
Deadline: 19 August 2014
Open to: youth workers, activists or researchers from human rights, minority or religious organisations working on the topic of Islamophobia or religious intolerance
Venue: 16 – 20 September 2014 in Budapest, Hungary


The seminar aims to explore and understand the dimensions Islamophobia and its expression through online hate speech and explore the role of education in combating it and promoting religious tolerance and understanding. The seminar will also make concrete proposals for actions and initiatives to implemented online and offline in the framework of the No Hate Speech Movement campaign, contribute to the implementation of the European Action Day against Islamophobia and Religious Intolerance on 21 September 2014 and propose ways to implement and apply the “Guidelines for Educators on Countering Intolerance and Discrmination against Muslims. Addressing Islamophobia through Education”.


The seminar will bring together some 20 participants from Europe and beyond. Participants should fit the following profile:

Be involved as activists or part of National Campaign Committees of the No Hate Speech Movement or be educators, youth workers or youth leaders, teachers,  researchers, representatives of human rights, minority or religious organisations working on the topic of Islamophobia or religious intolerance;

Be interested to develop follow-up activities and actions to counter Islamophobia and related hate speech in the framework of the campaign, and beyond in their work with young people and educators of young people;

Be able to work autonomously in English;

Be available for the entire duration of the seminar.


All participants will be offered board and lodging in the European Youth Centre Budapest. Travel expenses and visa costs will be reimbursed upon presentation of the relevant receipts, according to the rules of the Council of Europe. Only the participants who attend the entire seminar can be reimbursed. The payment will be made either by bank transfer after each  course, or at the end of the seminar in cash (in Euros).


You can apply for the seminar HERE. The deadline for applications is 19 August 2014.

For further information, please visit the official call for participants.

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