
I have been reading post on this forum for a few years now. This is the first time that I have posted any comment. 99% of the posts that I have read are plain and simply kid bashing. We are talking about kids. I have seen post from people insulting hair styles. Come on people. Alliance, OMHA, ORHL who cares where you play. I know kids that play under Hockey Canada and I know kids that play in the ORHL. Then they play summer hockey and baseball together. They don't care they love the game. It's the parents that are destroying the experience and the game for the kids. The adults need to come to the reality that their NHL bound kid is NOT going the the NHL. less than 1% of 1% of all kids that play hockey will not even attend an NHL game. Hockey should be open across the board or at least tournaments should be open for all to attend. I have seen Burlington Eagle, Hamilton Huskie and minor Bulldog teams play in ORHL AAU tournaments and under cover, I have also seen ORHL and AAU teams play under cover in Alliance and OMHA sanction tournaments. My kids Huskie team played in a independent non sanctioned tournament this past season and the entire team had a great time even though they were eliminated in the semifinals. It's about having fun people. Is it not time to correct the errors of the past. It's not too late.

Statistics: Posted by Guest — Mon May 23, 2016 11:24 pm

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