
It is not easy decorating a house but it can be a lot of
fun. If you do not have the budget for a professional interior decorator,
maybe you should roll up your sleeves and decide to give home designing a shot
yourself. All too often our homes are just living spaces arbitrarily put
together; we do not even notice how they ended up being that way! But it need
not be so. If you have made up your mind to redesign your home and give it
that X factor, here are a few ways to help you go at it alone. You will have to
brainstorm for ideas and do proper research, but in the end the effort will be
worth it. Involve your family and have fun all the way!

Draw inspiration from
everything, not just homes

Creativity knows no bounds: artists get inspired from the
nature, from other structures, from other kinds of art, from the places they go
to, from random bits of conversation they would pick up, and even from other
objects. As a DIY interior decorator and homeowner, you are an artist already.
Draw your inspiration from anything that catches your fancy or from anything
that inspires you. What ideas can you glean from the world around you?

Use Pinterest to your

Wondering what Pinterest can do to help you design your home
better? It has visuals and they are the delivered to you on a platter. Go to
Pinterest, do a search for home decor ideas and you will have a continuous stream
of visuals and images that can give you ideas on how to design your home better.
You would have the world’s best designs, ideas, and concepts presented to you. Go
on and get inspired. Did we mention that it is completely free and a visually
rich experience?

Ask for ideas or seed
your ideas in the shower

They say that some of the best ideas come about when you
do not expect them to surface. Also, water seems to actuate the “idea center” in
your brain. When you take a shower, think about how to make your home look
better. Are there window treatments and
blinds – the specific type you had in mind – a window or a set of windows
can benefit from? Would a chandelier in the living room add more aesthetic
value? When you run out of ideas, just ask friends and visitors for
their inputs. It is brain storming at its best.

Little things add to
big impact

Sometimes you do not need elaborate ceiling motifs, false
ceilings, expensive lighting, and anything fancy at all. You would just need
creativity, practicality and an eye for detail. Little things sometimes
contribute a lot to how you decorate your home. While specific objects are best
suited for particular rooms in your home, find out how you would spice up rooms
with little inanimate objects. You would get these objects at thrift stores,
handicraft stores, and even regular malls. Think about these little additions.

What triggers your ideas for home decor? What kind of little
steps did you take to bring about a tremendous change to the way your home
looks? Please share your home decor ideas with us and we will share it with the
whole world.

Author Bio:

Passionate about interior design, Chris Savage researches
about high quality blinds and shades for
windows. In his spare time he likes to design and develop WordPress
websites, play golf, and hang out with his wife.

Disclaimer: I have received compensation in return for publishing this article.

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