America & Secret Societies
President John F. Kennedy on Secret Societies,
“The very word “secrecy” is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it… For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations. Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”
“Without debate, without criticism, no Administration and no country can succeed– and no republic can survive. That is why the Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy. And that is why our press was protected by the First (emphasized) Amendment– the only business in America specifically protected by the Constitution– not primarily to amuse and entertain, not to emphasize the trivial and sentimental, not to simply “give the public what it wants”–but to inform, to arouse, to reflect, to state our dangers and our opportunities, to indicate our crises and our choices, to lead, mold educate and sometimes even anger public opinion.”
“And so it is to the printing press–to the recorder of mans deeds, the keeper of his conscience, the courier of his news– that we look for strength and assistance, confident that with your help man will be what he was born to be: free and independent.”
Bohemian Grove Newt Gingrich is not telling the TRUTH, again. Donald and his father, Fred, were initiated Luciferian Freemasons, The Sons of St. Tammany, or the Columbian (Masonic) Order in New York City.
Until January 2016, behind the veil, DiCaprio, Snake in the Grass, may have been the true but secret reigning Prince of the Global Satanic Hip Hop Generation. The DEVIL is so cold hearted that the N-Word slides out of his mouth like a hot buttered ice pick stuck in your heart. You don’t realized that he has drawn your blood and that you have been stabbed until you fall down- DEAD.
Among his demonic black devotees was always Comedian Chris Rock. In December 2014, Chris told Howard Stern, “I LOVE THE GUY. He enjoys himself. If he’s not doing a movie, he’s 40 pounds more, with a fine motherf—er. With a beard and model. F— y’all. I’m eating cheeseburgers and f—ing fine bitches.”[1]
Rihanna, Satanic/ILLUMINATI Blood Lapping Tongue of Goddess Kali
Another of his black devotees includes SATAN’s Pan-Sexual Daughter, Hip Hop Star, Rihanna. She’s has had a thing for the movie star for quite some time. “Rihanna said that Leonardo is her childhood crush,” a source close to the singer tells exclusively. “She said that she’s wanted him since she was a teenager.” “She is actually really, really into him,” the friend adds.[2]
Pay really close attention to what her off and on demonic schizoid lover, Chris Brown, had to say about DiCaprio, “You can only go up, and that’s the upper, upper echelon…”[3] Upper, upper echelon of what exactly? Huh! The ILLUMINATI.
Another one of his Hip Hop/Rap devotees is the Pan-Sexual Down-Low, half of a man, 50 Cent.[4] 50 Cent on DiCaprio, “I get photo bombed by the hottest people in the world. You should try living with out limits [Aleister Crowley 666, The Book of the Law: “Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.”].[5]
With the Selfie of the two, 50 Cent posted “Getting Advice“, that is exactly what Rihanna claims that she is also doing.[6] DiCaprio’s most likely advice to them all that are devoted to the ILLUMINATI and Lucifer: N*gg***, “Get GAY or DIE“, like TOPSY CHUCK-Licous!
N*gg***, “Get WITCHED or DIE“, Like a 50 Cent (half a man).[7]
Mistresses of EVIL, TOPSY 50 Cent & Angelina Jolie
50 Cent says that he isn’t GAY, but why impersonate and glorify the IMAGE of a Satanic Angelina Jolie– a female WITCH Disney Character called, Maleficent if you’re not gay and a TOPSY female impersonator at heart. Jolie is a serious and real Mistress of All Evil “… drawn to EVIL.”[8]
“Add to this that in Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent is the self-proclaimed ‘Mistress of All Evil.’ She bears devilish horns and seeks to destroy what she deems as good. In Sleeping Beauty, Maleficent’s evil sidekick is a raven whose name is Devil in Spanish (Diablo). In the movie Maleficent, Disney changes the name to sound a bit more like our English word for Devil, to ‘Diaval.'”[9]
These Negroes have “Lost Their Damned Minds!” I believe that the masses can and will read through all of this blatant madness and Satanic BS. The year 2016 isn’t starting out too well for America’s International IMAGE. NFL Super Bowl 50 turned out to be a Male Homo-Erotic Ball featuring Willem Dafoe’s Satanic Cult of Marilyn Monroe, and the “Throw Your Balls in Their Face” Denver Broncos.
The February 28, 2016 88th Academy Awards (Oscars) ceremony got a lot of major global shade and salt thrown in its face about its “lack of diversity”. Over the past 2 (two) years, numerous critics and stars have spoken out about their disappointment over its blatant lack of diversity among Oscar nominees. 2016 was no exception, it turned out to be business as usual. The Oscar’s ceremony was yet another typical HollyWeird exclusive ROMAN BALL of the American Plutocracy.[10]
Oscars, Topsy & The Great Diversity Satanic PRETEXT
Goddess Kali- Satanic Blood Lapping Tongue, Jada Pinkett Smith– ILLUMINATI
However, the 2016 Oscars ceremony was quite different than others. The Global Satanic Cabals used the Oscar ceremonies “lack of diversity” protest as a WICKED “pretext” to make an international MOCKERY of Black People.
Secret ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Symbol, Ray J and Brandy (implicated directly in the Assassination of Whitney Houston), and Jada Pinkett Smith-they’re all part of the HollyWeird Black Satanic Society (Boule). Jada is beholden to the demonic EVIL & TRICKERY of SATAN and L. Ron Hubbard’s Satanic Rooted Scientology, not to the will and good of the people.
The seemly false protest at the 2016 Oscar ceremony was setup by their HollyWeird black Luciferians like Jada Pinkett Smith to run that hot buttered ice pick into the hearts of Black People, and it looks as if most people don’t realize that they have been clowned, distracted, then stabbed.
Just a Classical Funny Emasculated N*gg**, Chris Rock and Vanity Fair Magazine
On Oscar’s night, they danced out some of HollyWeird’s most vicious black Luciferians, uncle toms, mammies, handkerchief heads, bootlickers, sellouts, Oreos, minstrels coons, and House Negroes led by the Minstrel Coon Chris Rock; Stacey Dash, Angela Bassett, Tracey Morgan, and Whoopi Goldberg to make the world comfortable to join them in mockery, menacing, humiliating, belittling and marginalizing Black People and their legitimate aspirations as a people.
They poked fun at emasculating, humiliating and degrading Black men. They turned the bootlicking Tracey Morgan into a Global Danish TOPSY.
They drew blood by attacking, ridiculing and marginalizing Black History Month that was established primarily designed to humanize a people burned alive, butchered, hung by their necks from trees, shot and tortured solely because of their race in their own native country that possess to be the world’s peacemaker, and leader of the entire free world. It is no laughing matter. It is a Natural and Human Rights Violation!
Instead of opening up the Oscars to people of color, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) bought in one of its classic beaten down submissive HollyWeird Uncle Tom Clowns, Chris Rock, to distract, deceive, confuse the masses; and suppress the legitimate concerns of the people for what is right, fair and just.
Most people have some idea who Uncle Tom was/is. Except, maybe, Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Drumpf (Trump). After being endorsed for the presidency by David Duke, above, and Klan, he doesn’t know whom the Invisible Empire of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan are.[11]
That’s a very, very tricky subject and question even for a cartoon character Bugs Bunny, and a con man like Satanic Donald Drumpf– especially if he’s one of the invisible members of “The Original Folks Klansmen 333” or OFK333”.[12]
Uncle Tom is the title character of Harriet Beecher Stowe’s 1852 novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. The phrase “Uncle Tom” has also become an epithet for a person who is slavish and excessively subservient to perceived authority figures, particularly a black person who behaves in a subservient manner to white supremacy; white people; or any person perceived to be complicit in the oppression of their own group. To this particular Uncle Tom’s credit in the novel, when the oppressor demanded that he be complicit in the brutal suppression of the legitimate demands of the people to be free, he refused, laid down, rolled over and was inhumanly beaten to DEATH. [13] However in Uncle Tom’s Cabin, you may not be aware of TOPSY.
“I’s wicked, – I is. I’s mighty wicked, any how. I can’t help it.” Topsy
Topsy is another famous character in Uncle Tom’s Cabin. In the book, she is a mischievous, clever little girl who hasn’t been raised with any moral or intellectual instruction- so they say. She had been raised in complete subjugation, beaten and whipped with any instrument that comes to hand by her heartless masters. Topsy was treated like an animal. She was described as a “FUNNY SPECIMEN” and they used to whistle to her the way “a man would to call the attention of a dog.” Topsy was trained to believe and act, as a “N*GG** “.[14]
The Oscars & It’s FUNNY SPECIMEN
For the 2016 Oscars ceremonies, AMPAS and the gatekeepers didn’t have to pull out the whip to get an emasculated cowardly “FUNNY SPECIMEN” like Christopher Julius Rock III to be complicit in the oppression of people of color; show all of his white teeth, bend down, roll over and act a N*GG** like a TOPSY.
The Making of Chris Rock
Chris Rock was born in Andrews, South Carolina- grew up in Brooklyn, New York. He said while growing up in Brooklyn, “My mother and father wanted me to go to a better school, so I was bused to this poor, white neighborhood…I was the only black boy in my grade for most of the time. I was a little guy, too, a skinny runt.”[15] In 2007, Chris Rock told host James Lipton of Bravo’s Inside the Actors Studio that bullying was “the defining moment of my life … it made me who I am.” He even thanked the pack of [white] boys who regularly “kicked my a–, spit in my face, and kicked me down the stairs,” because the experiences not only helped him to think quick on his feet, but also fueled his drive to succeed [dissociate].[16]
The defining moment of his life also included being called a “N*GG** “ each and every day. He said that his daily struggle in school was like suffering daily ritual traumatic war stress in Vietnam. Chris Rock’s Post-traumatic stress (war) disorder (PTSD) analogy is good to describe the trauma he suffered except for one thing, each and every day, he bent over, rolled over, laid down, suffered, and never once fought or resisted his racial oppressors and tormentors.
“My spirit was broken everyday. After a while you just go into a zone [disassociation]… So, after a while, I would just shove my personality into my SHOE from nine to three. I just wasn’t a person. Then, when I got home. I would bring Chris out. Brining Chris out meant cracking jokes, and trying to be funny.”[17]
The ritual ass-kicking, name calling and spit in his face didn’t help him succeed in school. He dropped out of high school. No, Chris Rock that wasn’t bullying that made you what you became- dangerous to the masses- a dissociated FUNNY SPECIMENT. It was criminal ritual traumatic racial harassment, humiliation and abuse that left him brutalized, marginalized, and a fragmented and disassociated personality- submissive and subservient to white authority and supremacy like a classic TOSPY.
Let me say this. For many of us, the N-Word is a provocative fighting word not protected by the 1st Amendment. I went to a predominately all-Chinese grammar school, and a predominately white junior high school. I was always known to be a quiet, peaceful and respective young man. Each semester of every school year, I made the citizenship honor roll. In the few instances that I had been called out of my name- I moved in on a student as quick as a cat and strong as a lion to snatch him off the ground and that would be the end of calling me out of my name. I didn’t care if he was ten feet tall or a black belt in martial arts. It quickly got around school- don’t go there.
I had a particular subconscious rage associated with N-Word that must have stemmed from my infancy, father, local police, naval enlisted personnel, and the still TOP SECRET and highly classified Project CHATTER (the U.S. Navy Dachau Medical Experiments). The N-Word that I experienced as an infant was associated with some trauma surrounding the brutalization of my father. During my very early childhood, the N-Word would strike me to such a degree that it became a sudden blinding hot blaze of rage. I would actually blackout in a fit of rage. I have yet to discover why or understand it. Just as the N-Word had the power to drive Chris Rock’s emotions into a SHOE and make him feel like a non-person, that same indignity drove me to run to do a fury of battle. After I became aware of that fury and rage, I had to learn to remain conscious not to do serious harm to anyone. The N-Word hurts more ways than one. Those that use it also need to be very “leery” and on notice of its history and use in this country. Don’t get it twisted, during that time, the N-Word had been unacceptable and offensive even among our own people.
I went to a predominately all-white middle-class high school in Oakland. One evening, I went to a public fast food hamburger stand with about three meek black students like Chris that lived in the predominately all-white upper-class hills of Piedmont, CA, where they probably have been called the N- Word constantly in school and their neighborhood. The public commerce hamburger stand happened to be a white gang hangout. That evening, it looked as if there was from fifty to a hundred of them just chilling in the public spaces behind and around the stand. As we made it back to the car in a public parking space, there were about two of them leading a pack that followed behind us. One or two of them called us the N- Word. I dropped my food and drove into the pack to lay my hands on them. I couldn’t get to them alone, because the brothers that backed me up just weren’t accustomed to street fighting. So, I left and returned with a notoriously known street fighter and back street brawler, Joseph Young. We called him, BIG JOE HOBO. He was like our dark skinned Hercules of ANCIENT KEMET. Joe and I along with the young brothers behind us drove into the pack and squared off. Don’t get it twisted, when we pulled up to the public fast food stand. They mashed. They rushed the car beating their chests, and bayed at the moon- selling a lot of wolf tickets.
Big Joe was a knock-out artist that put them down left and right. He looked and fought like a street BIG JACK JOHNSON. He was like BIG JACK JOHNSON in another way. He wasn’t afraid of odds. I was a little kid no bigger then Chris Rock. I was the stinger that floated like a butterfly and stung like a bee. For us, there was no backing up. We moved forward into the pack. If we had been beaten down, we would’ve been right back with more brothers and street fighters. Big Joe was associated with a street gang called the Highlanders. I wasn’t a gang member, but I was well respected and justified among brothers throughout Oakland. Yes, we would’ve been back in full force with brothers , hundreds of Justified Jack Johnsons and Floating Butterflies that sting like a Bee, ready to do battle for what was right and just. The Civil Rights Movement was sweeping across the country. We were determined not to be terrorized, harassed, badgered because of race in the public places open to all. It just wasn’t going down like that, particularly, in Oak Town. It was a free-swinging melee for several minutes before it stopped and a TRUCE was called among us.
Most of the kids at the hamburger stand were our fellow high school students, even Joe Hobo was a big gentle hug-a-bear student on campus, too. That’s why I always respected Big Joe. He was a monster on the street battle field, but naturally as kind and gentle as a lamb. Big Joe also respected me and my special teen-age judgment. Some of the white students finally came forward and told us that they had got the point of it all. They said that the guys that started it all were mostly out of school trouble makers that didn’t really reflect their upbringing, judgment and values, but they had seemed to always blindly go along with them until now. They said that they will deal with them further down the road.
I can see clearly now that it had been somewhat of a victory for the young brothers from the hills like a Chris that didn’t no longer have to put their emotions in their shoes to survive vicious racial attacks and conflicts particular in public places and institutions. At school, the melee was a big soul-searching topic of discussions among the students that had been involved, and the prohibited TRUCE on the N-Word and senseless overt racism and discrimination was honored and stood firm.
Don’t get it twisted, I am not saying that Chris Rock’s unnatural impulse and drive for money, fame and fortune is preliminary rooted from being racially traumatized or being called the N- Word. It certainly affected his mental instability and psyche, but beyond all things, Chris’ choice was to worship power & cold hard cash money– the root of all EVIL.
Chris Rock: “The number one reason people hate America: the number one reason is because of our religion. Americans worship money, we worship money. Separate God from school, separate God from work, separate God from government, but on your money it says in God we trust. All my life I’ve been looking for God, and He’s right in my pocket.”[18]
The Negro sold his soul to the DEVIL a long time ago. By the way, two of the young brothers from the hills that fought for their human dignity beside us were cousins. They became very gifted, successful and respected music industry jazz artists and staples that didn’t sell their SOULS TO THE DEVIL.
On Oscar Night, a lot of people had waited a long time to hear what Chris Rock would say amid the controversy of #OscarsSoWhite. A lot of them say that he didn’t disappoint the crowd, with a so-called “topical, funny, biting and even philosophical monologue.“[19] It was a cruel ILLUSION.
Topsy, Chris Rock & Eddie Murphy
HollyWeird Eddie Murphy as Rasputia
After dropping out of high school, Chris Rock became a teen-age stand-up comic. His first break came in 1986 at the age of 21 years old, when actor-comedian Eddie Murphy attended his show at Manhattan’s Comic Strip Club. He immediately packed up Chris and took him off to HollyWeird. Murphy set him up in the “sweet” La Montage Hotel.[20] In 1989, Chris Rock said that Murphy set him up in a HollyWeird area hotel for secret Masonic initiation that he called the La Montage, because it appears certain that he had been indeed initiated into Freemasonry.
It appears that the current exclusive Beverly Hills Montage Hotel was formed sometime in the early 2000s. Chris must have referred to the beach front Montage Laguna Beach about 58 miles outside of HollyWeird.[21]
Since the 1930s and 1940s, the city of Laguna Beach had become a HollyWeird cozy nesting place for stars like Bette Davis, Mary Pickford, Judy Garland, Rudolph Valentino, Charlie Chaplin and Mickey Rooney maintained homes in town. Later, Ozzie and Harriet Nelson (popular 1950-60s Ozzie & Harriet TV Show) joined them.During WWII, Laguna Beach became a nesting place for military officers out of the U.S. Marine Corps Air Station El Toro. During the 1960s, the White House Press Corps of President Richard Millhouse Nixon, Bohemian Grove Satanic Initiate, setup shop in Laguna Beach. From the 1960s to beyond, Laguna Beach became a full-fledged resort town. The Montage Laguna Beach hotel became a well-known quiet hide-away off the beaten path for the HollyWeird Elite Crowd.[22]
There were several major problems with Chris Rock being picked up by Eddie Murphy. First, Eddie is a Luciferian HollyWeird Freemason.[23] Second, Chris Rock, at 21 years old, was at the required age for a man to become a Mason. Third, Eddie is a notorious PAN-Sexual and secret PEDASTIC boy-lover. In one well documented case, the public record reflects that at 4:45am Friday, May 2, 1997, Murphy picked up 20 years old transsexual Samoan young male Atisone ‘Shalomar’ Seiuli off the street in HollyWeird, CA. Cops on hooker watch – observed as Shalomar hopped in Eddie’s Land Cruiser and they drove off. Two miles later, they were pulled over. According to Shalomar, while in the car – Murphy placed $200 on his thigh, and asked him to model lingerie for him. The word on the street is that Eddie Murphy is sexually fascinated with transsexuals and transvestites.[24] Numerous HollyWeird transsexuals and drag queens have claimed carnal encounters with Eddie dating back to the early 1980s.[25]
By April 22, 1998, Shalomar was dead. He refused to consider a bribe for silence from Murphy’s handlers (Attorney Mark Singer).[26] Since 2014, Murphy has been caught up in another scandal regarding another young transgender, 26 year old, Miss Honey Dip Ashton. He sued him for $2.1 million. Miss Honey Dip claims to have had a sexual relationship with Eddie since he was 17 years old.[27]
Could Chris Rock have prostituted himself as a young black male lover/escort for Eddie Murphy and other HollyWeird secret elite Luciferian Freemason pedophilic/Pedastic power brokers; or sign his name in blood to a Satanic Covenant of Fame and Fortune? YES!
Chris has the same secret HollyWeird Satanic Hand Symbol of Terrence Howard that actually claims to be SATAN and the ANTICHRIST, and elite Global Satanist and ILLUMINATI.[28]
According to The Woman Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets (1983), the downward pointing triangle is a common symbol of the womb.[29] The womb has been symbolized and worshiped in a variety of forms from ancient times to today. Caves, burial chambers, and temples were seen as Wombs of the Mother Earth.[30]
Chris Rock is undoubtedly along with HollyWeird’s clandestine Black Satanic Cults that worship SATANIC ENTITIES and IDOLS. They run his pack with the DEVIL through his twisted ASS. One thing is crystal clear. Chris Rock publicly rejects, denounces, and ridicule the traditional Christian Faith of his forebears. “A black Christian is like a black person with no memory.” So, he says.[31]
Eddy Murphy’s “Golden Child” Foreign Movie Poster Highlighting Mind Control and SATAN
The year, 1986, when Eddie Murphy picked up Chris Rock out of Brooklyn was a significant period and a serious patent Luciferian turning point in Eddie’s HollyWeird film career, “The Eddie Murphy [1986] film “The Golden Child” has many themes associated with theosophy, occultism, Satanism mixed with hints of Monarch mind control. The name instantly evokes The Golden Dawn, and the pseudo-Blavatsky style Tibetan mysticism themes contained within would point further in that occult direction. Note solar symbolism on the film’s poster and it has a duality theme with L.A. on one side and Tibetan mountains on the other (Murphy also wears black and white).”[32]
In 1988, within 2 (two) years of taking off with Eddie Murphy to mix into and inside the secret Luciferian/Satanic Cultic HollyWeird, Chris’ father, Christopher Julius Rock II, a truck driver and newspaper deliveryman, was (blood sacrifice) dead.[33] It was the Satanic and Pedastic Eddie Murphy that directed and mentored Chris in HollyWeird, and gave him a spot on his HBO special, “Uptown Comedy Express” as well as a minor role in “Beverly Hills Cop II.”[34]
By the early 1990s, Chris Rock was placed as an initiate inside the Masonic HollyWeird stable of Jewish Tamra Davis that they say made him and Dave Chappelle stars.[35]
I don’t think that it was a strange coincidence in October 2015 that Chris Rock, Dave Chappelle, particularly, teamed with DiCaprio on Q-Tip’s Beats 1 Radio program (called “Abstract Radio”) to kick it about music and film, and much more.[36] DiCaprio was also an adolescent initiate of a Luciferian HollyWeird Stable (discussed below). Chris Rock took off to global prominence under Davis as a cast member of Saturday Night Live (SNL).[37]
Davis is married to Mike D (Diamond) founding member of the Jewish Hip Hop Group, The Beastie Boys. Mike Diamond’s father and mother were very prominent New York art dealers. His mother, Hester, survived the death of his father, Harold. Recently, just part of Harold’s art collection sold for about $60 million.[38] The Diamonds are intertwined with very heavy, old and secret Zionist-Israeli interests, American-Israeli Cultural Foundation, founded by the late Edward A. Norman of Chicago.[39] Norman was directly linked to the German [Felix] Warburg Banking Family- directly connected to financially underwriting Prescott Bush; secretly financing Hitler and Nazi Germany.[40],[41] Mike D and Tamra Davis aren’t necessarily inside Hip Hop for the money. It’s about the Luciferian exclusive MANAGEMENT & CONTROL of the industry.
Davis was also involved in puffing up the career and modern art form of the late demonic homosexual Luciferian/Sethian Jean-Michel Basquiat. The most important and scary part of Davis’ background is that she was trained in the secret circle of tutorage, agency and apprenticeship of Italian/Roman HollyWeird Film Director and Producer Francis Ford Coppola at his Zoetrope Studios in San Francisco co-founded by George Lucas.[42]
Coppola, and Davis with secret ILLUMINATI X Hand Sign
That’s elitist Francis Ford Coppola of the BOHEMIAN GROVE and the ILLUMINATI.[43] Francis Ford Coppola‘s expertise at the Bohemia Grove was to teach the elite how to secretly transform America into a New Rome under the nose of a constitutional democracy that make all America’s citizens equal under the law.[44] Coppola was also a Freemason, most likely with the notorious Propaganda Due or P2 Lodge.[45]
Plutocracy or plutarchy, is a form of oligarchy and defines a society ruled or controlled by the small minority of the wealthiest citizens. Examples of plutocracies include the Roman Empire, some city-states in Ancient Greece.[46] Deeply imbedded within the Plutocracy (oligarchy) of Rome, there was the Boule. The verb βουλευω (bouleuo), meaning to counsel, consult or resolve (Luke 14:31, 2 Corinthians 1:17). The noun βουλευτης (bouleutes), meaning a councilman.Together with the preposition συν (sun), meaning together or with: the verb συμβουλευω (sumbouleuo), meaning to counsel with or advise someone (John 18:14, Revelation 3:18). the noun επιβουλη (epiboule), meaning a scheme or plot (Acts 9:24, 20:3).Again together with the preposition συν (sun), meaning together or with: the noun συμβουλος (sumboulos), meaning counselor (Romans 11:34 only). The noun συμβουλιον (sumboulion), meaning a consult (Matthew 12:14, Mark 3:6), or a counsel (a group of men: Acts 25:12).[47]
Basically, the Boule was a un-elected and secret group of counselors subservient to the will of the secret oligarchy (elite bloodlines) and plutocracies of Ancient Greece and Rome. In this American Democracy, the classical underground Roman Boule that exists today constituents a clandestine select group of black men and women subservient to will of the secret plutarchy and oligarchies of America.
“The Boule, (an acronym for Sigma Pi Phi) and pronounced “boo-lay”), was formed to bring together a select group of educated Black men and women. Fashioned after Yale’s Skull and Bones, the Boule historically takes pride in having provided leadership and service to Black Americans during the Great Depression, World Wars I and II, and the Civil Rights Movement. What could the Boule offer America’s Blacks in the early 20th century? Joining the exclusive secret society offered advancement and perks to select Blacks in return for loyalty to its objectives.”[48]
Just like in Ancient Rome, the Satanic blood oath secrecy Greek/Roman Negro Boule in America is submissive and subservient to the New Elite Centurions of New Rome in HollyWeird, America and globally. HollyWeird’s Black Satanic Societies of female and emasculated male stars like Chris Rock are now organized in the ancient Greek/Roman classical function of the BOULE.
Chris Rock- Classic MK ULTRA TOPSY
This is CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Chris Rock in the “Jasmine Alter” dressed in Sex Kitten Leopard Print Pattern– Fresh Prince of Bel Air (1995). Chris Rock is a powerless ILLUMINATI Puppet. There were many calls for black comedian Chris Rock to step down from hosting the February 2016 88th Oscar Academy Awards program amid complaints about its lack of diversity. Chris hosted the awards ceremony, nevertheless. But in reality, Chris Rock had been programmed to address the secret New Elite Centurions of New Rome in HollyWeird.
During the global televised Oscar ceremonies, he reasoned that only unemployed Negro actors had been demanding that he step away like sort of the stereotypical black people can’t do anything– “crabs in the barrel mentality” each pulling another away from the top. Chris said, “How come there’s only unemployed people that tell you to quit something, you know? No one with a job ever tells you to quit.”[49] Consistent with his MPD on Oscar Night, Chris Rock’s approach to serious issues like fighting back and resistance to racial abuse, discrimination and oppression was symptomatic/psychosomatic COMEDIC. [50]
The Negro scratched his head, scuffled his feet, bent over, and rolled over. His god given original self withdrew into his “SHOE“ that allowed his minstrel powerless and mindless alter personality to enter and take over with a big fat GRIN; and act a N*GG*R like a TOPSY. However confused by Chris’ ILLUSIONARY performance on Oscar Night, you may have missed some significant truths of the Negro Minstrel Act Behind the Veil. These are some of the TRUTHS that you may have missed. In reality, Chris Rock was programmed to address the secret New Elite Centurions of New Rome in HollyWeird.
Chris Rock implanted the FALSE IMAGE that HollyWeird’s Satanic Cabals as not racialist “Racist Per Se”, but “SORORITY RACIST.” Like, “We like you, Rhonda, but you’re not a ] Kappa [Freemason or ILLUMINATI Phi Beta,” he quipped- showing all his pearly white teeth. Chris Rock implanted the ILLUSION that HollyWeird’s New World Order (NWO) Global Satanic Cabals were “the nicest white people on earth” that didn’t hire black people. [51] Part of that statement was somewhat accurate “Forbidden Secret Truth” facing America and the world.
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