It was Star Wars Day Sunday (“May the 4th be with you”), and all across the known and unknown universe Trekkies and other various sci-fi fantasy tribes gathered to celebrate all things super galactic and beyond. Nowhere was the celebration more concentrated than in Minneapolis over the weekend, where Wizard World Minneapolis Comic Con set up shop for the first time at the Minneapolis Convention Center, attracting thousands of lovers of comic books, anime characters, super heroes, anti-heroes, steam punks, werewolves, alternate universes, parallel peoples, matrix revolutions, space travel, time travel, aliens, animals, beasts, and any and everything else the human imagination can cook up. And while highlights abounded (the Wizard World Minneapolis tribe got to be in the same building as such iconic actors as William Shatner and Matt Smith, and the shopping and panels provided tangible fixes for serious fans), the fun for many was letting their geek freak flags fly (Geek Pride Day is May 25!) and dressing the part:
MinnPost photo by Jim Walsh
Chris Kimmel, Minneapolis. “I’m Wolverine. It’s my dark side, the side that can never speak, can never do. I like to put this on because in real life I always have to smile and wave. I sell things. I’m a car salesman.”
MinnPost photo by Jim Walsh
Fox Phillips, Minneapolis. “I’m 15, I go to Eagle Ridge Academy, this is my first costume ever. I’m Solaire of Astora from [the video game] ‘Dark Souls.’ He’s very chivalrous, and he helps people complete hard parts of the game. He’s a very, very nice person and he’s a sun worshipper, he always raises his arms to praise the sun, and he has wonderful quotes like, ‘Praise the sun,’ ‘Grossly incandescent,’ and ‘Jolly cooperation.’ ”
MinnPost photo by Jim Walsh
Asher Peterson, David McDonald, Nina Peterson, Angel Peterson, Jen Cook, Lacrosse, Wisconsin.
Angel Peterson: “I’m Marceline The Vampire Queen from ‘Adventure Time.’ We’re all movie and comic geeks and we love to dress up.”
Jen Cook: “I’m a Princess Leia-Han Solo crossbreed. I’m Leia in an alternate universe, if she had been the scoundrel.”
Nina Peterson: “I’m [an] ewok and my brother’s a storm trooper.”
MinnPost photo by Jim Walsh
Theodora Maresch and Jackson Maresch, Lakeville. “He is dressed as Captain America. His dad is in Afghanistan and he fights for America like Captain America. His name is Nathaniel Maresch; he’s been there for 13 months and he’ll be back in June. He is Captain America. He’s been in the service for almost 20 years now.”
MinnPost photo by Jim Walsh
Greg Carlson, Eagan (Superman). “I’m a personal trainer.”
Batman: “[My real name is] top secret. I don’t give my secret identity. I’m Batman.”
Batman: “I’m Batman.”
MinnPost photo by Jim Walsh
Jess Irwin, St. Paul. “I’m studying for law school; I’m going to William Mitchell in the fall. I’m currently a painter – houses, apartments, industrial, anything, everything. I’m dressed as a USO girl; she was part of the supporting cast of Captain America’s show. I love Captain America, and I’m a patriot, and I’m gonna be a lawyer, so ... People-watching is my favorite thing to do, and this is only my second Con and it’s really really great. People put some great work into their costumes. I’ve seen some good Dr. Whos and a good Black Canary and Supergirl.”
MinnPost photo by Jim Walsh
Jared Swanson, Duluth. “I’m Madara Uchiha. My friends and I are all big anime fans and he’s definitely one of my favorite characters. A definite bad-ass, really powerful. I’m a security guard and I’m going to school to be a medical lab technician.”
MinnPost photo by Jim Walsh
Alexandria Sharpley, Stacy, Minnesota, and Patrick McCarthy, Burnsville.
Alexandria: “I’m a student at Century College and a nerd. Must gather with my other nerds. I’m dressed as Harley Quinn, the Joker’s best friend-slash-therapist. The Joker is a very charismatic character, so I ended up falling for him and driving myself insane.”
McCarthy: “I’m a student and a teacher at Century College. I teach something called ‘Mad Science.’ It’s an after-school science program where I teach kids crazy experiments. It’s a lot of fun. I don’t think the Joker actually needs a therapist; he just kind of took advantage of her and twisted her to his needs.”
MinnPost photo by Jim Walsh
Ryan Schmidt, Brooklyn Park. “I’m Inspector Gadget. It took me about a year to make this, but I keep finding new gadgets to add on to it, new motors and electrical stuff. I grew up on the cartoon and my costume is based on the Matthew Broderick movie. I love the theater and it’s the most technical costume you can make, I guess. I work at Menard’s in the electrical department helping guests.”
MinnPost photo by Jim Walsh
Steve and Christine Takada, Eagan. “We work in a bakery and I draw comics and we love Dr. Who. I’ve been a big fan of the fourth doc since the ’80s, these are our sonic screwdrivers,” said Steve. “I like the science fiction and the idea of regeneration. I like the fact that with each regeneration you get a different perspective of the same character, and multiple dimensions of the same personality.”
MinnPost photo by Jim Walsh
Maddi Swanson, Minneapolis. “I go to MCTC, I’m studying cinema. I’m Nightcrawler. In 2011, I discovered the X Men Evolution cartoon that my mother never let me watch and I fell in love with Nightcrawler. He’s fun and happy, and even though he’s a demon he’s an upbeat, hopeful person and I try to be like that.”