Microsoft Word 2007 - Different Operation's on Document, Edit Text of Your Document, Revise your Word Document
Different Operation's on Document
Create Your First Document
Open an Existing Document
Saving a new Document
Save As an existing Documents
Renaming a Document
Close a Document
See Print Preview of your Document
Print your Document
Edit Text of Your Document
How to Type a Text?
Use of Backspace
Delete a text
Selecting a Text
Bold your text
Italicize your text
Underline your text
Create auto text
Revise your Word Document
Find Search & Replace your text
Cut the text
Copy the text
Paste the text
Undo the last operation
Redo the operation
Different Operation's on Document
Create Your First Document
When you open Microsoft Word 2007, you see a document which is completely blank. This looks like a piece of paper and takes up the largest part of the screen space.
For creating your first document, you can Start with the Ribbon and the cursor
The Ribbon spans the top of Word, on top of the document. You make use of commands and buttons on the Ribbon to notify Word what you would like to do.
Word waits for you to begin typing. The cursor (a blinking vertical line in the upper-left corner of the page) shows where the content you type appears on the page.
Press the ENTER key on your keyboard if you want to start typing further down the page instead of at the top, until the cursor is where you want to type.
Press the TAB key on your keyboard, if you want to indent the first line you type. This will move the cursor one-half inch to the right.
As you start type, the cursor moves to the right side. When you get to the end of a line on the right side of the page, just continue to type. Word will move on to the next line for you as you type.
To start a new paragraph, press ENTER.
Open an Existing Document
If you want to open an existing file, follow these steps:
Open a File with Microsoft Office Button
1. Click the Microsoft Office button. A menu appears.
2. Click Open. The Open dialog box appears.
3. Use the Look In field to move to the folder in which you saved the (.docx or .doc) file.
4. Click .docx or .doc file
5. Click Open.
Alternate Method-Opening a File with Shortcut Keys
1. Open Word 2007.
2. Press "Ctrl+O".
3. Locate the folder in which you saved your (.docx or .doc) file.
4. Click .docx or .doc file.
5. Click Open.
Alternate Method-Opening a Recently used file
. If you have recently used the document you can click the Microsoft Office Button and click the name of the document in the Recent Documents section of the window Insert picture of recent docs.
Saving a new Document
If you wish to recall your document later, then you must save your documents.
You can use the Save option on the Microsoft Office menu, to save a document
You can also save a document by typing "Ctrl+S".
When you save a document at first time, the "Save As" dialog box appears. Use the "Save As" dialog box to locate the folder in which you want to save your document and to give your document a name. After you have saved your document at least once, you can save any changes you make to your document simply by clicking the Save after you click the Microsoft Office button.
The following Steps show you how to save the file you just created.
1. Click on the Microsoft Office button. A list of various option appears.
2. Click on Save.
if you are saving your document for the first time, the Save As dialog box appears
3. Give the right folder in the Save box.
4. In the File Name box give a name to your document by typing.
5. Click on Save button.
Your previous version of document overwrite each time when you save your document.
"Save As" an existing Documents
To "Save As" a Word document you will use the following Steps:
1. Click the Microsoft Office Button
2. Click Save As. (remember, if you're sending the document to someone who does not have Office 2007, you will need to click the Office Button, click Save As, and Click Word 97-2003 Document)..
3. Specify the correct folder in the Save In box.
4. Name your document by typing in the File Name box.
5. Click Save.
For example:
When you create a document and save it. Later you delete several passages from the document and then save your changes.
The passages from the first draft of the document no longer exist.
If you want to save both the original draft of your document and the revised document, you must save the second draft of the document using a different name.
To save the document using a different name Click Save As. The Save As dialog box appears. Use the File Name box to give your document a new name.
Renaming a Document
To rename a Word document while using the program:
1. Click the Microsoft Office Button and find the file you want to rename.
2. Right-click the document name with the mouse and select Rename from the shortcut menu.
3. Type the new name for the file and press the ENTER key.
Close a Document
To close a document:
1. Click the Microsoft Office Button.
2. Click Close
This doesn't quit Word, but it removes the document from the screen, allowing you to stay in Word or work on another document.
You can follow these steps also:
1. Choose Exit button in the window's upper-right corner.
2. The Exit button is the last of the three buttons in the window's upper-right corner.
3. Save any files when Word prompts you to do so.
o Click Yes to save your file. You may be asked to give the file a name, if you haven't yet done so.
o If it isn't worth saving, click No.
o Click Cancel to "quit" the Exit Word command and return to Word.
See Print Preview of your Document
If you want to see print preview of your document, then you can follow these Steps:
1. Open the document to preview, if you are not currently working on it.
2. Click "Microsoft Office Button" in the top left-hand corner of your screen.
3. Highlight "Print" and then select "Print Preview." You will see the document on the screen.;
4. Look at the options on the Ribbon now that you are in the "Preview" mode. You can change margin size, page orientation, change print options and select many other print functions while in the "Preview" mode.
5. Leave the "Preview" mode by "clicking" on "Close Print Preview.
Print your Document
Use these following steps for Print a Word-2007 document
1. Click the "Microsoft Office Button" and highlight "Print."
2. Select "Quick Print" if your document doesn't need any changes.
3. Otherwise, Choose "Print" if you want more printing options. The "Print Dialog Box" appears.
4. Accept the default printer or choose a new one to the right of "Name."
5. Click on the "Properties" or "Options" buttons to choose different options affecting your document's appearance.
More commonly used options are visible on the "Print Dialog Box," including number of copies to print, the order the pages will print in, and choosing to print the entire document, the current page or "Selection," or a range of pages.
6. Select "OK" after you make your choices and the document will print.
Edit Text of Your Document
How to Type a Text?
To enter text on a document, just start typing with the keyboard. The text will appear where the blinking cursor is positioned.
To enter text on a document, just start typing with the keyboard. The text will appear where the blinking cursor is positioned.
Move the cursor in different direction by using the different (UP, DOWN, LEFT & RIGHT) arrow keys on the keyboard or positioning the mouse and clicking the left button.
The keyboard shortcuts listed below are also helpful when moving through the text of a document:
Use of Backspace
You can use the Backspace key to delete.
Each time you press the Backspace key, Microsoft Word-2007 deletes the character that precedes the insertion point.
The insertion point is the point at which your mouse pointer is located.
Delete a text
You can delete text by using the Delete key.
You can perform the delete operation in various types.
For delete a text first, you select the text you want to delete, then you press the Delete key.
Delete single characters
1. Delete key deletes the character to the right of the insertion pointer.
2. You can press and hold Delete to continuously "machine-gun-delete" characters. Release the key to halt this action.
Delete a word
To bolt an entire word, add the Ctrl key to the Delete key's destructive power:
. Ctrl+Delete deletes the word behind (to the right) of the insertion pointer.
Delete a line of text
The easiest way to delete a line of text is to use the mouse.
1. Move the mouse into the left margin of your document.
2. Point the mouse pointer arrow at the line of text you want to destroy and click the mouse.
The line of text is first highlighted, or selected, and then it's deleted.
3. Press the Delete key.
The line is sent into the empty space.
Delete a sentence
1. Point the mouse cursor at the sentence.
Aim anywhere in the sentence.
2. Press and hold the Ctrl key and click the mouse button.
The sentence is selected.
3. Press the Delete key.
The sentence is disappeared.
Delete a paragraph
If you want to delete a full paragraph, the fastest way is following:
1. Point the mouse cursor at the paragraph.
Target anywhere in the paragraph.
2. Click the mouse button thrice("three times").
3. Press the Delete key.
The text disappears.
Selecting a Text
To change any attributes of text it must be selected first.
Select the text by dragging the mouse over the preferred text while keeping the left mouse button depressed.
You can also hold down the SHIFT key on the keyboard while using the arrow buttons to highlight the text.
The following table contains shortcuts for selecting a portion of the text:
You can deselect the text by clicking anyplace outside of the selection on the page or press an arrow key on the keyboard.
Bold your text
When you are making a document in Microsoft Word 2007, you might want to highlight exacting words or phrases by bolding. Sometime certain grammatical construct have need of that you bold. You can bold when using Microsoft Word 2007.
You can moreover merge this feature. You can also bold a single piece of text.
You can usually choose Bold from several methods, when you need to Bold in Microsoft Word.
By using the launcher, the Ribbon, the Mini-toolbar/context menu, and the keyboard, you can Bold your text.
Bold with the Dialog Box Launcher
1. Select the word "Bold", on the line that begins with Launcher.
You can place your cursor before the letter "B" in "Bold." Press the Shift key; then press the right arrow key until the entire word is selected.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. In the Font group, click the dialog box launcher. The Font dialog box appears.
4. In the Font Style box, Click Bold.
Note: You can see this effect of Bold in the Preview window. If you want to remove the bold, Click Regular.
5. To close the dialog box, Click OK.
6. Click anywhere in the text area to remove the selection. You have bolded the word bold.
Alternate Method-Bold with Keys
1. On the line that begins with "Keys," select the word "Bold." You can place the cursor before the letter "B" in "Bold." Press the Shift key; then press the right arrow key until the entire word is selected.
2. Press "Ctrl+B" (While pressing the key B, hold down the Ctrl key).
Note: If you want to remove the Bold, press "Ctrl+B" again. You can also remove formatting by pressing "Ctrl+spacebar".
3. Click anywhere in the text area to remove the selection.
Alternate Method-Bold with the Ribbon
1. Select the word "Bold" on the line that begins with "Ribbon" . You can place the cursor before the letter "B" in "Bold". Press the Shift key; then press the right arrow key until the entire word is selected.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the Bold button in the Font grouping. You have bolded the word bold.
Note: If you want to remove the bold, you can select the text and then click the Bold button again.
4. Click anywhere in the text area to remove the selection.
Alternate Method - Bold with the Mini Toolbar
1. Select the word "Bold" on the line that begins with "Mini Toolbar". You can place the cursor before the letter "B" in "Bold". Press the Shift key; then press the right arrow key until the entire word is selected.
2. Right-click. The Mini toolbar appears.
3. Click the Bold button . You have bolded the word bold.
Italicize your text
Italicize with the Dialog Box Launcher
1. On the line that begins with Launcher, select the word "Italicize." You can place the cursor before the letter "I" in "Italicize." Press the Shift key; then press the right arrow key until the entire word is highlighted.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the dialog box launcher in the Font group. The Font dialog box appears.
4. Click Italic in the Font Style box.
Note: You can see the effect of your selection in the Preview window. To turn off the italics, click Regular in the Font Style box.
5. Click OK to close the Font dialog box.
6. Click anywhere in the text area to remove the highlighting. You have italicized the word Italicize.
Alternate Method-Italicize with Keys
1. On the line that begins with "Keys," select the word "Italicize." You can place the cursor before the letter "I" in "Italicize." Press the Shift key; then press the right arrow key until the entire word is highlighted.
2. Press Ctrl+i (hold down the Ctrl key while pressing i).
Note: To turn off italics, press Ctrl+i again. You can also remove formatting by pressing Ctrl+spacebar.
3. Click anywhere in the text area to remove the highlighting. You have italicized the word Italicize.
Alternate Method-Italicize with the Ribbon
1. On the line that begins with "Ribbon," select the word "Italicize." You can place the cursor before the letter "I" in "Italicize." Press the Shift key; then press the right arrow key until the entire word is highlighted.
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the Italic button on the Ribbon. You have italicized the word Italicize.
Note: To turn off the italics, select the text and click the Italicize button again.
4. Click anywhere in the text area to remove the highlighting.
Alternate Method-Italicize with the Mini Toolbar
1. On the line that begins with "Mini Toolbar," select the word "Italicize." You can place the cursor before the letter "I" in "Italicize." Press the Shift key; then press the right arrow key until the entire word is highlighted.
2. Right-click. The Mini toolbar appears.
3. Click the Italic button . You have italicized the word Italicize.
Underline your text
When you are using Microsoft Word 2007, you can underline your text. Microsoft Word 2007 provides you various types of underlines.
If you use the dialog box launcher, then following are some of the underlines that are available:
Underline with the Dialog Box Launcher
The following demonstrate that how can you underlining with the dialog box launcher:
1. Select the words "Underline these words", on the line that begins with "Launcher".
2. Click on Home tab.
3. In the Font group, click the dialog box launcher. The Font dialog box appears.
4. Click the down arrow to open the pull-down menu, in the Underline Style box.
5. Click anyone type of underline you want to use.
Note: To turn off an underline, you select None from the pull-down menu.
6. Click OK to close the dialog box. The underline you selected appears under the words.
7. Click anywhere in the text area to remove the highlighting.
Alternate Method-Underline with Keys
1. Select the words "Underline these words", On the line that begins with "Keys".
2. Press Ctrl+u (hold down the Ctrl key while pressing u).
Note: To turn off the underlining, press Ctrl+u again.
3. Click anywhere in the text area to remove the highlighting.
Alternate Method-Underline with the Ribbon
1. select the words "Underline these words.", on the line that begins with "Ribbon".
2. Choose the Home tab.
3. Click the Underline button in the Font group . Alternatively, you can press the down arrow next to the underline button and click to choose the type of underline you want.
Note: To turn off the underlining, click the Underline button again.
4. Click anywhere in the text area to remove the highlighting.
Create auto text
The AutoText feature is integrated as a gallery into the extended capabilities provided by the Quick Parts element (Document Parts, Building Blocks) in Microsoft Office Word 2007.
You can also add the AutoText command to the Quick Access Toolbar by doing the following Steps:
1. Click the Microsoft Office Button
2. ClickWord Options.
3. Click Customize.
4. Click Commands Not in the Ribbon in the Choose commands from list
5. Click AutoText, and
6. Click Add.
Revise your Word Document
Find (Search) & Replace your text
For use Find & replace option in Word-2007, follow these steps:
1. Place your cursor at the start of your document.
2.(i)Click on Home button
(ii) Select Editing
(iii) Click Find.
The Find and Replace window opens.
3. Select the Replace tab.
4. Type the word or phrase that you want to find in the "Find what" box.
5. Type the word or phrase you want to replace it with in the "Replace with" box.
6. Select more, for refine "Search option".
7. Select Find Next or Replace if you want to manually replace each word or phrase.
8. Select Replace All if you want Word to automatically search for and replace each instance of the word or phrase without first checking with you.
Cut the text
For cut the text in word-2007, follow these steps:
1. Highlight the text you want to cut by dragging the mouse pointer over it from beginning to end or vice versa.
(Note: In the middle of a group of words you cannot start highlight in both directions.)
2. (You can right click on highlighted text for a drop down menu and choose Cut--or use the keys Ctrl+x instead.
3. Alternatively, you can cut an entire document by choosing Select in the Editing box on the far right of the Home Tab Ribbon at the top of the screen.
4. With the text you want highlighted, in the Clipboard box on the far left of the Home Tab Ribbon at the top of the screen click on the Scissors icon to Cut.
Copy the text
If you want to Copy your text in Word-2007, follow these steps:
1. Highlight the text you want to copy by dragging the mouse pointer over it from beginning to end or vice versa.
(Note: In the middle of a group of words you cannot start highlight in both directions.)
2. You can right click on highlighted text for a drop down menu and choose Copy--or use the keys Ctrl+c instead.
3. Alternatively, you can copy an entire document by choosing Select in the Editing box on the far right of the Home Tab Ribbon at the top of the screen:
4. With the text you want highlighted, in the Clipboard box on the far left of the Home Tab Ribbon at the top of the screen click on the file icon to Copy.
Paste the text
If you want to Paste text in your word document, follow these steps:
1. Move the Cursor to the position where you want to paste the copy.
2. Click on the Page on Clipboard icon in the Clipboard box on the far left of the Home Tab Ribbon to paste.
3. If you want to paste your text from keyboard shortcut. Press Ctrl+V to paste from keyboard.
4. You can also paste from mouse right click. Press the right click, then click on highlighted text from a drop down menu and choose Paste.
Undo the last operation
The Undo command undoes anything you do in Word, such as formatting text, moving blocks, typing and deleting text, formatting - all of it. You can allow running free the Undo command in two helpful ways:
One way is Press Ctrl+Z.
You can also access Undo option by Click the Undo command button on the Quick Access Toolbar.
An advantage of using the Undo command button is that it sports a drop-down menu that helps you evaluate the past several things you've done, or that can be undone.
. Unfortunately, you cannot pick and choose from the Undo command button's drop-down menu; the menu simply allows you to undo multiple instances of things all at one time.
. At periodic times, Undo doesn't work. Word warns you, though.
For example, you may see the message "There is not enough memory to undo this operation, Continue?" Proceed at your own risk.
. The Undo command doesn't work when there's nothing to undo, or if something simply cannot be undone. For example, you cannot undo a save-to-disk operation.
Redo the operation
If you want to Redo something in word-2007, you must use the Redo command to set things back.
For example: you may type some text and then use Undo to "untype" the text. You can use the Redo command to restore the typing.
You have two choices:
Choice 1: Press Ctrl+Y from keyboard for quick redo.
Choice 2:Click the Redo command button on the Quick Access Toolbar.
The Redo command provides two functions:
1. It does exactly the opposite of whatever the Undo command does. So, if you type text, Undo untypes the text, and Redo recovers the text.
2. If you use Undo to recover deleted text, Redo deletes the text again.
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