24/08/2015 – So I’ve just updated the plugin to fix all the existing issues you may have. I have added a few new features to modernize it to the new features available in 1.8. Updates will follow if enough issues are raised and new ideas spring to my mind. Bare in mind this plugin has been updated for over 3 YEARS now, so it’s like kicking a dead horse when I update the source code. Hope you all enjoy! -A5H73Y
Constant development
Create Unlimited courses using a simple command
Create Unlimited checkpoints throughout the course
Place custom Parkour blocks to maximize fun
Fully sign compatible
Easy to use Commands
Neat and understandable config
Lots of Effects to apply during the course
Parkour will store the time and deaths accumulated
Fully working Leaderboards
Economy & BarAPI support
Pressureplate checkpoints
Find what course your friend is on or invite them to yours
Constant message updates and feedback.
Helpful error messages and catches
Fun minigame that works on all servers
Fully working MySQL system
Update checker
Friendly and helpful creator
Before you leave a comment, if it comes under a bug or a request. Please use the feature below, it makes it easier to read and manage for me.
Request a Feature | Report a Bug
Need help with my plugin? Check the comments / forum to make sure that your question hasn’t already been answered. If not, feel free to drop me a Private message on here, or add me on Skype: iA5H73Y
If you want to try Parkour out before you install it, search my list of servers that proudly use my plugin. When you are happy, install the plugin and leave your server as a comment and it will be added after I confirm you are using it
Click Here
Update coming soon.
Anonymous usage statistics are collected using MCStats, If you wish to opt out of MCStats metrics collection, edit plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml and change opt-out: false to true.
This plugin has a built-in auto-updater, which connects to BukkitDev to check for updates. If you, for some reason, wish to disable this process, you can do so by setting ‘CheckForUpdates’ to false in the config.yml file.
When I join the server it will alert you of my presence so you know who to ask to help to setup / configure your server. (this can be disabled in the config)
What’s New?
Fixes (Oh so many fixes)
Completely removed BarAPI linkage, apparently it’s too buggy now
Optional title on course join
/pa done – stop editing
“Other.Use.ForceParkourSigns” – Disable non-Parkour sign use during a course
Download Links
For 1.8.1
Credits: A5H73Y
The post Parkour Bukkit Plugin 1.8.1 appeared first on Minecraftdata.com -Mods, Resource Packs, Maps, Tools, Skins, Updates.