Salon reprinted their hit piece about Richard Spencer, and hilarity ensues!
Comments copy pasted under the fold, for posterity’s sake:
Bleau Gumms 3 minutes ago
Thanks for pointing me to the NPI! I’m going to see what I can do to help.
SavvyOne 15 minutes ago
(3 of 3):
It seems to me that white supremacists aren’t against diversity and race mixing. It seems to me that they are against diversity and race mixing without white oppression.
As long as white people can oppress, rape, dominate, subjugate and exploit other groups, diversity and race mixing are fine with them.
It wouldn’t surprise me if even in Flathead Valley, the white supremacists wouldn’t see anything wrong in allowing black people, Latinos, or members of other groups there as maids or other low-wage laborers.
What am I missing?
SavvyOne 15 minutes ago
(2 of 3):
I propose these statements because I’ve never heard white supremacists condemn the actions that created the diversity that exists in the US and other parts of the world: white people leaving Europe and invading North America, Asia, and Africa (the South African complaining about diversity is particularly ironic)
If white supremacists regret the actions of their ancestors and wish to mantain the “heritage, identity and future of European people”, why don’t they go back to Europe? There are plenty of European countries that still have a lot less diversity
The native North Americans could repopulate their ancestral lands. Any people of African descent who don’t like diversity can also return to their ancestral lands. Every “racial” group retire back to their corner of the globe, and then there would be less diversity, no?
SavvyOne 18 minutes ago
(1 of 3):
I have a few statements I want to run by readers. Please let me know if any of these statements are false:
1. White people leaving Europe and invading North America led to an increase of diversity in America
2. If white people had been satisfied with living off of the fruits of their own labor, they would not have brought slaves from Africa. They brought slaves from Africa because they wanted to live off of the fruits of OTHER people’s labor (while denying black workers the fruits of black labor)
3. White people bringing slaves from Africa increased the level of diversity in this country
4. White men raping black women decreased the level of racial purity in this country for blacks and for whites
5. White business owners routinely hire illegal immigrants for low wages as manual labor, in the service industry, and as domestic help
Are any of the above statements factually wrong?
nicholasstix 1 hour ago
Dear Salon Editors,
I gotta hand it to you guys. Your writers may stink, but you provide one of the last refuges for free debate on the Left. Kudos.
bibliosk8er @bibliosk8erfrom Twitter4h
@Indigocrush @Salon The moon would be a good places for these assholes.
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overworked_TA @overworked_TAfrom Twitter4h
@Indigocrush That’s so gross, I can’t even. I would hate to think intellectuals would be ok with this but I have seen awful things said.
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cali 2 hours ago
Hate to break it to you people who have tried to indoctrinate everyone. There are numerous highly educated, “well groomed” (LOL), white people that have pride in their own culture. We do realize this country was built by our own ancestors and a culture of high moral, caring, hard working values. Sure we have made mistakes, but so has every ethnicity. We have learned from of our mistakes and become better. The real hate I face everyday is not from the white race. It’s other minorities that no longer know how to discuss politics without crying racism. It’s realizing in America white people (the majority) cause less than 15% of violent crime. Its realizing that even though our President attended one of the most racist churches in America that greater than 90% of blacks support ANYTHING he does. Sorry, but America is awakening and despite the media attempts at making anyone that is proud of their white heritage as a toothless, high school drop-out, we are from all walks of life.
Delmar Jackson 4 hours ago
You can’t call people like Spencer a hate monger, and then ignore Obama spending 20 years attending a church whose pastor and congregation gave the Rev Louis Farrakhan a lifetime achievement award. And yes, this is the person who preaches weekly in his church that blue eyed white people are devils. I won’t even begin to tell you what he preaches about Jews.
You also can’t encourage massive non white 3rd world immigration to dispossess whites from the country they built and not expect , as the population changes, to see the emergence of white Jesse Jacksons and white la raza organizations. If you deliberately import millions of unassimlating immigrants and encourage them to play the victim game and hold grievances against the native born white population, yes, you will see a reaction in white people. the mistake of the open border anti American globalists and cheap labor lobby and hyphenated American ethnic advocates, is they think they can change A and B and C will always stay the same.
C is waking up.
It is not going to be pretty and it is not going to be nice .for decades the media has had only one immigration narrative, which is all immigration and all immigrants are good, and anyone that wants less immigration is an evil white supremacist. They were wrong. Anyone that is a white supremacist has not met enough white people, anyone that thinks all immigrants are good has not met enough immigrants, and anyone that thinks it is OK to destroy the culture, history, language, ethnicity, morals and values of a nation via massive immigration has not read enough history.
No one asked us if we wanted or needed our culture enriched by diversity and multiculturalism. To assume we did exposes the bigotry and anti white bias of those calling for endless unlimited immigration.
Aunt Messy 3 hours ago
@Delmar Jackson Yes I can. See how easy that is?
exboyracer 2 hours ago
@Delmar Jackson How come every thing from Texas to California has spanish names – who is deposessing who?
ARealNewYorker 2 hours ago
@Delmar Jackson No one has ever called for limitless immigration. People focus on the good of immigrant groups because there’s a vociferous hatred of immigrants coming from a substantial portion of the public. And our culture, like all cultures, has always changed. Change is what cultures do. Some things are preserved for longer periods of time, but you can’t stop change. I hate to tell you and every other person holding on for dear life, but we’re not the country we were 230 years ago, or even the culture we were 50 years ago, and that’s just the way it is.
It’s not just immigrants who are making it happen – it’s us. No one asked you about multiculturalism? Well, no one asked Black people to cross the Atlantic, no one asked the people living in the parts of Mexico we seized in 1848, and no one asked me if I wanted to be born white. But we all make a go of it and try to get along – sometimes that involves recognizing that other groups of people do nice stuff, too. No one’s demanding that you speak Spanish (but why would you not want to learn another language?), no one’s demanding that you stop reading books by white Americans – they’re just demanding that you make room for people who do. No one is preventing you from reading things by the Revolutionaries or whatever (I was just reading Franklin before I looked at this article, and no liberals or immigrants came to my house and swatted the book out of my hand). But if you can’t have a culture where you don’t dominate other people, then too bad.
SavvyOne 4 minutes ago
@Delmar Jackson Please, when you time, read over my comments above and give your input. I’m really trying to understand a point of view I find very, very egocentric.
You say: “No one asked us if we wanted or needed our culture enriched by diversity and multiculturalism. To assume we did exposes the bigotry and anti white bias of those calling for endless unlimited immigration.”
I guess you could say no one asked if African slaves wanted to be dragged here, leading to increased multiculturalism and diversity, or no one asked whites to invade Native American, Asian, or African territories, thereby leading to increased diversity and multiculturalism either. These things were done because white Europeans wanted to do them.
If white supremacists want “white European culture”, why don’t they go live in white European countries?
Expat 5 hours ago
So I guess it’s racist now for white people to want to preserve themselves and their identities. In a way people like Lauren Fox disgust me because they don’t see the massive hypocrisy around them. As a white guy, I’ve travelled to dozens of countries and I know what the world is like. Whites, just like any other racial group, want their own space and it’s only natural, and they are NOT racist for simply wanting to live amongst other whites and be left alone.
exboyracer 2 hours ago
@Expat I bet you were the one who was considered the “ugly american” you really think you are the only one who has not worked in other countries.
cali 2 hours ago
@exboyracer @Expat You prove what I have always said. Everyone can love their own culture, except whites
S Bloomberg 6 hours ago
Even left wing academic Professor James Flynn has expressed a concern about the trend of smart women tending to have fewer childnren.
“An internationally recognised expert on intelligence warns New Zealand children could get dumber in three or four generations unless women with higher education started producing more babies.
Otago University emeritus professor Dr Jim Flynn was commenting on census figures that show mothers without a higher education were the anchor of New Zealand’s current fertility rate.
“Everyone knows if we only allowed short people to reproduce there would be a tendency in terms of genes for height to diminish. Intelligence is no different from other human traits,” he told the Sunday Star-Times.
“A persistent genetic trend which lowered the genetic quality for brain physiology would have some effect eventually.”
SPQR777 9 hours ago
It has come to my attention that Jews in Israel are segregating black Ethiopians because they are not Jewish, because they are BLACK. They, Israelis, wisely want to preserve themselves–racially and culturally. I think this is a good thing. Moreover, groups of young Jewish men patrol the streets of their cities to see if Jewish girls are getting involved with Arab men, another good thing. Whites around the world should follow this lead, point by point, action by action.
cali 2 hours ago
@SPQR777 They (the Jewish people) have learned the hard way what happens if you do not stand up for yourselves. They have taken an oath to never let what happened in the holocaust occur again. This is why they are so hated. So many cultures expect you to roll over and allow them to treat you anyway they wish, and if you don’t, your a hateful racist. God bless the Jewish people, America could learn so much from them. It’s o.k. to love and protect your own people.
James 10 hours ago
What a idiot. A carbon copy of his daddy I’m sure.
humanityisbeautifulinallitsforms 11 hours ago
cali 2 hours ago
@humanityisbeautifulinallitsforms All I read is your attempt to pat yourself on the back. Who are you trying to convince that you are so great? Somewhat narcissistic an arrogant. I could care less how much you write and how important you find yourself. I base my opinions on everyday life and my interactions with others, unfortunately, this is were your theories fall apart.
humanityisbeautifulinallitsforms 12 hours ago
YEAH US BLACKS ARE SO STUPID, THAT’S WHY WE’VE MADE SOME OF THE MOST IMPORTANT INVENTIONS IN ALL FIELDS OF SCIENCE AND ETCC… A pioneer in the field of blood preservation, he developed a method for separating plasma from the whole blood so they could be combined later. Also determined that plasma could be administered to certain patients regardless of their blood type. Helped to establish the modern blood bank. HIS NAME DREW. CHARLES, AFRICAN AMERICAN AND THERE MANY LIKE HIM.
nicholasstix 7 hours ago
cali 1 hour ago
@nicholasstix @humanityisbeautifulinallitsforms I challenge anyone to read up on many of the black “inventions”. Sooo many have found to be a fraud. There are actually web pages dedicated to this. If you truly invent something and it’s not a stolen idea, then great, but why are illegitimate inventions, degrees, and ideas from the black culture accepted? There were numerous plagiarized and copied papers noted during MLK’s college years, but he was given a pass, even MLK’s doctorate was PROVEN to be plagiarized but he still allowed to carry the “doctorate” degree. I will never respect an ethnicity that is not held to the same standards as other ethnicities.
humanityisbeautifulinallitsforms 12 hours ago
Ninety percent of microphones used today are based on the ingenuity of James Edward West, an African-American inventor born in 1931 in Prince Edwards County, VA. If you’ve ever talked on the telephone, you’ve probably used his invention
Aunt Messy 12 hours ago
I posted this below, but it bears repeating. To all of you racist scum that seem to think you can “tell” who’s “white” and who’s not. To all of you hate mongering children who seem to think that it’s somehow “smart” to segregate your lily-white asses into little shithole towns that will somehow make you feel safe….
You would not think of me as white.
Oh, I look white to most people. I really do.
My hair is copper (where it isn’t gray), my eyes are Sprite-bottle green, and my skin is fishbelly pale. I grew out of my freckles when I was in my 20s, but they were there. I looked like anyone’s stereotype of an Irish or Scottish kid.
But you would not consider me to be white.
My father’s family is Russian. You can see all of the Mediterranean written on their faces, though. They have olive skin and black hair. Some of them have the same profiles that you would see on a Roman coin.
My mother’s family are varied Eastern European. There are a few blondes per generation, thanks to…I don’t know….living proof that Vikings made it up the Volga? Who knows?
The other half of my mother’s family are Gypsies. I say “are”. “Were” is more to the point. They don’t exist any more. They were lined up beside a ditch they were forced to dig at an estate in Austria where they travelled to pick fruit every year. The farmer hired them again, then sold them to the Nazis, who shot every single one of them down to the last baby and all of the dogs.
I guess they weren’t white enough.
It’s funny, though. My mother and I went to a Holocaust memorial service years ago. We were asked to leave. It seems that a certain rabbi didn’t want “filthy gypsies” at his ceremony. So I guess that there are racist assholes all over the place. Certainly my Jewish friends are shocked and appalled when I tell them that story.
I get my green eyes from a great-grandmother who emigrated to Canada before her family were slaughtered. She married a former smuggler who wanted to own a farm. The only way he could do that was through the Homestead Act. They’re a long-lived bunch. She was alive when I was born. My mother said she was the saddest soul in the world.
My colouring doesn’t “make” me anything but myself. I come from a gene pool that’s as varied as the whole world. None of it matters. Not for anyone, any time, ever.
I’m betting that most of the people here could tell the same sorts of stories. People came to North America in all sorts of ways. Some were kicked out of England because of their religion. Some came fleeing famine, or war. They were indentured servants or slaves. They came to make money, or to own land, or just to live as free people.
There are stories that are uplifting, heart breaking, horrifying, ordinary, and everything in between. They are the people who live here, who created this place, and who are with us every day of our lives.
I can’t think of anything sadder, or more sickeningly ugly than anyone claiming that they are somehow “better” than anyone else here. The hateful, small people who are posting their loathesome, ignorant dogma clearly have no real sense of history.
Racists seek identity in their sameness. They revel in fooling themselves that they are somehow “better” just because they look different than the people they’ve chosen to hate. They lack the inner strength it takes to create themselves, so they have permitted others to give them what they think they crave.
They’ve lost their souls, they have no hearts. All they permit themselves to do is hate anything other than themselves. They cannot make something of themselves. Fear is what they live on, what they train their children to feel. They hunt for anything that will justify their anger and loathing…..and they can only find it in others that live in as much terror as they do.
They talk about “pride”, but they don’t know what that means. They will never understand it, either. There’s no point in explaining it to them.
I don’t know whether to dismiss them or feel sorry for them. I sincerely don’t understand them, but I don’t particularly care about them either. We see their actions in their speech. Those of us who see them for what they truly are have a duty to expose them to the light and force them to say what they feel out loud.
Don’t give the cockroaches the cover of darkness. Expose them. Show the world who they are. After the end of the First World War, we said never again. We failed. It happened again, and in a far worse way. The slaughter of untold innocents is the result of ignoring the ugliness of a few sick, sad, violent individuals.
Don’t give them cover again. Show them for who they are.
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Aunt Messy 3 hours ago
@SPQR777 Thank you for proving my point, you puling, vomitorious pile of shit.
Jeronimus 13 minutes ago
@Aunt Messy Blah blah blah blah
Because the Holocaust!
humanityisbeautifulinallitsforms 12 hours ago
According to the 2000 Census, the rate of college diploma acquisition is highest among Egyptian Americans at 59.7 percent, followed closely by Nigerian Americans at 58.6 percent.[13][14]in 1997, 19.4 percent of all adult African immigrants in the United States held a graduate degree, compared to 8.1 percent of adult white Americans and 3.8 percent of adult black Americans in the United States, respectively.[15] According to the 2000 Census,
humanityisbeautifulinallitsforms 12 hours ago
African immigrants to the U.S. are among the most educated groups in the United States. Some 48.9 percent of all African immigrants hold a college diploma. This is more than double the rate of native-born white Americans, and nearly four times the rate of native-born African Americans.[12]
madmedia 13 hours ago
As an academic, you would think he would be more questioning of the crime data he analyzes to support his idea of having this great divide. Ultimately he rejects that it is truly class (wealth/education/privilege) that keeps us divided. Not race. When Jim Crow was enacted, it was specifically to strip Black’s of economic and political privilege.
Nete Peedham 13 hours ago
Flag1LikeReply 13 hours ago
The Department of Justice reveals that 52.2 percent of homicides in America are committed by blacks, mostly young black males ages 18 to 49 who comprise about 3 percent of the population. Yet no one accuses them of hate. .
Aunt Messy 12 hours ago And the leading cause of death among pregnant women is murder by their spouses or significant others.
julito77 @julito77from Twitter30 Sep
@Fahima90 @samhusseini @AJAMStream @Salon I have known of this guy for the last year or two. National Policy Institute. Crazy sad.
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ANYC 14 hours ago
wow this author is so blind to her own hate… racist hypocrisy in so called “non racists” really is astounding… children need to be protected FROM monsters like this.
Eduardo2133 14 hours ago
This is a hit piece. Why does it start by labeling him a ‘hatemonger’? Spencer is merely a white advocate. Just like Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson are ‘black advocates’. They are openly working for the advancement and interest of THEIR people. So why can’t Whites start doing the same thing? The message is: It is illegimate for Whites to work for their collective group interests or to even speak out for the interest of whites. What gives? Who decided this? And why are we supposed to believe this?
Aunt Messy 12 hours ago
@Eduardo2133 And again I say….
Stupid fuckers are stupid.
SPQR777 9 hours ago
@Aunt Messy @Eduardo2133 You lose, you vapid idiot. And the whole world saw it.
humanityisbeautifulinallitsforms 14 hours ago
. Fbi census on crime . The term “black on black” crime is a destructive, racialized colloquialism that perpetuates an idea that blacks are somehow more prone to violence. This is untrue and fully verifiable by FBI, DOJ and census (pdf) data. Yet the fallacy is so fixed that even African Americans have come to believe it.
humanityisbeautifulinallitsforms 14 hours ago
The truth? As the largest racial group, whites commit the majority of crimes in America. In particular, whites are responsible for the vast majority of violent crimes. With respect to aggravated assault, whites led blacks 2-1 in arrests; in forcible-rape cases, whites led all racial and ethnic groups by more than 2-1. And in larceny theft, whites led blacks, again, more than 2-1.
Given this mathematical truth, would anyone encourage African Americans to begin shooting suspicious white males in their neighborhoods for fear that they’ll be raped, assaulted or murdered?
The truth about crimes, i will include an FBI census link for all the white racists, to verify crime stats themselves, that show that whites, commit most of the crimes in the US, especially, the most violent crimes. by the way, I am from Africa, and African countries have the world’s lowest crime rates, lowest rape or murder rates, African cultural philosophy is about negotiation, talking, plus we don’t have guns circulating among people. so not a lot of crime, compared to the West. let’s face it, we are all human beings, but whites especially of all people should not claim superiority, because you have committed more crime and spilled more human blood than any other people in the history of the world. Go to Wikipedia for a list of all genocides in history, most of them killed millions of people,most, not all, but most committed by whites against other humans whom they deemed superior. by the way as a pre-med student, i can tell you that in genetics, black genes are dominant and white genes are recessive, . FBI census link:
ANYC 14 hours ago
@humanityisbeautifulinallitsforms why would you do that? the DISPARITY in crime, paritcularly violent crime and especially interracial crime is horrifyingly REAL, why would you intentionally ignore that point? that takes HATE and CONTEMPT on YOUR part in order to do that.
why do anti-white racist pretend to be unable to understand the concept of population ratios? its not Genetic despite what racists will say…. its quite intentional, directed, HATRED on your part.
not only does what you say illustrate your racist hatred, that you have the gall to do it under the pretense of “anti racism” makes you the worst kind of Coward.
Samuel R Rothenstein 12 hours ago
Their whole game is smoke and mirrors. Distortion of reality and manipulating facts. It’s a house of cards waiting to be blown over. All it will take is a few breaths.
cali 1 hour ago
@ANYC @humanityisbeautifulinallitsforms Stats taken for EVERY legitimate resource disagrees with her irrational analysis. Funny thing is we don’t need stats. ANYONE that has or is working in law enforcement, emergency medicine, criminal law realizes the truth. I have spent time in all the areas and the truth is more than obvious.
cali 1 hour ago
Sorry, but your research is fraudulent. The real stats disagree with your numbers. The real FBI numbers are as follows: “An analysis of ‘single offender victimization figures’ from the FBI for 2007 finds blacks committed 433,934 crimes against whites, eight times the 55,685 whites committed against blacks. Interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white — with 14,000 assaults on white women by African Americans in 2007. Not one case of a white sexual assault on a black female was found in the FBI study.”
Though blacks are outnumbered 5-to-1 in the population by whites, they commit eight times as many crimes against whites as the reverse. By those 2007 numbers, a black male was 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse.
Dunnyveg 14 hours ago
Interesting. I notice that the author of this piece mentioned Derbyshire’s firing, and the way it reads, if one wasn’t very careful they would get the impression that Spencer was editor at Takimag when this event occurred. I suspect the reason is the editor who did publish the piece–and who has remained defiant: Jim Goad. Jim Goad is as mean as a junkyard dog, and possesses a rapier wit to boot. The author wasn’t exactly a profile in courage; liberals aren’t what they used to be.
This hit piece proves that the Deformed Church of Political Correctness can be just as preachy and self-righteous as any Christian congregation.
Hydronium Hydroxide 15 hours ago
1919 is a real example of successful ethnic redistribution — done by fiat, we should remember, but done peacefully.” This is true if you consider setting the stage for World War II successful.
Historically ignorant liberal had no idea that he was reffering to the population exchange between Greece and Turkey, which had nothing to do with WW2.
Iconoblaster 16 hours ago
Spencer’s outlook and ambitions may be goofy, but the author fails to demonstrate that he expressed any “hate”. I know people in my own very diverse neighborhood who make it very clear that they have no use for white people (or Mexicans, in at least one case). But there is a difference between being unfriendly, and being hateful. Those particular individuals don’t socialize with us, don’t return greetings, and rebuff all overtures from people of the “wrong color”… they clearly want to be left alone. I don’t know what their reasons are, but I don’t think that constitutes a hate crime.
Red Phillips 16 hours ago
Is it really asking too much that if a journalist accuses someone of hate in an article that the article actually attempt to support the allegation of hate? What she proved in the article is that she thinks Richard Spencer is a politically incorrect wrongthinker and he offended her oh so rightthinking sensibilities But what the author believes to be politically incorrect wrongthink does not equal hate, and the use of the word hate is rank demagoguery.
jewamongyou 16 hours ago
You call him a “hate-monger” but fail to quote him saying anything hateful. I’m fairly certain that his views on forced sterilization are the same as Taylor’s: Sterilize people (temporarily) if they are on public assistance. You write:
“But the way he called for a white ethno-state and forced sterilization chilled me. I had never heard anyone speak so calmly about something so abhorrent.” Is a white ethno-state abhorrent to you? Then YOU would be the hater, not Spencer. Did he call for forced sterilization? Then where’s the quote – and in what context?
Reverend Bacon 17 hours ago
You first say he mentions incentives for controlling the breeding, and all of a sudden on the next line you claim he’s advocating “FORCED” sterilization? It may be what he said, but it sounds fishy.
Many people claim that offering financial incentives for sterilization is forcing them; of course, if they’d prefer the money over the fertility, then giving them the choice clearly makes them better off, doesn’t it? Or are you- the one who’s not filled with hate, nor presumably its cousin contempt- saying that you presume to know what’s better for these people than they do?
Give me his direct quote about “forced sterilization” and I will apologize and withdraw my criticism. Otherwise, you should apologize to him.
TimHarcourt @TimHarcourtfrom Twitter30 Sep
@timsout @Salon segregation did untold damage to the US economy over time not to mention the injustice of it
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Jeronimus 7 minutes ago
@TimHarcourt @timsout @Salon Segregation damaged the economies? On noes!
Oh, I see what you mean. When white people were allowed to keep their neighborhoods and their towns white, they didn’t have to pack up and flee when the dark hordes invaded. They didn’t have to go buy new houses, and cars to commute to their jobs, just to get away from the diversity you’re forcing on us.
Real estate developers and bankers and the oil industry and auto industry benefited greatly from demographic churning and forced diversity and forced integration.
See that liberals! You’re nothing but tools of the plutocrats. You can’t let white people have a nice stable white civilization. You have to constantly mess with us. Well we’re sick of you and your diversity crap! We’re so sick of it and we’re fighting back. You swine ain’t seen nothing yet!
OnMainStreet 17 hours ago
Where was the Liberal outrage when a racist black mayor told an applauding and cheering crowd of black racists that he would do everything his power to keep New Orleans a “Chocolate City”??
Where is the outrage from Liberals and their MSM when the black voters in Jackson Mississippi overwhelmingly elected the Black Supremacist/Black Revolutionary, Chokwe Lumumba, Mayor?? ‘Mayor Chokwe Lumumba’……”Then Lumumba smiled and raised his right hand halfway, just a little above the podium, briefly showing the clenched fist of a Black Power salute. “And I want to say, free the land!”
Applause rang out, bells chimed, wooden staffs rose up and people shouted back, “Free the land!” That’s the motto of the Republic of New Afrika (RNA), the movement formed in 1968 that sought to turn the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina into an independent black nation.
Jackson’s new mayor is a former vice president of the RNA and a co-founder of the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement (MXGM), a national group born in 1993 that seeks self-determination for African-Americans — whom it calls New Afrikans — “by any means necessary.” Like many shaped by the Black Power era, Lumumba long shunned formal politics, until a successful run for City Council in 2009. Now, as mayor, he is seeking to apply the tenets of the black radical tradition to the duties of running a city.” -Aljazeera America
GLEN_MICH @GLEN_MICHfrom Twitter30 Sep
@JamilSmith “Clean cut, nice guy” sounds like the description given a neighbor who turns out to be a child raper or a cannibal serial killer
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Wotan09 18 hours ago
@GLEN_MICH @JamilSmith Sounds similar to the description given out to most Black male criminals; you can also throw in ‘aspiring rapper’ or ‘star football player’ and ‘good boy’.
cali 1 hour ago
@GLEN_MICH @JamilSmith so you prefer disheveled, assholes?
Chiam Rosenshoahgoldbernstein 20 hours ago
Oy Vey, how dare this Goyim want to preserve his race!!!! Such a horrible racist, he needs to be enriched.
marco01 20 hours ago
@Chiam Rosenshoahgoldbernstein
Nice try, but we all know he is about a lot more than just “preserving his race.”
He is about white supremacism, the belief that his race is genetically superior to other races.
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ARealNewYorker 18 hours ago
@Wotan09 @marco01 @Chiam Rosenshoahgoldbernstein Yeah, and it doesn’t exist within races, either, jackass. One of my least favorite things about racists is that they always want to leech off the accomplishments of white people who actually accomplished something important. White accomplishments may exceed Black accomplishments, they may not. God only knows. But you haven’t done shit.
Wotan09 18 hours ago
@ARealNewYorker @Wotan09 @marco01 @Chiam Rosenshoahgoldbernstein
Says the Yank who probably cheers obsessively and argues about whatever Black-ball team he’s a fan of, sort of replacing his own masculinity and ethnocentrism with a lame sports team. You’re right about equality not even existing within races so why do leftists like you promote it for races who evolved thousands of miles apart in totally different geographies and climates?
Krantzstone 17 hours ago
@Wotan09 @ARealNewYorker @marco01 @Chiam Rosenshoahgoldbernstein Advocating for minority groups in North America isn’t about proposing anyone of any ethnicity is superior to others but is in direct reaction to racism inflicted against minority groups, and an attempt to level the playing field which has been profoundly uneven due to the historicity of racism and its ongoing legacy in our society’s institutions, organizations, etc.
The reality is that while culturally we may be different, biologically “racial” differences are skin deep and largely a social construct. It’s yet another form of primitive tribalism that really should not exist in this day and age, but unfortunately, the insidious nature of racism means that until such a time that the playing field is as level as humanly possible, the issue of race will continue to come up. Separatist movements just aren’t useful or productive in the reality of present day humanity, and thoroughly untenable, as we only have one Earth on which to live.
Of course, this guy is advocating colonizing the moon or something, which at least makes a little more sense, even if it is a little fantastical.
Jeronimus 5 minutes ago
@ARealNewYorker @Wotan09 @marco01 @Chiam Rosenshoahgoldbernstein
OK, so I( can’t be proud of Thomas Edison or Charles Lindbergh, but I have to “take responsibility” for the legacy of slavery, kiilling the native americans, jim Crow, Holocaust, et cetera ,et cetera ad infinitum.
Whites can have their alleged historical crimes, but not the historical achievments. According to liberals.
HankBobs 21 hours ago
Richard Spencer is NOT FROM MONTANA. He is not from here, his ideas were not developed here, he does not have supporters here. He even said he’s not even politically active here. This article even mentioning Montana and the stats of race here is as irrelevant as discussing the brand of underwear he wears.
marco01 21 hours ago
Don’t worry, we don’t blame Montana for this jackhole.
Zoot Suit McGoot 15 hours ago
@HankBobs He does, however, represent scores of millions of whites whose higher brain functions have not been paralyzed by multicultural and politically correct ideology. Try to understand that most whites bitterly resent their dispossession and disempowerment conducted by lefties in the name of anti-racism, diversity and multiculturalism.
amasays @amasaysfrom Twitter30 Sep
@FoxReports @alexhalperin @Salon Great article! Was in grad school with Spencer, and you’ve nailed his brand in this piece.
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WhitePride14_88 @WhitePride14_88from Twitter30 Sep
@RichardBSpencer being a well manicured vile racist. the surprise people get when they realize you espouse that race is real #priceless
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marco01 22 hours ago
@WhitePride14_88 @RichardBSpencer
When you say race is real, in what sense exactly are you talking about?
Samuel R Rothenstein 12 hours ago
@WhitePride14_88 @RichardBSpencer
/watch?v=6IAYtDFqQ9k Watch that @ 4:10
Race is real unless you are white.
AfroFogey 22 hours ago
Where is the hate? Wanting to live among your own isn’t hate. It’s perfectly normal, and how people have tended to live. This article is pretty badly written
marco01 22 hours ago
Thinking other races are inferior or lesser somehow is hate, and that is what this guy obviously believes. It’s right there in the article, I have to wonder how you could miss it.
The only difference between the “races” are superficial differences, people who can’t handle other people looking a little different are, in my view, a primitive sort of human.
Wotan09 22 hours ago
@marco01 @AfroFogey
Back in reality, race is far more than aesthetics.
marco01 22 hours ago
@Wotan09 @marco01 @AfroFogey
That is what racists believe, and their reasoning is motivated by a primitive tribalism.
Wotan09 22 hours ago
@marco01 @Wotan09 @AfroFogey
Tribalism/Ethnocentrism are normal and natural. Multikult is abnormal and government forced.
marco01 21 hours ago
@Wotan09 @marco01 @AfroFogey
Yes, the human race arose from tribal beginnings, often killing the tribe over in the next valley because they were scary and different – yet almost always from the same race.
You celebrate this kind of “normalcy”? Because modern racism is no different than that.
As for government forced, I live in the Bay Area, which is highly multicultural. No one is forcing me or anyone else to live here and we love it. Funny when you get to know a person of a different “race” how you see they are no different that you.
Advanced humans have come to realize that the superficial differences of race are just that, superficial.
tinwoman 20 hours ago
@Wotan09 @marco01 @AfroFogey Tribalism is the Taliban and Al-Shabaab. Ethnocentrism isNorth Korea and communist-era Romania. If it’s a choice between those and San Fran, give me San Fran every time (P.S:–you’d choose it too).
JQuinton 19 hours ago
@Wotan09 @marco01 @AfroFogey You know what else is normal and natural? Rape. You know what’s not natural or normal? The Internet. If you have an aversion to unnatural things, I suggest you sign off.
Wotan09 18 hours ago
@JQuinton @Wotan09 @marco01 @AfroFogey
Rape is normal and natural in African nations, and….Little Africa aka Detroit.
marco01 14 hours ago
@Wotan09 @JQuinton @marco01 @AfroFogey
Go fuck yourself and die, racist hater scum
This Yank would love to sink a minie ball into ya
ANYC 13 hours ago
@marco01 @AfroFogey no its not, you are outright lying and applying your own fiction to it. and yes, it is YOUR fiction.
its a HUMAN RIGHT for people to want to live in and maintain their own racial cultures and communities.
that is not hate, or superiority or any other such nonsense….you are acting as if thats ONLY reason a person would want what everyone else wants. that would do such a thing is more a reflection of your own issues of feeling inferior.
are YOU an individual that wants to live inside a racial culture and community ASIDE from your own? thats not indicative of your “non racism”, again, it represents YOUR OWN issues with race and self loathing… you are making it a “fault” that others dont share your own issues.
the hatred here, is all YOURS.
A Real American 22 hours ago
This guy is your typical Repiglickn’, small minded and / or lazy thinking. As if solving societal problems were easy.
t.sopraon1 22 hours ago
@A Real American but you get to the point where you realize that his solution is the only solution.End the hate segregate.
marco01 22 hours ago
@t.sopraon1 @A Real American
“End the hate segregate”
A sad testimony to humanity, are you saying that humanity is so primitive we can’t see beyond completely superficial “differences.”? Maybe some of us can’t, but I think most of us are a bit more advanced.
ANYC 13 hours ago
@marco01 @t.sopraon1 @A Real American
and again… why are you reducing it to “superficial” differnces? race, family, heritage, culture, identity are wonderfull things, they are not “superficial”
your sense of worthlessness is all your own, you dont get to force that nonsense onto the rest, THAT IS HATRED ON YOUR PART… whats amazing is that you do it under the veneer of being “non racist”…even “advanced”… thats completely and utterly ridiculous. you are not any kind of “middle ground” or “non racist” by any stretch. you are yet another layer of hatred people have to deal with.
nicholasstix 1 hour ago
@marco01 @t.sopraon1 @A Real American,
Ask blacks, Hispanics, or Asians if the differences are “superficial.” They think those differences are the most important things in the world. Indeed, while most “anti-racist” whites say the differences are “superficial” out of one side of their mouth, out of the other side they too pronounce them the most important things in the world, in their support for “diversity,” “affirmative action,” “multiculturalism,” and for the racial displacement of whites. If you really believed your line about “completely superficial ‘differences,’” you would be indifferent to whether whites remained the majority in America, or were reduced to minority status. But you don’t believe it. You’re a lying racist to the bone!
tinwoman 20 hours ago
@t.sopraon1 @A Real American You first. Buh-bye.
Wotan09 18 hours ago
@tinwoman @t.sopraon1 @A Real American
No, you.
I’ve a one way ticket to Liberia for you.
marco01 14 hours ago
@Wotan09 @tinwoman @t.sopraon1 @A Real American
The Confederacy died in 1865, you racist hater scum are going to have to stew in your own hatred, America hates you.
Wotan09 13 hours ago
@marco01 @Wotan09 @tinwoman @t.sopraon1 @A Real American
Third world America (non-White America) will be globally irrelevant and those scattered Whites left to suffer in it will utterly despise it.
cali 1 hour ago
@marco01 @Wotan09 @tinwoman @t.sopraon1 @A Real American I don’t hate him. I don’t hate a black man that prefers to be around black men, either.
ANYC 13 hours ago
@A Real American and isnt it interesting that your imagined “solution”to everything will very likely be leftist/liberal ideology right?
so you are not actually addressing hate or racism, you are using it as a tool, you have just effectively stated that anyone that does not support so-called ‘liberal’ ideology…. any dissent is obviously ‘racist”
you are not a real american, your a dishonest patsy that happily condones and foments very real racist hatred.
HercFamily5 @HercFamily5from Twitter30 Sep
@Salon That is such a great story on famous separatists like @LouisFarrakhan @JeremiahWright who bring nicely packaged racism to the masses!
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HankBobs 23 hours ago
Thanks for giving this a*hole a forum to spread his hate. We here in Montana just completely ignore racists garbage, no one around here would write an article to help him get the word out. You suck SALON.
Aunt Messy 22 hours ago
@HankBobs You’d rather let this idiot smear his shit all over your state and keep it a big secret? Is that what you’re saying?
How about washing off that big old yellow streak and shining some light on the cockroaches that are destroying your home’s reputation? How about standing up to these assholes and telling them what you think of them?
Or are you that much of a gutless wonder that you have to rely on other people to do that for you?
HankBobs 21 hours ago
@Aunt Messy I’m a gutless wonder because I don’t want my state represented by one racists idiot who recently moved here? How many articles a year to you think SALON writes about my “remote” state? Not very many. But they get word some idiot moved here from Virginia and they fly in for the interview–to tell the word, quoting stats of our racial breakdown and telling all about the ‘great white state of Montana’.
What the hell makes you think I and WE won’t do something to stand up to this ‘cockroach’? Writing an article, spreading his words to other cockroaches is NOT standing up to him.
Where was SALON when white separatists tried to play a Nazi movie about the holocaust in Kalispell and 300 people showed up with cameras to photograph and publish the attendees? Where was SALON when hundreds of Flathead valley residents worked to run a racist bigot off a local radio station, when we organized protests, vigils, and a campaign to record his words 24 hours a day… resulting finally in a defamation case that put him out of business and out of Montana?
This is a GREAT state with a Great reputation on race issues. Yes, we don’t have a lot of minorities and most people would be completely happy if that fact were to change. The LAST thing we need are Virgina rednecks in suits showing up and telling other ‘cockroaches’ that this is a great place to spread their hate.
We DO clean up crap like this. We WILL deal with Mr. Spencer. He is NOT welcome here. And I do NOT appreciate this article giving him a forum.
tinwoman 20 hours ago
@HankBobs @Aunt Messy This is wonderful. I’m gonna go get popcorn.
Krantzstone 17 hours ago
@HankBobs @Aunt Messy Fair enough. But I think rather than being upset at seeing this guy exposed, it’s important to let people know that a guy like this is in your midst, so you and people like you can do something about it. Obviously it’s not good to typify any one state based on a single individual, but I think there is public utility in exposing people like this. I am interested in hearing more about those things you mentioned about exposing racists in Montana, and I think Salon should do a story on that too, to show that the people of Montana aren’t going to stand for a hatemonger in their midst.
Aunt Messy 12 hours ago
@HankBobs @Aunt Messy More to the point, boyo, where were YOU? Were YOU there protesting? Were YOU writing to your newspaper or your mayor, governor, or Congressman, telling them what you think of these people?
Why would you deride Slate for exposing scum like this? You should be dancing in the streets that someone is paying attention.
You can’t kill a cockroach until you can SEE them. So here we are, shining a light on the scum. THEY are the ones destroying your reputation. You should be thanking Salon for making sure that the rest of the country is paying attention.
ANYC 13 hours ago
@HankBobs what exactly was said that was hatefull or racist?
you ARE a gutless wonder. so anyone that shows any dissent to this strange sense of self gratification you get from accepting racist hatred… gets the boot? its your way or nothing? no you sad little worm, its not “your state”, your willingness to accept abuse and spittle hatred is not a standard by wich ANYONE is forced to emulate.
your a coward and a hypocrite.
@FoxReports Great piece! I’ve never heard of this Spencer character.
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IamDarthZane @IamDarthZanefrom Twitter30 Sep
@Salon @VOICEOFCHID David Duke 3.1. Nothing new.
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Egg 1 day ago
How about live and let live. What makes America both unique and great is that we are not divided up into little tribal/cultural/racial alliances but instead represent one large “melting pot” of humanity.
marco01 23 hours ago
Well said
ANYC 13 hours ago
@Egg it was a melting pot in reference to white europeans coming together…the term was coined during the jim crow era for gods sake.
later the ideological nonsense tried to up the ante by describing america as a “mixed salad” for the simple fact that many non-whites did not want to integrate, and absolutley adhered to their own racial cultures and interests.
and now we have so called “multiculturalism”, where white culture is the one thats simply “not allowed”, where its white culture that serves as the medium for internationalization, the culture that is to be “shared” even as we are to celebrate non-white cultures. its ALL about little tribal/cultural/racial alliances that are gathered under a single liberal umbrella…. its white people, and white people alone that are TARGETS for all.
how about you snap yourself out of the delusion your living under and stop condoning racist hypocrisy.
JessicaSCline @JessicaSClinefrom Twitter30 Sep
@WajahatAli @Salon Woohoo!! He’s going to have a hayday with me when I move out there with my Husband! We’re going there when hubby retires.
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evianalmighty 1 day ago
Jackson Mississippi just elected a black supremacist who wants a black homeland in America. he has millions of supporters and yet where are the articles on this very evil man. he is control of a city of 280,000 which is 82% black. This is a real problem not one man who is actually just worried about his people. He gives out his cute little black power salutes. No white is allowed to like being white as only whites are racist.
marco01 23 hours ago
Richard Spencer is not just “worried about his people,” he’s a racist white supremacist, that is clear. What exactly do white Americans have to worry about? Minorities becoming equal?
Telemachus 23 hours ago
@marco01 @evianalmighty
Wotan09 22 hours ago
@marco01 @evianalmighty
Blacks murder at 8x the rate of Whites, steal at 7x the rate of Whites and rape at about 4x the rate of Whites. The average IQ of African Blacks is 70 and in America 85 due to White admixture. I find these facts worrying.
marco01 21 hours ago
@Wotan09 @marco01 @evianalmighty
I find your facts motivated by racist reasoning. Your figures are obviously from some racist source.
HankBobs 21 hours ago
@Wotan09 @marco01 @evianalmighty – 99% of crime in Montana is committed by WHITE PEOPLE. These rates you are reporting are about POVERTY not RACE.
kingkaga898 21 hours ago
@HankBobs @Wotan09 @marco01 @evianalmighty Of course Montana has a high white crime population–because it’s almost 90% white people that live there.
Meanwhile, in a state like Georgia, where 30% of the population is black, blacks make up HALF of all the crime of the state.
Wotan09 21 hours ago
@marco01 @Wotan09 @evianalmighty
Yeah the Department of Justice/FBI is my source. But according to ‘minorities’ and the Left facts are ‘racist’.
Wotan09 21 hours ago
@HankBobs @Wotan09 @marco01 @evianalmighty
West Virginia is the 2nd poorest state — it’s 95% White and it’s the 15th safest state. Poverty isn’t the issue — race is, always.
marco01 21 hours ago
@Wotan09 @marco01 @evianalmighty
Did you factor in how blacks are convicted at a higher rate and given higher sentences for similar crimes? I doubt it.
marco01 20 hours ago
It isn’t race that is the issue, it is the circumstance of their experiences that is the issue.
In the Nineteenth Century, the Irish were less advanced than their English neighbors, and were considered sub-human because of this. The same beliefs held when they came to the US, where they had higher rates of poverty and crime than other groups. Cartoons depicting the Irish as sub-human apes are well known. Over time, the Irish assimilated and rose up to the median level of society, helped in no small part because their appearance as whites greatly aided in their acceptance by the white majority society.
Blacks have had an entirely different experience in America. 300 years of slavery, 100 years of institutionalized oppression, continued discrimination, and a drug prohibition that has bred a culture of crime among a desperate people just emerging from those centuries of slavery and oppression.
As for the problems still experienced in Africa, Jared Diamond’s Guns, Germs, and Steel does a great job showing how the people of Africa had very different resources at their disposal than people from other regions, resources not conductive for the emergence of modern civilization. In modern times, resources conductive to modern civilization are more available to the people of the African continent, but cultures do not change easily, and you “ethnocentric” types should understand this better than anyone.
The reasons for differences between different groups are complex – racists look for easy answers, answers that arise from primitive tribalistic impulses of fear and hatred of the “Other.”
OnMainStreet 17 hours ago
@marco01 @Wotan09 @evianalmighty
@marco01 wrote: ” I find your facts motivated by racist reasoning. Your figures are obviously from some racist source.”
The DOJ’s own stats under the Obama Administration and Attorney General Eric Holder:
Homicide Trends in the U.S.
Trends By Race:
“Racial differences exist, with blacks disproportionately represented among homicide victims and OFFENDERS”
“In 2005, OFFENDER RATES FOR BLACKS were more than 7 TIMES HIGHER than the rates for whites”
Page 58
Marco01, I find your denial motivated by racist reasoning.
Krantzstone 17 hours ago
@OnMainStreet @marco01 @Wotan09 @evianalmighty Correlation and causation are not the same thing. As marco01 pointed out, there are a myriad issues which are involved which affect certain minority populaces disproportionately, and many of those issues are about the racism they face, and not their race.
marco01 14 hours ago
@OnMainStreet @marco01 @Wotan09 @evianalmighty
Did you read my comment? Apparently not. I said the higher rate of crime among blacks is due to their unique experience, plus the fact that blacks get convicted at higher rates and receive higher sentences for similar crimes.
You racist POS always ignore that part, but in fact you love it, don’t you?
Eat shit and die, racist scum
OnMainStreet 13 hours ago
@marco01 @OnMainStreet @Wotan09 @evianalmighty
“I said the higher rate of crime among blacks is due to their unique experience”-marco01
Unique experience? Like two world wars within 20 years that turned their cities into ruble and killed close to 100,000,000 of their men, women, and children. Wounding and mutilating many more. While leaving millions of survivors with nothing but the clothes on their backs??
Like 3,000 years of blatant anti-Jewish discrimination and slavery, that led to untold massacres of Jews throughout history, culminating in a Holocaust that wiped out 2/3 of the population in Europe??
And yet through it all they picked themselves up and prospered. If past experiences of ones forefathers handicap those living today, then those of European ancestries, both Christian and Jews should be too crippled to care for themselves, let along build and maintain a modern civilization.
When it comes to blacks getting convicted at higher rates and receiving higher sentences for similar crimes….You gave the reason when you stated that blacks, in general, commit a higher rates of crime, which causes a higher rate of repeat offenders, who receive stiffer sentences in the courts for that reason.
You Liberals Victimists always ignore those facts.
Those quotes and states are published on the DOJ’s own website, under the direction of Eric “My People” Holder. I didn’t write, or publish them there. When you point a finger accusing others of being racist, remember 3 fingers are point right back at you.
As for your dietary suggestion, no, I will not eat shit. But if that’s what you have a taste for, don’t let me stop you. By all means, chow down.
tramky 1 day ago
Let’s see, we have the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, we have the Negro College Fund, we have BET, we have Al Sharpton, we have the Congressional Black Caucus within the very halls of Congress, we have the racist haters Eric Holder and Barack Hussein Obama in the highest & most powerful public offices in the nation, but this guy in Montana is the hatemonger & racist!
Who does Salon think its kidding with this drivel?
tinwoman 1 day ago
@tramky There’s a difference between advocating for an equality which you’ve never had, and fighting to keep others down to maintain an unfair superior position which you have always held. I know you don’t get it.
marco01 23 hours ago
Anyone who is not a racist understands why the groups you mention are not racist
White racists get confused about it however
Clell65619 23 hours ago
@tramky Calm down Tramky. The last time you got this upset you showed up at the Klan meeting in the flowered percale sheets…
KiraKaefer @KiraKaeferfrom Twitter30 Sep
@Salon scarry
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Dr. Zachary Smith 1 day ago
Y’know, I didn’t think it was possible to dumb down Salon comments, but the inclusion of Twitter has surely done that. To watch the subject of this article try to express himself in Twitter-bites is painful.
Please: Twitter delenda est. Get rid of Twitter in the comments. It ain’t helping.
DMichael 1 day ago
@Dr. Zachary Smith Thank you! But don’t count on it…it drives the “numbers” up, and that’s really all Salon is after.
BeansAndGreens 1 day ago
@Dr. Zachary Smith
Between the new, terrible formatting of the webpage and now these inane Twitter comments, Salon is much worse off. What will they do next to hurt themselves?
AmericoNonini @AmericoNoninifrom Twitter30 Sep
@Salon manure, no matter how prettily packaged, is still nothing more than manure.
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eliz1377 @eliz1377from Twitter30 Sep