MN Cm. Empower. Improve. We can make health care more affordable by making it better. We need better health information to get there. MNCM...

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News, stories and media buzz related to MN Cm

  • eLearning Conferences 2012
    via elearningtech.blogspot

    Clayton R. Wright has done his 26th version of his amazing list of conferences again this year. Past years eLearning Conferences 2011, eLearning Conferences 2010, eLearning Conferences 2009. You can contact him at: crwr77 [@] It covers events...

  • Blog post by Colin Hung Last month I had the opportunity to attend the annual conference of the Healthcare Financial Management Association – HFMA16. I must admit, I was pretty biased before heading to the conference. I had a preconceived notion that...

  • Minnesota may consistently appear at or near the top of various national health performance scorecards, but not all people in the state are equally likely to see themselves reflected in those high rankings. In fact, Minnesota has some of the largest...

  • Primary elections are Tuesday, August 9. In our area there are primary elections for commissioners district 3 (Caledonia, Caledonia Township), and district 5, (Spring Grove, Eitzen, Wilmington, parts of Winnebago Townships). A primary is also set for...

  • Guild Incorporated announces new board member Guild Incorporated, which provides services for people with mental illness, announced that George Stone has joined its board of directors. Stone currently serves as director of the Corporation for Supportive...

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SOCRATES Journal is an international, refereed, and indexed scholarly publication focused on public policy, administration, and ph... popular pages

  • Home - MN Community Measurement

    Collaborate. Empower. Improve. We can make health care more affordable by making it better. We need better health information to get there. MNCM is where our community collaborates to make it happen. ...

  • Brian Naylor |

     −  one  =  Questions about measures? Measure development or data submission? Join virtual Q&A Session w MNCM noon 3.16.17 - 3 hours ago MNCM develops measures,...

  • Updates to HEDIS immunization measures proposed |

    The Measurement and Reporting Committee (MARC) of MN Community Measurement recently approved two updates to how immunization status will be reported. The measure changes follow the Centers for Disease...

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