Update (4:25 PM EST): The ability that completes a world quest only works on the smaller quests, not the more challenging and rewarding quests.First Look at Season 6 Journey, 2nd Batch of BlizzCon Tickets
Old Gods Gameboard Revealed!
April 21st Hotfix - Tychus Grenade & Login Button Fixed
Beta Patch Notes - Apr 21: McCree & Zenyatta Balance, McCree Digital Comic - Train Hopper, Taco Bell Promo
Legion - Order Hall Upgrades
In Legion, your Order Hall has a selection of upgrades you can unlock that help you and your followers.
There are 6 tiers of upgrades, with 2 choices for each tier.
Each tier must be unlocked before you can access the next one.
Switching choices requires the full time and cost that the initial research did.
Currently each class has access to a different set of upgrades, but many of the effects are the same.
All classes have an identical effect for their final tier, granting them the ability to equip another one of the legendary items coming in Legion.
You can see more information on the WoWDB pages, such as the 3 Day cooldown on Frost Wyrm
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Research Costs
Tier 1 - 2 Hours + 100 Order Resources
Tier 2 - 8 Hours + 1,000 Order Resources
Tier 3 - 1 Day + 10,000 Order Resources
Tier 4 - 3 Days + 25,000 Order Resources
Tier 5 - 7 Days + 65,000 Order Resources
Tier 6 - 14 Days + 100,000 Order Resources
Originally Posted by MMO-Champion
Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Death's Boon (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
Swarm (Tier 1) - Increases mission success chance for every Ghoul or Geist on the mission.
Deaths Advance (Tier 2) - Increases success chance of missions with Hazards.
Call of the Grave (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Ebon Knights and Ebon Champions you can recruit from 2 to 4.
Construct Quarter (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Ghouls become Geists, which have: Endless Horde - Increases success chance of missions by 40%.
Live by the Sword (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Ebon Knights become Ebon Champions, which add: Champion of the Ebon Order - Ebon Champions have a spec, and can counter Bosses
Dark Horsemen (Tier 4) - Grants access to the Dreadsteed Hitching Post, allowing you to summon a Deathcharger which allows you to perform mounted combat for a short duration.
Reanimation (Tier 4) - Chance for a Ghoul or Geist to be recruited whenever you recruit an Ebon Knight or Ebon Champion.
Frost Wyrm (Tier 5) - Call down an Frost Wrym to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
Brothers in Arms (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
Legends from the Grave (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Demon Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Well Prepared (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
The Hunt (Tier 1) - Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
Vengeful Retreat (Tier 2) - Increases success chance of missions with Minions.
Training Grounds (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Illidari Troops you can recruit from 2 to 4.
Naga Myrmidon (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Ashtongue Warriors become Naga Myrmidon, which add: Razorspine Scales - Increased mission success chance by 40%.
Demonic Power (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Illidari Adpets to become Transformed Illidari Adepts, which add: Metamorphosis - Gains a benefit against random mechanic types.
Book of Fel Names (Tier 4) - Summon boss for buff.[NYI]
Focused War Effort (Tier 4) - Reduces the cost of recruiting all troops by 25%.
Sight Beyond Sight (Tier 5) - Unleash the wrath of your order to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
Fel Armaments (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
Demonic Fate (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Druid (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Elune's Favor (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
Roots (Tier 1) - Increase success chance against Minions by 20% on the first mission of the day.
Travel Form (Tier 2) - Reduce mission duration of all missions by 30%.
Hibernation (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Druids of the Claw and Keepers of the Grove you can recruit from 2 to 4.
Laughing Sisters (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Treants become Dryads, which add: Essence of Cenarius - Success chance increased by amount of Troop vitality.
Force of the Forest (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Druids of the Claw become Keepers of the Grove, which add: Wild Growth - Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 50%.
Evergreen (Tier 4) - Tend to plants for daily rewards. [NYI]
Natural Living (Tier 4) - Reduces troop recruitment cost by 25%.
Elune's Chosen (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
Ancient of War (Tier 5) - Summon an Ancient of War once a day.
Natural Legend (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Rugged Upgrades (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
Long Range (Tier 1) - Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
Disengage (Tier 2) - Increase success chance against Hazards by 20% on all missions.
Sturdy Tents (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Trackers and Rangers you can recruit from 2 to 4.
Elf Friend (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Archers become Marksmen, which add: Barrage - Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 50%.
Rangers (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Trackers become Rangers, which add: Eyes of the Wild - Increases success chance of missions with Hazards by 50%.
Eagle Ally (Tier 4) - Unlocks access to the Eagle Network flightpaths.
Unseen Path (Tier 4) - Reduces cost of recruiting troops by 25%.
Foraging (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
Fletchery (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
Legends of the Wild (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Mage (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Arcane Provenance (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
Frost Nova (Tier 1) - Increase success chance against Minions by 20% on the first mission of the day.
Blink (Tier 2) - Reduce mission duration of all missions by 30%.
Arcane Library (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Apprentices and Conjurers you can recruit from 2 to 4.
Elemental Power (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Water Elementals become Arcane Golems, which add: Quickening - Increases success chance of missions by 30% when accompanied by Arcane mages.
Higher Learning (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Apprentices become Conjurers, which add: Presence of Mind - Increased mission success chance by 30% when a Spell is present.
Teleportation Nexus (Tier 4) - World teleport unlock.[NYI]
Refreshment Table (Tier 4) - Reduces the cost of recruiting all troops by 25%.
Might of Dalaran (Tier 5) - Unleash the Might of Dalaran to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
Arcane Armaments (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
Legends of the Kirin Tor (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Auspicious Fortune (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
Lucky Envelope (Tier 1) - Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
Enlightenment (Tier 2) - Newly recruited troops have a chance to be upgraded one rank, making them more powerful. Initiates have a chance to become Adepts, and Adepts have a chance to become Masters.
Living Quarters (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Students of the Tiger you can recruit from 2 to 4.
Path of the Ox (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Ox Initiates become Ox Adepts, which add: Shuffle - Increased mission success chance by 30% when a Hazard is present.
Path of the Tiger (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Tiger Initiates become Tiger Adepts, which add: Spinning Crane Kick - Increased mission success chance by 30% when Minions are present.
Brewhouse (Tier 4) - Gain a powerful brew each day. [NYI]
Pilgrimage (Tier 4) - The cost of recruiting Ox and Tiger troops is reduced by 25%.
One with Destiny (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
Celestial Favor (Tier 5) - You can summon a Celestial once per day.
Fists of Legend (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Light's Favor (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
Blessing of Kings (Tier 1) - Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
Righteous Blessing (Tier 2) - Increase success chance against Spells by 20% on all missions.
Argent Call (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Silver Hand Knights and Champions you can recruit from 2 to 4.
As One (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Silver Hand Squires become Silver Hand Phalanx, which add: Divine Bulwark - Increases success chance of missions by 20%.
Champion of the Silver Hand (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Silver Hand Knights become Silver Hand Champions, which add: Guardians of Kings - Increases success chance when accompnied by Silver Hand Squires or Phalanx.
Argent Steed (Tier 4) - Grants access to the Argent Charger Hitching Post, allowing you to summon a Charger which allows you to perform mounted combat.
To Arms! (Tier 4) - Chance for a Squire or Phalax to be recruited whenever you recruit a Knight or Champion.
Holy Purpose (Tier 5) - Focus the Holy Purpose of the order to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
Plowshares to Swords (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
Legends of the Righteous (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Priest (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Divine Fate (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
Daily Prayers (Tier 1) - Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
Prayer of Fortitude (Tier 2) - You can request Blessings of the Order, which can be granted to your Champions to increase mission success chance for one mission.
Communal Living (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Zealots or Dark Zealots you can recruit from 2 to 4.
Inquisition (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Acolytes become Paragons, which add: Divine Star - Increases success chance of missions with Minions.
Shadow Heresy (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Zealots become Dark Zealots, which add: Soul Reapers - Increases success chance of missions when accompanied by Shadow spec priests.
Altars of Blessing (Tier 4) - Gain access to the Altars of Blessing.
Pain Suppression (Tier 4) - Chance for a random troop to be healed on the first mission of the day.
Blessed Seals (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
Armaments of Light (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
Armed by Faith (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Rogue (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Lucky Streak (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
Sneak Attack (Tier 1) - Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
Assassination (Tier 2) - Increases success chance of missions with Minions.
Prizefights (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Pirates and Duelists you can recruit from 2 to 4.
Defiant Legacy (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Thieves become Defias Bandits, which add: Pick Pocket - Chance to return from a successful mission with a bag of gold.
Crimson Sails (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Pirates become Duelists, which add: Blade Flurry - Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 40%.
The Vault (Tier 4) - Gain access to the Treasure room, containing riches beyond your wildest dreams.
Under the Table (Tier 4) - Reduces the cost of recruiting all troops by 25%.
Plunder (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
Weapons Smuggler (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
Armed to the Teeth (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Shaman (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
The Spirit's Call (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
Bloodlust (Tier 1) - Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
Windspeakers Might (Tier 2) - Reduce all mission times by 30%.
Training Grounds (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Earthcallers or Geomancers you can recruit from 2 to 4.
Elemental Knowledge (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Lesser Elementals become Greater Elementals, which add: Strength of Earth - Increased success chance by 40%.
Whispers of the Earth (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Earthcallers become Geomancers, which add: Earthquake - Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 50%.
Elemental Binding (Tier 4) - Summons a random elemental to your order hall each day to provide you with a blessing. [NYI]
Reincarnation (Tier 4) - Fallen troops have a chance to be revived with 1 vitality.
Spirit Walk (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for a Seal of Fate once a week.
Rise! (Tier 5) - You can now summon a squad of Ascendants once a day.
Ancestral Legends (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Warlock (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Dark Bargain (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
Summon Doomguard (Tier 1) - Increase success chance by 20% on the first mission of the day.
Ritual of Summoning (Tier 2) - Reduce all mission times by 30%.
Training Grounds (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Acolytes you can recruit from 2 to 4.
Dark Mastery (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Dark Harvest Acolytes become Dark Harvest Invokers, which add: Rain of Fel Fire - Increases success chance of missions with Minions by 50%.
Implosion (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Imps become Wild Imps, which add: Wild Pack - Increases success chance of missions by 20% when on missions with other Imps.
Demonic Offering (Tier 4) - Sacrifice Imps for random rewards. [NYI]
Grim Harvest (Tier 4) - Quests grant you bonus resources while you have a Combat Ally active.
Summon Infernal (Tier 5) - Call down an Infernal to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
Shadow Pact (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
Legends of the Fel (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Warrior (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Odyn's Favor (Tier 1) - Increases the chance for quest rewards to get a rare or epic Bonus Upgrade from non-repeatable quests.
Rallying Cry (Tier 1) - Increases the success chance of the first mission you run each day based on the vitality of your troops.
Forced March (Tier 2) - Reduce mission duration of all missions by 30%.
Abundant Valor (Tier 2) - Increase the maximum number of Shieldmaidens and Val'kyr you can recruit from 2 to 4.
Trial by Fire (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Valajar Aspirants become Stormforged Valajar, which add: Thunderstruck - Increased mission success chance by 30% when Minions are present.
Ascension (Tier 3) - Newly recruited Shieldmaidens become Valkyra Shieldmaidens, which add: Flight of the Valkyra - Mission duration reduced.
Into the Pit! (Tier 4) - You can see and loot the chest rewards contained within the Arena of Glory.
Spoils of War (Tier 4) - Completing World Quests with a Combat Ally provides extra Order Hall Resources.
Might of Mjolnir (Tier 5) - Unleash the Might of Mjolnir to instantly complete a World Quest on your map.
Heavenly Forge (Tier 5) - You can place a work order for Champion armaments and equipment.
Legends of Ragnarok (Tier 6) - Increase the number of Legendary items you can equip by 1.
Warcraft Movie Updates
Duncan Jones and Robert Kazinsky shared some pictures and video of the Lion's Pride Inn set on Twitter. There were also a few new shots in an Italian trailer.
Check out my exclusive behind-the-scenes tour of The Lion’s Pride Inn set from #WarcraftMovie. https://t.co/Pkhebswutr
For The Horde!
— Robert Kazinsky (@RobertKazinsky) April 23, 2016
Artifact Knowledge
Originally Posted by Blizzard
(Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Max-level players in this build may notice an important new Artifact feature. The researcher/scribe NPC in your Class Hall will offer you a quest to retrieve a set of tomes from around the world. Once these are recovered, you can instruct your researcher to work on deciphering these tomes. Each step of research will require some Order Resources (which are primarily obtained through World Quests), and will grant increased "Artifact Knowledge."
Increasing Artifact Knowledge permanently increases your rate of Artifact Power gains, and this bonus applies to all artifact weapons your character may possess. (And no, Artifact Power items obtained at a lower Knowledge level won't automatically update, so hoarding items for future use won't benefit you.) This system is key to the pacing of overall artifact progression, and to making it easier for players to maintain multiple artifacts if they so desire. For example, at Knowledge Level 7, you would be earning Artifact Power at over triple the base rate. Thus, if you wanted to switch to a spec you hadn't yet tried at that point, you'd find yourself very quickly able to get that artifact up to par with your primary one.
As your scribes progress through their translation and research, you will fill in pages of a great tome in your Class Hall that provides more backstory and information about your artifact (this is not yet fully hooked up for some classes). Finally, in the live game, the speed at which your researchers can work will increase as the expansion progresses, allowing latecomers or alts to catch up on their artifact progress.
The tuning of the experience and Knowledge curves is still in flux.
Does this apply to leveling quest artifact power gains as well as those, atm, give by far best artifact power gains. Right now I see myself avoiding every quest that gives AP tokens until like 2-3 weeks in and getting a massive amount of AP.
A number of non-repeatable sources of power will not be affected by Knowledge for this exact reason - notably level-up quests and treasures. The goal here is a system where the right way to play is to just... do stuff that you enjoy, accruing Artifact Power along the way.
Raid Testing Schedule - April 25-26
Originally Posted by Blizzard
(Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
On Monday, April 25, and Tuesday, April 26, we will continue our Legion Alpha raid testing.
Remember that Heroic difficulty scales for any group size between 10 and 30 players, so feel free to assemble and bring a group of any size within that range. Mythic, of course, requires 20 and does not scale.
Monday, April 25
Star Augur Etraeus - Heroic Nighthold
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)
Krosus - Heroic Nighthold
15:00 PDT (18:00 EDT, 00:00 CEST)
Tuesday, April 26
Xavius - Heroic Emerald Nightmare
13:30 PDT (16:30 EDT, 22:30 CEST)
Skorpyron - Mythic Nighthold
15:00 PDT (18:00 EDT, 00:00 CEST)
As always, this testing schedule is very fluid and subject to the realities of an alpha environment. We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the boss being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, server hardware issues, etc. Keep an eye on this forum for the latest information, and thank you in advance for testing and providing feedback.
Blue Posts
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Theorycrafting Questions
Please use this thread to ask questions related to how things work, mechanically (ie, for your theorycrafting projects). We sometimes leave out information that would be important to your modeling, in order to keep things understandable. We'd be happy to clarify any such things, here. Post your questions and we'll do our best to find answers.
Example of the sort of question : What's the proc rate for Agony granting Soul Shards?
This thread is NOT for feedback, discussion of 'why' something is the way it is, what a better mechanic would be, etc. Those topics are great to discuss, and we want to read that feedback, but please post it in different threads. We'll be aggressively pruning this thread as needed to keep it on topic.
There are lots of theorycrafting related replies in this thread. Please see the blue tracker for all the posts. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Secondary Stat Scaling in Legion
That is why we reduced the conversions in this build, as people discovered above. We are going to continue keeping an eye on it, but to answer your question--yes, you will get closer to the "final" values, earlier on, this time. The further gain from increasing ilvls will be much less drastic than in the past. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Feedback Request - Tapping Rules
Because ordinary quests (including dailies, and also you can include here any other types of quests like world quests) cannot be progressed in raid.
How would you feel if you were treated like an ungrouped player when you were in a raid?
When on a quest that requires a unique quest item from a named mob, (Head of XY, Big Slab of Bacon, ...), it occurs very often that the NPC will drop only one of that item.
Amount of people was usually between 2 and 4. So we had to kill him twice or more for everyone to obtain the loot. Being grouped or not does not matter here (we tried both).
This is a bug with the item being collected, please submit a report on the specific item.
Is the tapping system supposed to work with old world content too or just the new Legion areas?
All outdoor areas. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Broken Shore Scenario
Many tuning improvements have been made based on your feedback, please give it another shot! (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
New Character Pane Stats Window
And in the end, if they provide an "advanced view" with everything, at least it is there as an option.
We're not planning to offer alternative views, but all of the information in the old character sheet will be available in the API.
Tertiary stats will appear on the sheet if you have them on your items. We're also adding a teeny bit more information about the contribution from weapons. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Legion Class Feedback
Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
Death Knight (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Blood Death Knight Feedback -- Build 21531 -- 21-Apr
Death Strike is not moving back to costing Runes. Please advance the discussion to other topics. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Hunter (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Beast Mastery Hunter Feedback -- Build 21531 -- 21-Apr
Also if somebody calls for a "Stop DPS" a BM Hunter has to unequip their weapon or dismiss their pet in order to even attempt to stop Hati from doing anything which is absolutely rediculous.
I'm unsure if the change made it into this build or not, but Hati will respect the normal pet commands you issue and go passive when you want your pet to stop attacking.
The 2 minute debuff is almost entirely there for PvP reasons and should have almost no effect in PvE. I do relaize Hati's health is currently abnormally low, it will be fixed to be higher than what it currently is. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Monk (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Mistweaver Monk Feedback -- Build 21531 -- 21-Apr
It wouldn't be surprising if the mastery has to come down a little, in terms of coefficient, after the EF change (what you'd expect for effectively increasing the number of spells affected by a mastery). It would also rein in the mastery benefit to Effuse somewhat. It's not bad at all if the new mechanic introduces some more varied use cases for Effuse, but its tuning implications for will be a little clearer after seeing it in action more. Essence Font enabling those options is fine, but it's important that mana is an important limitation on its uptime.
Effuse cost is already changed for next build, although not by much for now. We like the new mechanic, but Effuse, EF, and Gust of Mists are all pieces of the tuning picture that may shift around as it settles in. The nerf to mastery coefficient is simply to account for the fact that it now encompasses more spells, as would happen with any mastery. In fact, spreading the mastery benefit out slightly is something people have asked for. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Paladin (Forums / Skills / Talent Calculator / Artifact Calculator / PvP Talent Calculator)
Retribution Paladin Feedback -- Build 21531 -- 21-Apr
Some response on the intention with the Mastery for AoE would be appreciated. We've been asking for this for a while - it doesn't matter when changes are actually made, but some insight into the thought process would be more productive. Hard to give feedback on something that's clearly not working as it will when Legion goes live but it would be possible if we knew what your red lines and design philosophies were. Having the judgment debuff be a buff on the player would solve the issue completely and doesn't go against any stated design philosophies, so there must be something not being said that's the issue.
It's intended that Mastery is a single-target DPS stat for Retribution Paladins, but that the Greater Judgment talent can extend that to AoE. It will be tuned to account for that. This is certainly not the first time that different stats have had wildly different values in different situations, and that's OK.
So we are going with the Clarity of Power route. Glad that's finally been cleared up. Anything to say for Zeal, a talent that's located on the same tier and literally doing the same thing as Greater Judgment (AoE)?
It's worth noting that Fires of Justice does the same thing too. You generate holy power faster and therefore cast more divine storms than you otherwise would. Different damage talents will perform a bit differently in different situations, but in this case none of them are actually purely single-target or AE. (Blue Tracker / Official Forums)
Holy Paladin Feedback -- Build 21531 -- 21-Apr
There are some additional upcoming changes to Holy Paladin talents that did not make it into this build. Next build, we will be trying out 3 new talents, with the intention of giving more options to increase average complexity on Holy, and allowing for certain gameplay elements the class has had in the past (such as timing multiple independent cooldowns).
1) Holy Bolt talent replaced with:
Bestow Faith: Instant, 12s cooldown, costs 6% mana. After 5 seconds, your target is healed for 450%*SP.
2) Sanctified Wrath moved to level 90 to replace Daybreak. Sanctif