
Friday, June 26, 2015 turned out to be an absolutely surreal day like being in a Shroud of Shadows Mode (explained below)– in and out of 21st Century technological and psychological warfare reality. I am sure that a lot of ink will be spread for quite sometime about the events that unfolded on June 26.

On the eve of President Obama addressing the EVIL of white supremacy and racism in South Carolina, covert U.S. foreign counter-intelligence forces like ISIL unleashed a reign of murder and terror across three continents. In Sousse, Tunisia, gunmen massacred at least 38 mostly white British tourists and wounded at least 39 others.[1] In France, a man stormed an American-owned chemical plant, decapitated one person and apparently tried to blow up the facility. In Kuwait, a suicide bomber blew himself up inside a mosque during communal prayers, killing at least 25 Shiite worshipers.[2]

Just as the world was awaiting President Barrack Obama’s funeral eulogy for slain Rev. Clementa Pinckney, and right in the middle of the entire South Carolina Mother Emanuel AME Church Mind Binding experience and a national conscience reformation, the U.S. Supreme Court released its ruling that basically says that pursuant to the 14th Amendment– Same-Sex Marriage is Protected by the U.S. Constitution.[3]

Don’t get it twisted. I am not saying that the Same-Sex Marriage Supreme Court ruling stole the thunder from the AME massacre and America’s race relations. That it has and that’s the way it was supposed to roll. On Saturday morning, it was all about the celebration and debate about Same-Sex Marriages spilled all over the front pages of newspapers and the lead story throughout the nation. The AME massacre and the long awaited statement on race in this country from its highest elected official was left only an after thought. That’s the way they roll. The debate over race relations, international terrorism, confederate flag and same-sex marriages are all planned major mass population psychological warfare double-bind attacks (insanity without disease), diversions and distractions.

The events that unfolded on Friday, June 26, 2015 were designed to further polarize the races, overwhelm and confuse the masses. In no way, President Obama would be allowed, even if he had the capacity, to galvanize the masses around confronting and fighting EVIL global white supremacy and racism- the SECOND CIVIL WAR AGAINST BLACK PEOPLE. It wasn’t bound to happen, and it didn’t happen or come to past.

Obama’s Cheap and ILLUSIONARY Grace


I knew that President Barrack Obama, the human Cyborg, would be a low down illusory snake in the grass like the Antichrist in paying a tribute in eulogy to the slain Rev. Clementa Carlos Pinckney of Mother Emanuel AME. He was up to the task. He clawed into South Carolina on his belly under the Color of PURPLE- The WHORE OF BABYLON (Revelation 17:4).   The corporate mass media is spreading the gospel that Obama’s eulogy to Rev. Pinckney and the slaughtered AME 8 to have been one of his greatness triumphs as president. They say that Obama’s statement on race was passionate and THUNDEROUS.[4]

In most situations, politicians that manage to perform well earn the credibility and trust of the masses. According to corporate mass media and inside political pundits, Obama’s Grace Eulogy triumphant performance in South Carolina earned the president and the National Democratic Party good “POLITICAL CAPITAL“.[5] It was “Obama’s Grace– The president delivers his single most accomplished rhetorical performance, and it’s one you should watch rather than read, so said the Atlantic.“[6] It was one big ILLUSION.

Obama’s Grace was the “Amazing Grace” hymn written over two hundred years ago by Rev. John Newton of the Anglican Church of the BRITISH EMPIRE. John Newton (1725- 1807) was a Middle Passage (African Holocaust) English slave ship sailor, later a trader and captain of slave ships, Duke of Argyle (1750) and African (1752–1753 and 1753–1754).[7]

Newton was a Freemason, undoubtedly a Master Mason, belonging to one of Liverpool England‘s leading Masonic lodges.[8] On April 29,1764,  Newton received deacon’s orders, and was ordained as a Anglican priest on June 17, 1764.[9] Like all mainstream western churches of that age, the Anglican Church (Church of England) agreed with the traditional view that slavery was ordained by God. To practice slavery was therefore meritorious, and to try to stop the practice was sinful. When Newton wrote the hymn, Amazing Grace, in 1779 in Olney, England, the Anglican Church was actively involved in all aspects of the Middle Passage, African Human Bondage and Holocaust.[10]  Anglicanism teaches that GRACE—a word which simply means “gift”—is God’s granting of the status of Christ to them, not because of their efforts but because of Christ’s intercession. Grace is a sharing in the life of Christ, made available through faith, manifest in the faithful reception of the Sacraments. Classical Anglicanism teaches that we are justified by faith alone, grafted into the Body of Christ by Holy Baptism, and thereby adopted by God the Father as sons and daughters.[11]

The “Grace” understood and practiced by Newton and the Church of England in Amazing Grace didn’t include Africans. It was based in fact at its inception on British Anglo-Saxon White Supremacy. Among all men, they anointed themselves, exclusively, the Divine Sons and Daughters of God. It is their “Cheap Grace” and “Forgiveness” by the Grace of God for all their wages of absolute EVIL- African Slavery. It wipes them clean for all the murders, rapes, enslavement and plunder of Mother Africa.

It is a Grace without price for their crimes against NATURE; Grace without cost for crimes against HUMANITY; Grace without SHAME or JUSTICE. One of the reasons why Black people have always been moved and mesmerized by Newton’s Amazing Grace Hymn for decades is that it is coded with the “pentatonic scale“. This scale has often been referred to as the “Slave Scale” as most Black Spirituals are composed using only the black notes of the piano.[12] Traditional Black Spirituals are recalled sacred healing energy- melodies, harmonies, sounds, vibrations and rhythms from ancient Kemetic and African Temples and structures.[13]

Particularly after the crusades, westerners gained unprecedented entry into Kemetic and African monasteries and temples to study, then took certain melodies, harmonies and scales home to exploit to create a great deal of European classical music and hymns. It had not been any divine intervention that took a twisted wretch like Rev. Newton out of the business of human blood, flesh and suffering, it was a severe stroke in 1754 that he gave up slave-trading activities. But, he continued to invest in slaving operations.[14]

I am quite sure that Rev. John Newton found the Grace of God a “Sweet Sound” and an absolutely “Amazing Grace” that you can pick up at any supermarket like a loaf of bread if you are a white Anglo Saxon of the British Empire. Obama’s Grace, Statement on Race, was a nothing more than a GRAND ILLUSION, and veiled affirmation of white supremacy and racism.

At the heart of Obama’s Grace that he deliberately chose in the era of John Newton are the dangerous underlining notions of John Calvin’s racial theological dogma. Calvin (1509-1564) was one of the most influential western religious figures of the last millennium. To a significant degree, Calvin’s view were developed from the writings of Saint Augustine (A.D. 353-430) that formed the doctrinal basis of much of modern Protestantism.[15] Calvinism argues that by a secret and special operation of the Holy Spirit, God’s “GRACE” is poured forth upon only the ELECT. Since the extension of this “GRACE” is an act of DIVINE POWER, it cannot be resisted any more than the original creation could have resisted the creative might of the Lord (Hodge 1960, 688).[16] One of the cornerstones of Calvin’s theology was the dogma of PREDESTINATION. This is the notion that, consistent with his own sovereignty, GOD, before the foundation of the world, pre-determined who would be saved and who would be lost. In view of this, when Christ died, his death was efficacious only for the “ELECT.”[17]

Certain Calvinistic systems assert without qualification that God’s intention to DESTROY some is equal to his intention to save others. Based on Calvinism, Dutch settlers and the BRISTISH EMPIRE in colonial Africa claimed that the Blacks were members of the NON-ELECT, because they were the sons of Ham, whom Noah had cursed to be SLAVES, according to Genesis 9:18-19.[18]

When Obama said Roof “didn’t know he was being used by God“, a chill went up my spine.[19] Within the Calvinistic systems, Black people are predestined and chosen to be enslaved and destroyed by the will of God. So, it would very well be said that Roof was indeed used by God. Under that system, Roof is endowed with everlasting “GRACE” and “FORGIVENESS” by race alone. According to their dogma, his GRACE is an act of DIVINE POWER that cannot be resisted or reversed no matter what he did, or what you do to protect yourself from fate.

Chillingly, at the end of the Obama Eulogy, he said that Rev. Pinckney and the slaughtered Black AME church members “… found that GRACE.”[20] If the Mother Emanuel AME Nine (9) found that GRACE, it certainty wasn’t an endowed GIFT FROM GOD. They found that special kind of GRACE through the barrel of 45 caliber Glock 41. This kind of twisted Grace African Exclusion Dogma didn’t die with Newton or Calvin. It was the hymn of the Slavocracy and the Antebellum SOUTH. It lies hidden at the basis of the South’s Second Civil War Against Black People.

In 2013, the teachings of John Calvin (PREDESTINATION) threatened to up end the nation’s largest Protestant denomination at the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). About 30 percent of Southern Baptist pastors consider their churches Calvinist, according to a poll last year by SBC-affiliated LifeWay Research.[21]

Lucifer, himself, and all his servants would be tickled to death to join President Obama’s chorus to sing and sway with that kind of “Amazing Grace“.

John F Kennedy – Secret society speech – Freemasonry – Mystery Babylon


In South Carolina God Damn, there is much more to worry about than the confederacy battle flag flying over the capital. Its original state flag presents far more everlasting danger from America’s secret societies than the battle flag.

There is a great deal of controversy whether or not President Barrack Obama is a 32° Prince Hall Mason. If he was, it would be secret. In America’s current political state of affairs, it would normally be virtually impossible to reach the high levels and halls of secrecy and brotherhood that he has reached without any type of Blood Oath Covenant of Secrecy to the Brotherhood.  That’s the way they roll at these levels in America. In the Obama Grace Eulogy, he talked assertively about taking down the South Carolina Confederacy Battle Flag, but he didn’t talk about their Masonic Pagan “Blue” state flag.

The flag of the state of South Carolina has existed in some form since 1775, being based on one of the first Revolutionary War flags. In 1775, Colonel William Moultrie (1730-1801) was asked by the Revolutionary Council of Safety to design a flag for the South Carolina troops to use during the Revolutionary War. Colonel Moultrie is a direct implanted John Dee- Sir Francis Bacon Slavocracy/Plantocracy bloodline out of Scotland and England. Moultrie‘s design had the blue of the militia’s uniforms, so they say, and the crescent moon with the word Liberty on it.[22]

There is no definitive evidence that Colonel Moultrie was a Freemason. However, his footprints come straight out of Captain Charles Shepheard’s Tavern in colonial Charleston. The tavern was a meeting place for subversive and secret society activity from the Freemasons to the Sons of Liberty. Around 1736, Shepheard’s Tavern became Solomon Temple No.1- one of the first Masonic Lodges established in the United States. In 1774, the ancient Grand Lodge of England chartered Charleston Lodge, No. 190 at Shepheard’s Tavern.[23]

On August 29, 1783, Colonel Moultrie and forty-three officers of the Continental Army residing in South Carolina met and established the Masonic-like and dominated, The Society of the Cincinnati in South Carolina at the City Tavern, Shepheard’s Tavern, Shallow’s Tavern in Charleston.[24] In 1801, the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite was established at Shepheard’s Tavern. [25] One of his sons, Dr. James Moultrie (1766- 1836), was one of the founders of Charleston’s Scottish Rite Supreme Council.[26] According to the Grand Commander, Albert Pike, Dr. Moultrie, “was one of the foremost Citizens of South Carolina”.[27]

Dr. Moultrie was the Knights K.H., Minister of State and Grand Orator of the Grand Consistory of Princes of the Royal Secret, in South Carolina.[28] The Knight Kadosh is a Freemasonic degree or ceremony of initiation performed by certain branches of the Scottish Rite. It is the Thirtieth Degree of the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite for the United States of America.  The term “Kadosh” is derived from the Hebrew word which means HOLY or CONSECRATED. “Kadosh” and “Knight Kadosh” is often abbreviated in Masonic documents as “K–H.”[29]

So, it shouldn’t be surprising that the official state flag of South Carolina is a secret Masonic Flag. It’s Blue because of the Blue Lodge. All masons must undergo an initiation to enter the Blue Lodge. Blue Lodges are where Freemasons meet. South Carolina has been a secret Blue Lodge Masonic Path state from its formation.[30]

Sumerian Goddess Nanna

The South Carolina State Flag, “Crescent Moon” symbolizes the Architect deity, ‘Sin‘ (Akkadian: Su’en, Sîn) a.k.a. Nanna (Sumerian: DŠEŠ.KI, DNANNA) the god of the moon in Mesopotamian Mythology. Nanna is a Sumerian deity, the son of Enlil and Ninlil, and became identified with Semitic Sin. Enlil is Ashur/Assur/Asher; Yaldaboath; the god of Abraham and Moses. Ninlil, is Lilith, the ‘First Eve’ (hence the celebration of, ‘New Year’s Eve’). Enlil, alias: Shaitan, Satan, the Devil, Lucifer is the god of the Fall.”[31]

In pre- Islamic and Christian mythology, the Roman Goddess Diana like Venus was portrayed as beautiful and youthful. She wore the Crescent Moon as a diadem. It is a major attribute of Goddess Diana.[32] In Roman mythology, Diana was the goddess of the hunt, the moon and childbirth. She was equated with the Greek Goddess Artemis, Diana was worshipped in ancient Roman religion and is revered in Roman Neopaganism and Stregheria [Ancient Etruscan Religion of Witches]. Dianic Wicca, a largely feminist form of the practice, is named for her. Diana was known to be the virgin goddess of childbirth and women. She was one of the three maiden goddesses, Diana, Minerva and VESTA [Birmingham, AL], who swore never to marry.[33]

Colonel Moultrie’s interpretation of Liberty on the crescent moon of the flag is far from any notion that it applies to ALL such as the Africans and Native Americans. Mackey’s Masonic Encyclopedia of the early 20th Century: The word freedom is not to be taken in modern sense of liberty, but rather in its primitive Anglo-Saxon meaning of frankness, generosity, a generous willingness to work or perform one’s duty.[34]

Masonry is a march and a struggle toward the Light. For the individual as well as the nation, Light is Virtue, Manliness, Intelligence, Liberty. (Pike, Morals & Dogmas, 2:34)[35] “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Masonic motto for instigating Revolutions since 1776 means Liberty (Liber is Bacchus, Dionysus, Templar “Green Man” aka Lucifer) from God, Equality with God and Fraternity among like minded Gnostics who believe they can become Gods. The “New Light” is Lucifer. Membership in the “New World Order” requires “Luciferian Initiation” and the “Mark of the Beast”.[36]

Charleston is far from being a “HOLY” city of anything you may know about. It is holy to Albert Pike’s initiated. Charleston is part of America’s secret Masonic initiatory chain that use esoteric magic, rituals and knowledge in pursuit of ancient wisdom, truth and knowledge to separate the ILLUMINATI/Luciferian elite from the masses for thousands of years.

POLITICAL CAPITAL & The Fallen Democrat, Rev. Clementa Pinckney

As you know by now, the June 17, 2015 Assassination of South Carolina State Senator, Rev. Clementa C. Pinckney and the Mother Emanuel AME Church Massacre in Charleston, SC by an alleged “lone wolf” killer smells to high heaven. It no ways seem plausible that Rev. Clementa Pinckney had been assassinated for any urgent reason or past political betrayal, not even for body cameras for police.[37] He was as radical, revolutionary and controversial of a black man as a grilled ham, bacon and cheese sandwich. For over a century, Mother Emanuel AME has been a powerful political organization, and a bastion of political power in the South. As the pastor of Mother Emanuel since 2010, Rev. Pinckney occupied a very commanding position. However, first and foremost, he had been a Democrat– a member of the South Carolina State Legislature since 1996.[38]

In the 2008 South Carolina Democratic Presidential Primary, he had a great deal of political influence carrying the state for Senator Barrack Obama over Hilary Clinton. Rev. Pinckney had to have been a secret high ranking politician to move in the covert Luciferian circle of Barrack and Michelle Obama. He had proven to have been a loyal black democrat. He was so far down Lucifer’s Workshop rabbit hole that it was virtually impossible to get out of it alive. It appears that he became a Satanic Sacrifice/Diversion for the National Democratic Party.[39]

One of the most controversial and starling movements that Rev. Pinckney made just prior to the church massacre involved Madame Hillary Rodham (Lady Dragon) Clinton. There are some sources reporting that he met with Clinton just hours before his death.[40] Another source said that Rev. Pinckney had been campaigning for her while in Charleston.[41] Another news source said that he had been fundraising for her in Charleston.[42]


Hillary Stopped in Charleston the Day of the Massacre- Watch Her Issue 666 (MARK OF THE BEAST)

“Vengeance …  SATAN has not yet created.” — Benjamin Netanyahu

The absolutely odd, starling and disheartening thing about Rev. Pinckney and Hillary in the Charleston connection is that the Clinton Presidential Campaign and the National Democratic Party remains silent and will not acknowledge or “own” up to whether or not they even met with the young and upcoming black minister prior to the church massacre. They don’t call Hillary, the compassion-less brutal Dragon Lady, the American version of Madame Chiang Kai-shek without justification.[43] I am quite sure that Rev. Pinckney got it loud and clear from the Dragon Lady, that he and the powerful political elite base of the South were going to be phased out.

Hillary Clinton and most likely the entire National Democratic Party also showed up in South Carolina decked out in “PURPLE“, the color of the Whore of Babylon, for Rev. Pinckney’s homecoming.[44] They rode into town high on their horses on the coat tails of Obama’s ILLUSIONARY Grace for Black People to cash in on the slaughter of the Mother Emanuel AME Nine (9) as POLITICAL CAPITAL.[45]


On June 16, it had been nearly 100 degrees sweaty hot in Charleston. Yet, Dylann Storm [Trooper] Roof showed up a little after 8:00 PM for bible study at church wearing a heavy long sleeve stained gray sweatshirt and timberland boots. Underneath the sweatshirt, he had on a plainly observable black bullet proof vest over a large white t-shirt. He parked his black Hyundai with a Confederate States of America (CSA) front license plate just outside the church doors as if the parking space had been reserved for him.

Dressed in battle gear with a small black backpack over his shoulder,[46] Roof asked particularly for the pastor, Rev. Pinckney. Without any hesitation, questions or reservations from anyone, he was led by someone directly to the state senator. He sat next to Rev. Pinckney. At the end of the class, he pulled out a 45 caliber Glock 41. They believe that Roof executed Pinckney first, then mass executed the other members of the bible study group with multiple shots, reloading several times.

Out of all the people in the room, it was only 26 year old Tywanza Sanders that was spared time to try to reason with the assassin and even repeatedly moved between Dylann and his aunt. There was some unknown reason why Dylann hadn’t shot him in the first instance as a male threat. The DRAMA between Tywanza and Roof under these circumstances is very very strange. Reportedly, Tywanza talked to Roof and urged him to point the gun at him instead but was told: “It doesn’t matter. I’m going to shoot all of you.”[47]  Wanza reportedly said: “You don’t have to do this.” Roof replied, “Yes. You are raping our women and taking over the country.”[48]

When it came time for Tywanza’s aunt, Susie Jackson, to be shot, he reportedly stepped in front of her and took the shot. At that time, it is uncertain who was left alive other than his mother, little niece playing dead under a table, and Dylann’s death messenger, Polly Shepard, 70 years old. What did she witness? It remains unknown. Felecia Sanders and her 5 year old granddaughter survived lying in the blood of Tywanza Sanders.[49] Strangely, the details of what really went on inside the bible study class surrounding the other victims when Dylann drew his gun remains a complete mystery.

From the strange and odd sequence of events reported leading up to mass killing of nine people in the bible study class, South Carolina State Representative Bill Chumley appeared to suggest that the massacre doesn’t stand the (blame the victim diversion) smell test. Chumley is also a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans.[50]

SC 2015 Honor- Scottish Rite Supreme Commander, Albert Pike

Additionally, Chumley is also one of the sponsors of the – April 2015 SC Senate Resolution HCR 4047 to recognize and honor members of the Supreme Council of Sovereign Grand Inspectors General of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry upon their 151st Anniversary– absolutely CHILLING!

They (the victims) could and should have put up more of a fight to save themselves. “These people sit in there and waited their turn to be shot”, Chumley told a CNN reporter.[51] Chumley went further, “Why didn’t somebody, why didn’t somebody just do something? I mean, you got one skinny person shooting a gun, you know I mean, we need to take, and do what we can.”[52]

Well, from the strange and odd sequence of events leading to the mass killing and the skinny person, it can also suggest that there may have been more than one gunman, doors and windows were blocked; prior CIA- MONARCH/MK ULTRA mind control programming or they had been drugged. Most importantly, State Rep. Chumley should also ask where was the 21st Century multi-million dollar technological advanced “protect and serve” Charleston police force. Mother Emanuel sits in downtown Charleston, a half mile away from historic Fort Sumter, where the Civil War’s first shots were fired.[53] Mother Emanuel sits on Calhoun Street right in the middle of Charleston’s Historical District. It is the city’s main tourist thoroughfare. The police department sits on Broad Street just blocks from the church. Broad connects to Meeting Street that leads directly to Calhoun Street.[54]

Chumley’s Skinny Person Outwits Homeland Security & the Charleston PD Multi-Million Dollar Active Shooter Program?


Between June 15 and 19, 2015, the Department of Homeland Security’s Federal Law Enforcement Training Center was conducting The Active Shooter Threat Instructor Training Program in Charleston, SC. Part of the course description reads, “The course takes Active Shooter Threat Tactics Training to the next level by emphasizing leadership, teach backs, and adult learning as well as the traditional technical skills needed by field training officers and special agents.”[55]

It is absolutely bizarre that with the Charleston Police Department and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security just blocks away training, developing and implementing Active Shooter Threat programs that this one skinny person took his sweet time to mass murder nine people in a historic church right smack in the middle of the city’s main tourist thoroughfare, casually walk away from the crime scene, get into his car parked right smack directly in the front of the church’s parking lot and then drive away from the city and out of state.

State Rep. Chumley and this entire nation should ask where were the 21st Century multi-million dollar “protect and serve” Charleston Police Department, and the multi-billon dollar technological advanced federal government interdepartmental U.S. Department Homeland Security while 9 citizens were being laid to waste just down the street. How did this skinny person outwit the entire Charleston Police Department and the U.S. Government to be literally tracked down and apprehended by a sole female FLORIST in North Carolina?

Tywanza Sanders, Dylann Roof & the Knowledge Planter

This is no I LOVE YOU. It is the Sign of the DEVIL. Look for the DEVIL in the DETAILS.

Moments before the slaughter at Mother Emanuel AME, 26 year old Tywanza Sanders sent out a Snapchat out to friends. Snapchat is an application that users can take photos, record videos, add text and drawings, and send them to a controlled list of recipients. These sent photographs and videos are known as “Snaps“.[56]

Tywanda’s Band of Brothers

Wanza and some of his Band of Brothers. All except the young man in ‘’Pink” certainly appears to be flashing hand symbols. Wanza’s hand symbol would be the more dangerous of two, the Masonic /ILLUMINATI M symbol. In Wanza’s video snap from bible study, he captured a picture of Dylann Roof just before the carnage. The banner he placed across the snap was “Bible Study Knowledge Planter”.

Wanza was bonded with a small group of males that called themselves, the Band of Brothers. Wanza, Torrence and Tyrone Shaw, Dominique Gray and T.J. Grant had been close friends and partners for over a decade. They were all about “Fun and Games.” [57] Wanza had recently told one of the brothers, Tyrone Shaw, that he was thinking about settling down with a young lady that he had been talking to. Oddly enough at 26 years old, he isn’t reported to have had a girlfriend. It also appears that the Band of Brothers had never seen her.[58]

Wanza Sanders Flash an Unknown Hand Symbol

Wanza receive the Vulcan Sign (Brotherhood of SATAN) from one of the Band of Brothers dressed in with some type of  brown military/police attire. “Knowledge Planter” in the context of a bible study class is rather unique language and a strange code. The language also fits a particular set of circumstances in a XBOX action-adventure video game called, Xiaolin Showdown. In this game, players are able to play as the Xiaolin Apprentices, and one of the game objectives is to get the Shen Gong Wu. The Shen Gong Wu are fictional mystical artifacts possessing magical powers.[59]

The Shen Gong Wu require the use of “Chi Energy” from the player. There are 6 playable characters in the game. One of the characters is Chase Young. Chase Young was a renegade Xiaolin monk turned EVIL in exchange for superhuman strength and immortality- PACT WITH THE DEVIL. Chase was once a former Xiaolin Warrior and a near-Xiaolin Dragon. Chase served as a continuously impending villain to the Xiaolin monks.[60]

“Knowledge Planter” is found in the footsteps of Chase Young and his encounters with a mystical figure called Kepron. Kepron was once a noble shaman who could guide beast spirits to there afterlife, but a plaque corrupted a guidance ritual one night, his heart was tainted. The Mystic Kepron could walk in the Shroud of Shadows Mode. In the footsteps of Chase, he searched for Kepron if he was still here and this really isn’t what happening. “Knowledge Planter, … knowledge grower …”, Kepron uttered waving his staff so it hit all of the ancient ones. “I KNOW HE IS EVIL.”[61]

So, was Dylann Roof in the footsteps of Chase Young in the Shroud of Shadows Mode ? In this context, some of the church members involved in the bible study group had to have been “Knowledge Planters” that were EVIL. During Roof’s PLANT in the home of a childhood friend, Joey Meeks, Roof had been consumed with playing XBOX games. In fact, he wore that same stained gray sweatshirt that he wore on the day of the massacre while playing XBOX games at Meeks’ home.[62] Undoubted, there was more going on at Mother Emanuel in the Shroud of Shadows Mode than a plain and ordinary bible study.

Mother Emanuel AME & Freemasonry

Richard Allen (1760 – 1831), founder and first Bishop of the A.M.E. Church was a Free and Accepted Mason erected by the Right Worshipful Grand Master Prince Hall subservient to the Grand Lodge of England.  There should be little doubt that over the years, Mother Emanuel AME served the community in duality, a Christian Church and a secret haven of the Luciferian Masonic Lodges.

Former AME Pastor, Rev. Alonzo William Holman (1934- 2004) was an absolute shameless Masonic Luciferian in the church pulpit- 33rd degree Prince Hall Master Mason.

This is the Master DEMON of the pulpit, former AME Pastor, Rev. Lavern Witherspoon. He is a 33rd degree Prince Hall Master Mason and Chaplin. Witherspoon is the U.S. Army Chaplin for Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. Fort Monmouth is home to the Army’s Communications and Electronics Command linked to Booz Allen & 9-11 Inside Job–“Artificial Telepathy” or “psychotropics” or “mind control.”


Rev. Pinckney had been installed as the AME Pastor in 2010 primarily as a useful expendable U.S. Military Intelligence PATSY for a CIA- MK ULTRA/MONARCH Covert Experimental XBOX MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE Mind Control Program, and Roof waited until the NINTH (9) HOUR to KILL.

The Divine Nine & Dylann Roof

It just so happened that the number of Mother Emanuel AME victims were Nine (9). It wasn’t a coincidence. Nine (9) was the ritual number that the victims and their black societies of secrecy all clearly understood.

Satanists and the Number Nine

Satanists take delight in the number nine for a couple of reasons. First, Satanists enjoy reversing, mirroring and inverting symbols, letters and numbers. When you turn the number “9” upside down you get “6” which makes up the number of the BEAST (666) as revealed in Revelation 13:18 in the Bible. Second, Satanists take perverse pleasure in commemorating the death of Christ and the death of Christ is associated with the number Nine (9). Mark 15: 34-37 reveals that Christ spoke his last words on the Cross of Calvary at the Nine (9) hour and “gave up the ghost (died).”[63]

Masonic Orders and the Number Nine

During the early 1900s, the black elite (descendants of antebellum house Negroes; and Negro bourgeoisie) were secretly initiated into subservient higher socio-economic and political closed caste secret societies separated from the masses by their traditional white secret elite Masonic and aristocratic counterparts.The establishment of the so-called “Black Greek Lettered” fraternities and sororities were modeled after ILLUMINATI Greek Lettered societies that was bound by blood oath secrecy, Luciferian Initiation rites and the Mark of the Beast of their superior white counterparts, Freemasonry and the Knights Templar.[64]

Nine (9) historically Black Greek letter organizations (BGLOs) fraternities and sororities were established to make up the National Pan-Hellenic Council. Collectively, they are called, “The Divine Nine (9).” According to the book “Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues” by W. W. Wescott, Nine (9) holds great significance among many Masonic orders and secret societies. He said, “There is a Masonic order of Nine Elected Knights in which Nine (9) roses, Nine (9) lights, and Nine (9) knocks are used.” In fact, the number Nine (9) is the number of “the earth under evil influences.”[65]

Dr. Rob Morris (1818-1888) founded the Order of the Eastern Star (OES). He was a Master Mason and Knight Templar, LOUISVILLE COMMANDERY, No. 1. In 1856, Dr. Morris drafted the Constitution of the Grand Encampment of Knights Tem­plar of the United States, and that of the Grand Lodge of Kentucky.[66] Dr. Morris was no joke. During the 19th Century, he ranked among the likes of Albert Pike as one the most foremost authorities and

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