
This year God laid on my heart the importance of building a strong mother-son relationship and I spent this summer working on this very thing. I came to realize through God’s direction and His speaking to my heart that while my son needs a dad to teach him certain things, that doesn’t mean that I need to take a hands off approach as he is growing into manhood. He still needs his mom and it is my responsibility to ensure we have time and opportunities to build a strong mother-son relationship.

It takes time to build a relationship, no matter what kind of relationship it is, time is key. The amount of time you put into a relationship will greatly determine the strength of it. You must determine how important building a strong mother-son relationship is, because as a mom we often run out of time before the day is done. There will have to be things left undone, opportunities passed up and at times difficult choices will need to be made.

This journey has been amazing for myself and my son, it doesn’t seem like just a few short months ago that we began. It all started when I had a mommy’s night in and had a heart to heart talk with my son. Looking back at our relationship before I began to ensure that we had time together on a daily basis before bed and taking the time to spend with him playing games or reading each day, the differences are like night and day. We haven’t finished this journey and it is one that I hope never ends, yet I am thankful that I listened to the Lord’s prompting to continue building a strong mother-son relationship.

Throughout September and October I’m going to be sharing a few parts of our journey to building a strong mother-son relationship. We’ll look at different things you can do together, the importance of open communication and more. It is my prayer that by sharing some steps of our journey that it will help you begin to pray about your relationship with your son (or daughter) and that God will draw you both closer together as you build your own unique mother-son relationship.

Today I’m excited to announce that I am a new co-host for the Family Fun Friday that my friend Monica from Happy and Blessed Home heads up.

Each week I will share 6 posts from the link up that are an encouragement to wives and moms! It is my prayer that bringing these posts to light will encourage you each week as you journey through life as a wife and/or a mom.

MaryEllen from Imperfect Homemaker shares a beautifully encouraging post for moms that feel they’ve fallen behind in child training. I encourage you to take a moment to read this heartfelt post, Where to Start with Child Training When You Feel Like You’re Behind.

Depression and Christianity are often not accepted together. Kathie from Character Corner shares her thoughts on whether Christians should be depressed or not. Stop by and check out this informative post, Should Christians Get Depressed.

How to Motivate Kids was shared by Heidi from One Creative Mommy. Kids often need some help getting moving after a long summer vacation, grab a couple tips and get your kiddos moving as the school year kicks off!

Be careful is a phrase that most moms speak countless times throughout the day. Sara from Happiness is Here shares an thoughtful and inspiring post, Don’t ‘be careful’. As a worrywart mom I needed to read this post…I might even print it.

What I Want My Kids To Learn This Year, it’s a thought that every parent has each year, some of us might even plan it out. Jenny from Women with Intention hits the nail on the head with this post.

From Barb’s corner A Life in Balance, she shared a great tip that I will probably be implementing now that the school year has arrived! If you have neighbor kids that show up at inopportune times, you’ll want to take a peek at her post, A Sign for Neighborhood Friends: No More Knock-knocking.

You’ll never run out of great ideas for family fun at Family Fun Friday!

Every week we feature the best link-ups on the web with free printables, games, activities, money-saving and organizing ideas, recipes and more. If you are looking for the best tips, links, resources, freebies and more – you’ve come to the right place! Welcome to the Family Fun Friday community.

Family Fun Friday is all about connecting as a family. We feature great ideas for family fun, and things to help moms get things done so they have more time to spend doing what they love to do – be with family! If you like Family Fun Friday, help this blog party grow by giving it a +1 on Google+. Thanks so much!

Family Fun Friday

I love my co-hosts Danita, Selena, Misty, and Herchel! Your links get five times the exposure as they will show up on five blogs at the same time. Woo-Hoo! Each co-host is featuring her top picks from the party so you get an increased chance in being featured as well. Each featured post will be pinned by the hostesses so be sure to link up your best!

Meet our Family Fun Friday hostesses:

Monica created Family Fun Friday and blogs at HappyandBlessedHome.com where she shares free preschool tools and printables, encouraging words for moms, and ideas for having fun together as a family. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter /Google + / Bloglovin’/ Instagram. Monica will feature Family Fun Posts.

Danita enjoys blogging about cooking and shares yummy recipes on her blog OTasteandSee. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter /Google +. Danita will feature Delicious Recipes.

Selena is a homeschooling graduate and a homeschooling mom to four super special kids. She blogs at Look! We’re Learning! about unit studies, foreign language, and homeschooling with ADHD. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Instagram / Twitter.

Misty is passionate about women’s ministry and encouraging the hearts of wives and moms. You can check out her inspired posts on Beautiful Ashes. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter /Google +. Misty will feature posts to encourage women and family fun.

Herchel enjoys blogging about parenting, organizing, crafting, and having good old-fashioned kid fun her blog Scrggbug Corner. Follow: Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter /Google +. Herchel will feature organizing and family fun.

If you enjoy the features on Family Fun Friday please leave me a comment, I would love to hear from you! If you see things that you like here – please PIN them on Pinterest!

If you PIN these lists it will help this blogging party grow. To PIN a specific blogger’s post please click through and pin directly from their site.

If you’re a mom keep reading because we have some wonderful fun ideas to inspire you with your little ones and family. My blogging friends are linking up craft ideas, fun in the kitchen, preschool & homeschool ideas, and ways to spend time as a family.

My blog is growing but I need your help, please like my facebook page or PIN a button and help spread the word about HappyandBlessedHome.com. Thanks so much.

Highlights and FUN FREEBIES!

In case you missed it last week I started rolling out a new e-mail subscription service on HappyandBlessedHome.com – Mad Mimi! Now subscribers have instant all the time access to all the fun FREE printables at HappyandBlessedHome.com. Click here to learn all about our new subscriber benefits. Woo-hoo!

And for the month of September – you can still take advantage of my limited time offer for FREE Preschool Circle Time Morning Board Printables. It’s a subscriber freebie and a wonderful tool for educational enrichment. And, if you have a little one who loves Sesame Street, make sure to visit my post with FREE Sesame Street Birthday Party Decorations, you’ll want to download your copy {no subscription required for the Sesame Street printables}.

If you enjoy free printables, crafts and games for little ones, ideas for family fun and encouraging posts for moms, sign up and have Happy and Blessed Home delivered to your inbox. Simply enter your e-mail address here:


First Name*

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Special Thanks

Thanks to all my blogging friends for linking up last week at Family Fun Friday. I have a special YouTube Video for you at Thank You All My Blogging Friends! So many great ideas, crafts and things to do! If you link up, you permit me to use your pictures/ideas as part of future posts and/or social media. Now on to some fabulous posts for moms.

Featured Bloggers:

Fall Organizing

The featured bloggers for Fall Organizing were selected by Herchel of Scruggbug Corner. If you have a minute, please stop by and give her a little bloggy Facebook !

By: Herchel

The turning of the season is a great time to clean the slate when it comes to our homes! The kids are back in school and sitting in the silent house, something has been nagging at me.

Becky Mansfield from Your Modern Family sums it up perfectly in her post about decluttering! The clutter that accumulated over the summer has been weighing on me too!

Laura Shaw of Laurasueshaw.com shared two posts that teaches unorganized people like myself to create a successful cleaning schedule and offers a free cleaning schedule printable

Heidi from One Creative Mommy has helpful tips to motivate the kids to clean too so that we can maintain the schedule as a family and keep the clutter from piling up again.

Gina from Kleinworth and Co has a gorgeous tutorial on how she changed a pallet into a console table. Once the cleaning and decluttering is finished I would love to try this craft for my home. It would be a perfect table for fall décor which brings me to my last feature pick!

Candy from Mom’s Morning Coffee and I have a lot in common. We both seem to be “decoratively challenged” and are both working hard to change that! Like her, despite the south’s lack of a true autumn, I am decorating for the season. She shares some great tips on what to do when Fall is in the Air!

Comfort Food

Ahhh… Fall means berry picking and rich delicious comfort foods. You can check out these fabulous recipes delicious, hearty, and fall-inspired recipes over at Danita’s blog O Taste and See. When you have a minute, show her a little bloggy love on Facebook.

Fun Activities for Little Ones

This week is all about Literacy and Learning with great information on books for boys, books on language and cultures, iPad apps, read-aloud books, and extension activities. Carly from Africa to America has rounded up a terrific list on Literacy and Learning. Follow the link to Carly’s blog and if ya’ll have a minute stop by Carly’s Facebook Page and show her a little bloggy love.

Save money by thinking “Outside the Box”

So many wonderful ideas from last week with ways to save money. You’ll love Stephanie’s features which highlight some of the truly original ideas for our community of bloggers in her post Outside the Box. When you have a minute, show stop by Everyday Family Living and show her a little bloggy love on Facebook.

Curriculum Choices Abound

Selena put together a great set of homeschool curriculum features from last week’s link up! If you’re still wondering what to use this year or need to change something out, check out the posts from her post at her corner here. Follow Selena’s homeschooling adventures by liking her Facebook page and show some blog love here.

Thanks again for all your wonderful ideas! I hope these Family Friendly and Fun ideas inspire you.

The Facebook party link-up has been moved to another page, located at: Like Me on Facebook Link-Up Here. It’s a great way to meet other bloggers, network and help each other grow your Facebook Page’s likes.

For Family Fun Friday we’re going to start networking using Google+ – we hope you will join us! Button Code:

<a href=”http://happyandblessedhome.com” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://happyandblessedhome.com/FamilyFunFriday150.jpg” alt=”HappyandBlessedHome.com” width=”200″ height=”225″ /></a>

If you enjoy free printables, crafts and games for little ones, ideas for family fun and encouraging posts for moms, sign up and have Happy and Blessed Home delivered to your inbox. Simply enter your e-mail address here:


First Name*

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I pray you are blessed by this effort to share ideas on having Family Fun.

In His Grip,

Blog / Facebook / Pinterest / Twitter /Google + / Bloglovin’

If you like my blog please like my Facebook page at: HappyAndBlessedHome – thanks so much!

I link up to a bunch of parties every week. Click on Link Parties and you can add your party or find one to visit every day of the week.

P.S. Bloggers – If you’ve been featured and would like to add a button to show off how awesome you are, just grab the code in the text box below. You’ll want to retype the quotes too if you’re having trouble getting it to show on your page.

<a href=”http://happyandblessedhome.com” target=”_blank”><img src=”http://happyandblessedhome.com/FeaturedButton.jpg” alt=”HappyandBlessedHome.com” width=”200″ height=”225″ /></a>

LINK your Family Friendly & Fun Ideas:

RSS Subscribers click this link to get to my blog so you can see all the great ideas. Here is the link list, please add yours below. Thanks for linking up! Linkers will be added to the e-mail reminder I send for this party. Thank you. If you are having trouble linking, please leave your link in the comments section and I will manually add it. Thanks!

I’ve also joined up with a few other bloggers to host a Pin for a Pin on Pinterest Party. If you have a back to school post that you would like to have repinned five times, hop on over and share your link! Pin for a Pin on Pinterest Month Long Link Party.

We’d like to help everyone grow their presence on Google+. Leave your link so we can all get connected!

Love me on Google+ Page LINK PARTY starts here (rolling list – you do not need to add to it every week):

The post New Series: Building a Strong Mother-Son Relationship & New Weekly Link Up Announcement appeared first on Beautiful Ashes.

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