile unique visitors per month. Sixty-seven percent of Time Inc.’s digital audience visits on a mobile device, and more than half of the publisher’s total digital audience accesses Time Inc. sites exclusively on mobile. Major mobile growth over the past two years has propelled Time Inc. to be ranked No. 15 by comScore among top media properties for total mobile unique visitors in the United States. In this discussion will include:

• How Time Inc. turned itself into a mobile powerhouse

• How consumer reading and viewing habits have changed – and what it means for media

• What Time Inc. has done to position its advertising business for the future

• Outlook for the year ahead for publishers


Sol Masch, executive director of video and mobile advertising, Time Inc.

11:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

11:45 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
GrubHub: Driving Mobile Engagement with Millennials on Snapchat

GrubHub, the leading online and mobile food-order company, has quickly made a name for itself in social media, especially on Snapchat. One of the earliest brands on the block, GrubHub joined Snapchat in August 2013, seeing an opportunity to continue its brand positioning as a hip option for food delivery among millennials. The brand prioritizes engagement and vouches for the personalized nature of engaging with its users on Snapchat. Whether through one-of-a-kind contests and promotions or an inside look at its culture, GrubHub is striving to stay on top. This keynote will discuss:

• Why is Snapchat a vital business strategy

• GrubHub’s mobile content marketing efforts on Snapchat for 2014

• How to build consistent consumer engagement over Snapchat

• A look ahead at what is next for Snapchat

• Best-practice tips: what to do and what not to do on Snapchat


KC Geen, senior manager for social media, GrubHub

12:45 p.m. – 2 p.m.

12:45 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Sponsored Lunch Keynote

1:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Sponsored Lunch Keynote
Urban Airship

2 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Twitter: Understanding the Ubiquitous Media Channel in a New Digital Age

As one of the leading social media networks worldwide with more than 500 million users, Twitter has become the digital heartbeat of consumer undercurrents. One of the earliest networks that started in the mobile medium, Twitter is best known for amplifying actions, reactions or emerging patterns of behavior that influence policymaking as well as consumer and business decisions. In this session, delegates will learn:

• Twitter’s significance as a ubiquitous media channel in a new digital age

• How the nature of Twitter as live, public, conversational and real time allows unique opportunities for marketers

• The modern retail consumer and, specifically, consumers on Twitter

• Best-practice tips and case studies of what works on the platform for retail brands and what success looks like


Ori Carmel, marketing manager, Twitter

2:45 p.m. – 3 p.m.

3 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.

8th Floor Auditorium
Advertising: Where are the Budgets?

As consumer activity moves to mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets, smart watches and smart glasses, marketers look to follow those eyeballs. However, mobile’s share of multichannel advertising budgets is still not matching audience numbers. This session will discuss:

• Trends in mobile advertising, including opportunities and challenges

• Brand, retailer and agency issues with targeting, measurement, cookies and tracking

• Role of advertising agencies, ad networks and real-time bidding exchanges in media buying

• Which channels are getting the ad dollars

• Room for marketing and retail on wearables?


Rachel Eisenberg, director of strategy and marketing, Millward Brown

Patrick Frend, president, Razorfish

Greg Stuart, CEO, Mobile Marketing Association


Chantal Tode, senior editor, Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily

3 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
8th Floor, Room ABC
Ad Agencies: Defining Their Role in a Rapidly Evolving Mobile-Influenced Advertising and Marketing Environment

Technology has turned upside down the relationship between advertising agencies and their clients. Brands and retailers often bypass agencies in favor of direct dealings with mobile vendors who increasingly offer creative, technology and media services. This session will discuss:

• How mobile has changed the agency’s relationship with clients and role in the advertising and marketing process

• Who owns mobile within the agency

• How the creative development and media planning and buying have changed, along with mobile’s intersection with multichannel campaigns

• What clients are saying about mobile, and what that means for agencies, media and service providers


Jesse Misad, director of mobile, PHD

Jonathan Green, mobile and social platforms, R/GA

Doug Plout, vice president of search strategy, iCrossing


Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily

3:30 p.m. – 3:45 p.m.

3:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Content, Media and Publishing: Monetization and Advertising Challenges Loom Large

Without doubt, consumers are now reading more on mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and ereaders than desktop computers and laptops. That evolving behavior is threatening the economics of content on mobile: advertising dollars are not following eyeballs, nor do paywalls work for commoditized news and content categories. This session will discuss:

• How mobile is jeopardizing established media models without transference of adequate ad dollars and subscriptions from print to online and now to mobile

• How publishers can monetize mobile even as supply completely outstrips demand

• The new face of media planning and buying: Programmatic buying, real-time exchanges and ad networks

• User behavior on smartphones versus tablets, and what that means for content producers


Scott Stanchek, director of mobile marketing, The New York Times

David Hayes, head of creative strategy, Yahoo’s Tumblr


Michael Barris, staff reporter, Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily

3:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.
8th Floor, Room ABC
Database/CRM: Potential to Build Relationships on Mobile Lies Unexploited

Even as consumers move their work, life and play activities to mobile, marketers are struggling to keep pace with their marketing outreach on the most personal medium of all time. SMS and optimized email clearly are not being used to their full scope to add mobile to their multichannel CRM mix. This session will discuss:

• Why more mobile databases are not being developed – and at what ultimate cost

• The struggle with analytics and measurement

• Apple Passbook integration and what more can be done to involve brands and retailers

• Why common short codes are key to drive traffic and customers to other retail channels including stores


Sheryl Kingstone, director, Yankee Group

Doug Plout, vice president of search strategy, iCrossing


Chantal Tode, senior editor, Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily

4:15 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.

4:30 p.m. – 5:15 p.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Closing Keynote, Day 1
Silver Airways: Powering the Digital Strategy to Promote Customer Loyalty and Engagement

Silver Airways is a U.S. airline operating around 150 daily scheduled flights between gateways in Florida, the Bahamas, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington, DC and West Virginia. Chicago investment firm Victory Park Capital owns the Fort Lauderdale, FL-based airline that operates under a principal code share and alliance agreement with United Airlines. In this session, delegates will learn:

• Understanding a brand’s business objectives and how they relate to the company’s digital strategy

• Structuring the organization for success

• Leveraging mobile to build deeper relationships with customers

• Understanding the importance of an omnichannel presence in the airline industry


Jonathan Stephen, director of digital commerce and airline innovation, Silver Airways

5:15 p.m. – 6:15 p.m.
Sponsored Cocktail Reception


7:30 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.
8th Floor Gallery
Breakfast and Registration

8:30 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Hello Again: Brands, Retailers, Agencies and Analysts Discuss Mobile Strategies for 2015


Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily

8:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Opening Keynote
Deloitte: State of Mobile Retail and Mobile Commerce

Mobile continues to grow in its effect on retail. Not only are retailers and brands embracing mobile knowhow in-store with beacons that deliver targeted offers, but they are also syncing their databases across all channels to recognize the customer throughout her shopping journey. As it turns out, mobile is set to become one of the biggest influencers for retail shopping and sales. Even on-device transactions are growing by the billions as consumers get more comfortable shopping and buying on smartphones and tablets. And who knows the possibilities of smart watches and paying via phone through Apple Pay? This session will focus on:

• Advances in mobile commerce

• Progress in metrics, usage patterns and features and functions

• The effect that mobile is having on retail more broadly as the in-store consumer is increasingly armed with a mobile device and using it while shopping in-store

• Mobile commerce data and stats


Kasey Lobaugh, chief information officer, Deloitte

9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m.

9:45 a.m. – 10.30 a.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
GE: How the World’s Leading Industrial Products Giant Leverages Mobile


Katrina Craigwell, global manager of digital marketing, GE

10:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.

10:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

8th Floor Auditorium
Legal/Privacy: Big Data, Big Brother, Big Issues

The legal landscape around mobile is characterized by unsettled issues over privacy, data collection, ad targeting, tracking and legislation that could dilute the full potential of mobile advertising, marketing and commerce. Add to that government surveillance concerns over consumer-data sweeps, fueling suspicion over the fill extent of cooperation from wireless carriers, social media networks, content producers and digital giants. This session will discuss:

• Consumer concerns over data collection and such information’s end use

• The difference in approach toward privacy in the European Union versus the United States and what that means for mobile

• Pending legislation nationwide and overseas: Do Not Track, right to be forgotten and data profiles

• How the cookie crumbles: why advertising suffers from lack of cookies on mobile Web


Andrew Lustigman, partner, Olshan Frome Wolosky LLP

Linda Goldstein, partner, Manatt

Joseph Rosenbaum, partner and global chair for the advertising technology and media law practice, Reed Smith


Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily

10:45 a.m. – 11:15 a.m.

8th Floor, Room ABC
Mobile Commerce: How Convenience, Security and Mobile-Friendly Interfaces are Driving Purchases and Payments on Smartphones and Tablets

The brightest spot in retail is mobile commerce. Not only does mobile generate sales on sites and applications optimized for mobile devices, it also drives traffic into stores. This session will discuss:

• Trends in mobile commerce, including spend numbers and differences in behavior over smartphones versus tablets, mobile Web sites versus applications and ecommerce versus mcommerce

• Responsive Web design or dedicated mobile sites: how Google is influencing decisions

• Why showrooming is here to stay and what to do about it

• Is mobile advertising and marketing driving mobile commerce?


India Wooldridge, vice president and deputy director, McCann Truth Central


Michael Boland, chief analyst and vice president, BIA/Kelsey

11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

11:30 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
HSN: How the Nation’s Leading Television and Online Retailer Navigates Mobile in the Year Ahead


Ed Deutscher, vice president of digital commerce, HSN

12:15 p.m. – 12:30 p.m.

12:30 p.m. – 1 p.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Search: How Mobile is Redefining Search Across Smartphones and Tablets

The single column structure of smartphones has forced Google to rethink its business model in the mobile context. Consumers are no longer just typing words in a box, but searching via maps and voice commands, expecting results to be instantaneous, local and clickable to a mobile site or phone number. This session will discuss:

• How mobile has changed search behavior and what that means for retailers, brands and publishers

• Turning around an ocean liner: Google’s challenge ahead as it adjusts to fewer paid search ads on smartphones and lower CPMs with search-oriented wearable devices, cars and Google Glass

• How in-site mobile search is key to mobile commerce browsing, shopping and sales

• Best-practice tips for mobile search, including pointers for the after-effects of Google Enhanced campaigns


Michael Boland, senior analyst and vice president of content, BIA/Kelsey

12:30 p.m. – 1 p.m.
8th Floor, Room ABC
Social Media: Where Content, Commerce, Advertising and Conversations are Headed

Usage patterns on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google+, Snapchat, Pinterest, Tumbr, Vine and LinkedIn indicate that social media now is largely a mobile game. Questions, however, remain on whether these large networks can adequately monetize mobile to pay off investments and please investors while struggling to prove ROI on ads and sponsored posts on smaller screens. This session will discuss:

• How the key social media players – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat and Google+ – will shape advertising and marketing messages on mobile

• The struggle to monetize social media on mobile

• Lingering issues for mobile from social media ROI on the PC Web

• Will marketing overload turn off consumers from continuing engagement over mobile social media?


Kerry Kennedy, vice president of ecommerce, Omni Hotels & Resorts

Erik Rogstad, managing director, AKQA
Joe Gizzi, director of strategy, Meredith Xcelerated Marketing (MXM)

David Patillo, digital strategy officer, Twitter


Mickey Alam Khan, editor in chief, Mobile Marketer and Mobile Commerce Daily

1 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

1:15 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Sponsored Lunch Keynote

1:45 p.m. – 2:15 p.m.
8th Floor, Room ABC
Sponsored Lunch Keynote
Optimizing the Mobile App’s Engagement and Loyalty

Mobile marketers need to optimize customer engagement and loyalty. That is best done with the right set of tools that make it dead simple. Learn eight quick and easy recipes for optimization such as using marketing automation to reduce mobile cart abandonment, leveraging location-based notifications, testing and optimizing purchase funnel flows, and how to measure the success of mobile campaigns, including:

• A/B testing of user interface, content, workflow and messaging

• Reducing mobile cart abandonment

• Leveraging location-based notifications

• Measuring success in mobile application campaigns


Momchil Kyurkchiev, CEO, Leanplum

2:15 p.m. – 2:30 p.m.

2:30 p.m. – 3 p.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Mindshare: Wearables and What 2015 Will Bring

Wearables have become topic du jour across media, agencies and brand confabs. The Apple Watch line is set to revolutionize a category that failed to arouse consumer interest when Samsung and its ilk launched smart watches. That said, marketers are taking a wait-and-see attitude on the utility and adoption of wearables. Health and fitness are areas of promise, but marketers expect a transfer of the more basic tasks from smartphones to smart watches. In this session, attendees will learn:

• The current wearables landscape

• Outlook for 2015 and its marketing and retail implications

• How brands are leveraging wearables and what they are doing to extend their stories in this space


Jeff Malmad, managing director, Mindshare

2:30 p.m. – 3 p.m.
8th Floor, Room ABC
DigitasHealth LifeBrands: State of mHealth in 2015

With the explosion of smartphones, tablets, wearables and Internet of Things, a new revolution is taking place in healthcare. Digitally empowered patients are more in control of their health than ever before. They are eager to participate in the treatment plan, expecting cheaper, better and personalized care. Looking into 2015, what are the hottest mHealth trends that will further shape the healthcare industry? This session will give delegates an overview of the mobile health space and its emerging trends for 2015, including:

• An overview of the health landscape

• MHealth trends in 2015 and how the healthcare industry is getting transformed

• Implications for brands and consumers

• Best-practice tips


Lucy L. Chalmeton, mobile strategy and innovation, DigitasHealth LifeBrand

3 p.m. – 3:15 p.m.

3:15 p.m. – 4 p.m.
8th Floor Auditorium
Closing Keynote
eBay’s StubHub: How Mobile is Key to the World’s Largest Fan-to-Fan Ticket Marketplace


Michael Lattig, chief marketing officer, eBay’s StubHub

Raffle for Dom Perignon

Conference ends

Please click here to register for the Mobile FirstLook: Strategy 2015 conference on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 14-15, 2015

Hotels in the Midtown Manhattan neighborhood (from nearest to farthest):

The Hilton New York
1335 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10019; tel: 212-586-7000
Please click here for the Web site

The Bryant Park Hotel

40 West 40th Street, New York, NY 10018; tel: 212-869-4446
Please click here for the Web site

New York Marriot Marquis
1535 Broadway, New York, NY 10036; tel: 212-398-1900
Please click here for the Web site

Sheraton Times Square

811 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10019; tel: 212-581-1000
Please click here for the Web site

Please click here to register for the Mobile FirstLook: Strategy 2015 conference on Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 14-15, 2015

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