









My Dad isn’t a bad person, he’s just… old fashioned.

This is so much the outlook by many men on a woman’s hormonal fluctuation. As if there is no control. No matter what, women cannot have control of their bodies.

Your dad tells the fucking truth. The last thing America needs is a woman in charge.

Sorry ladies, I’m just saying what we’re all thinking. Women are cuntwaffles during their period.

I’m willing to bet that most people who are irritable are so because they’re uncomfortable or in pain - it’s really hard to be level-headed when you’re in gut-tearing amounts of pain.

The hormonal argument is the biggest load of crap - as if males don’t have hormones or don’t have a hormonal cycle. Actually, male hormone cycles are more frequent and less predictable.


I’m not putting this out there to put one sex above the other but rather to point out that “hur hur hormones!!!” is a really ridiculous reason to discredit and entire group of people, especially when we all have hormones and hormonal cycles.

So we shouldn’t allow a woman president because she supposedly loses her shit and becomes hyperaggressive once a month, but we regularly give power to men who lose their shit and become hyperaggressive whenever a woman rejects their advances.

Seems legit.

I’m not trying to be sexist, but let me use this super archaic view on hormones, coupled with sexist slurs meant to oppress women, all in defense of not giving them power

hurr hurr we’re all thinking it tho amirite


We can’t let women have power because once a month they turn into TOTAL… dudes.

I’ve said this before and I’ll point it out again - 

Menstruation is caused by change in hormonal levels to stop the creation of a uterine lining and encourage the body to flush the lining out. The body does this by lowering estrogen levels and raising testosterone. 

Or, to put it more plainly “That time of the month” is when female hormones most closely resemble male hormones. So if (cis) women aren’t suited to office at “That time of the month” then (cis) men are NEVER suited to office.

If you are a dude and don’t dig the ladies around you at their time of the month, just think! That is you all of the time. 

And, on a final note, post-menopausal (cis) women are the most hormonally stable of all human demographics. They have fewer hormonal fluctuations of anyone, meaning older women like Hilary Clinton and Elizabeth Warren would theoretically be among the least likely candidates to make an irrational decision due to hormonal fluctuations, and if we were basing our leadership decisions on hormone levels, then only women over fifty should ever be allowed to hold office. 

Reblogging hard for that last comment.

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