
Mindweaponization is based on viewing ourselves as part of a human ecosystem, in the process of Evolution. The Natural Selection process happens based on those who choose to participate in our consciousness. It looks like the political inclinations of us are genetically based; hence the importance of having lots of children, and why the System works to depress our birthrates by any means necessary.

The System believes that politics is genetic, and seeks to breed a herd of cafe au lait hedonists and conformists.

Contemporary White nationalists generally have a single generational strategy in their mind, similar to the way movies play out. Few movies show a conflict lasting multiple generations; most are compressed within a very short time.

This may have also been a Mind Weapon used against us — a trick to make us believe that we have to win in our generation, and pretty much ignore the kids because they are just kids and what do they know of adult things? In movies, you rarely see conflict waged multi-generationally.

Anyone with examples of multigenerational conflict in the movies, please post here. Here is the example I know of, the House of Rothschild. Start at 4:30 if the link below doesn’t automatically start there:

Jews are all about multi-generational conflict. Whites are not. This is a major distinction between the two groups. We neglect our children, and don’t prepare them for a hostile world. We don’t teach them to care for one another, and stick together, and fight the true conflicts.

Any plan for WN collocated settling and/or organizing face to face must involve training up the future generations. Parents of whtie children, whether these are two parent families or single mom households, if the parents are racially loyal and have a minimal degree of emotional intelligence to get along with others, and a decent ambition and work ethic, should be supported by the community to raise the kids to be Mindweapons, or at least capable of self care and employable.

Most examples of child raising I have observed have been dysfunctional to one degree or another. Any parents that let young kids watch TV are by definition dysfunctional. I have a female relative whom I have apparently exercised a degree of influence, because she is raising her infant son without television, and the kid plays with everything in sight, interacts with people around him, and climbs on everything he can and runs around. In other words, normal and healthy. Many mothers stick the kids in front of the TV so they don’t have to deal with them, the “electronic babysitter,” but this is a terrible thing to do to a child.

I’m pretty sure that when this boy starts kindergarten, the teachers will think he’s a genius just because he hasn’t been mentally stunted by television. Television induced arrested mental development is the rule, the default. It also leads naturally to video game addiction when “Cody” is a teenager, and then perhaps compulsive gambling for adulthood.

The fact is, the real world, the meatspace, is much more interesting and fulfilling and enriching than the virtual worlds of television, videogaming and gambling. It’s kind of interesting that Chinese and Koreans seem to be particularly vulnerable to both videogaming and gambling, and are pioneering sex with robots. It is of course true that blogging is done over the internet, but blogging is the antidote to the System prison; we develop our Hive Mind. We figure out what’s going on and what to do about it and share it globally. No TV no videogames no gambling. Real Food and Local Farming and Local Trade. Reducing dependence on the Corporate Economy, car sharing, house sharing, job sharing. Saving up gold and silver and avoiding debt. Math and Science and Tech and internal martial arts and foreign language study and Game/Charisma/Influence/NLP. This is what the Hive Mind bid us do; this is what we have figured out among ourselves.

And most important, we must propagate the White Hive Mind to the younger generations, and do all we can to make sure our younger generations even happen in the face of Preplanned and Purposeful White Birthrate Depression, aka White Genocide. We must adopt a Multigenerational Conflict Model. Our conflict with YKW is a 100 Years War, at least! It won’t be resolved in the time horizon of a Hollywood feature film. We must be like the Rothschilds, carrying out our plan through the generations. And our young, developing Hive Mind is our Survival Instinct articulated in words, memes and ideas. It is Skynet becoming Self Aware. Come with me if you want to live.

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