
Bill Cosby,“TV’s Favorite Father,” is certainly being thrown under the bus by the ILLUMINATI. He is also certainly being used as a major mass media diversion and circus so that no matter what takes place in this nation’s collective conscious in resistance to the blatant injustices of state sponsored police violence against people of color, and BLACK LIVES MATTER, the face of EVIL in America will always be concentrated on the face of a black man.

Bill Cosby didn’t necessary have to piss anyone off to be cast adrift in the sea alone on the tip an iceberg without a paddle. To set himself off from the masses as one of the gods of Mount Olympus, he had to be Aryan. To the gods and goddesses of Mount Olympus like the high executives of HollyWeird’s Sony Pictures Entertainment Global Luciferian Cabal, his very skin color and mere existence has always been an abomination among them.

Cosby in Classic Satanic Duality. Father in HEAVEN and Satan in HELL. Cosby’s silly and harmless American “Favorite Father” persona while displaying the ancient forbidden knowledge St. John‘s Finger Gesture- One God, Lucifer.

I probably looked at Rosicrucian Leonardo da Vinci’s Last Supper a thousand times and not once noticed disciple Thomas openly challenge and defy Christ.

When he  acts like he is one of them on Mount Olympus- that he has the same EVIL desire and privilege of the ILLUMINATI to waste the mind, body and soul of the masses at WILL by the divine authority of the cosmos, it only irritate them and his EVIL deeds only became an open register to justify hanging him in the eyes of the masses and setting him out alone into the deep blue sea on the tip of an iceberg. Bill Cosby has always been the subject of their sniping remarks, and backroom racialist humor and ridicule. Behind his back, they call he and his people, CALIBAN.

The chic mocking and sniping racialist remarks exposed by Sony Luciferians only confirm that the so-called Black Cinema (Django Unchained, 12 Years a Slave, The Butler, The Help, etc.) are sophisticated ILLUMINATI vehicles of psychological warfare. Their sole agenda has always been to penetrate the sub consciousness via mass media scientific “entrainment” of our brains inducing lunacy, and senses of overwhelming powerlessness to resist a New World Order.

They deliberately with EVIL design over saturate the masses with pathetic images of Negro buffoonery like cross dressing Kevin Hart that even his employers, the Sony Luciferian Cabal, interesting enough, admitted is a “whore“[1]- AN ILLUMINATI WHORE that has abandoned  his own consciousness of history. The Negro has lost his mind.

Their agenda for Black Cinema has never been to create a meaningful script, plot or images to inspire the masses. It wasn’t created out of any genuine dialogue or concern for the aspirations of Black People or people of color that would validate and provide empowerment to their Identity and BEING. Bill Cosby has never been about empowerment of the masses in art or his life. Viewed through the Smoked Mirror, the ILLUMINITI intend to keep the masses’ focus on his art and life- the Big Black Brute that wasted, injured and harmed so many young women.

Attorney Gloria Allred has entered the Bill Cosby Sex Scandal picture as a “Gatekeeper” to help steer him out to sea on the tip of an iceberg. Allred’s mission is to keep all of his victims on cue and silent about anything other than Cosby. None of them will be allowed to stir away from the script. It virtually guarantees that the masses’ focus will remain exclusively confided to the brutish Cosby, his EVIL nature to harm and exploit women, and nowhere beyond the tip of the iceberg.

Recently, the Dr. Phil Show moved inside the sensationalized Bill Cosby Sex Scandal. On the popular television program, he featured Attorney Gloria Allred and seven women that told their stories of rape and sexual abuse encounters with America’s “Favorite Father.”[2] The Dr. Phil Show also featured some of Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Bunnies that were raped and sexually abused by the Big Black Brute. However, the Dr. Phil Show and Allred had Hefner’s back. It steered him away from Cosby and the iceberg. The bottom line of the show when it came to Hugh Hefner and the Black Big Brute at the Playboy Mansion, Hefner, “I would never tolerate this kind of behavior, regardless of who was involved.”[3]

The above image of Hefner as the Greek God Pan is a mural made for Playboy’s annual Dionysian orgy. According to the forbidden knowledge, Pan is “man himself” who falls as LUCIFER  from the heavens onto the world of matter. According to Anton LeVay’s Satanic Bible, Pan is one of infernal names of SATAN.[4]

Yes, Hugh Hefner the Sethian DEVIL, is the man that made an industry out of handling and exploiting CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based mind controlled sex slaves and kittens.[5]

There is another side to Bill Cosby, AN ILLUMINATI WHORE, that has shielded him from the liability and exposure of his EVIL throughout the decades. A side that is absolute Satanic, classified top secret linked to the covert programs of the U.S. Government- Operation PAPERCLIP, U.S. Navy, the CIA- Project BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE and MK ULTRA.  As a Guardian of Forbidden Knowledge, Cosby’s memory is loaded with a ton of dynamite. His memory is a liability to a lot of people in HollyWeird and outside. It could open Pandora’s box and rattle a lot of bones in the skeleton closet of HollyWeird, Naval Intelligence, Mafia and the CIA.

I also suspect that Cosby’s continued silence in the mounting wave of rape and sexual abuse accusations against him is not due to any issues of senility, but mainly because his mind has been wiped clean. DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE

The Rise of the Dark Messiah

Banality of EVIL- SS Stringing Them Up- Normal Day at the Office

There has been many theories that sought to explain what happened in Nazi Germany. Banality of EVIL is a thesis that the Holocaust- Racial Mass Murder were not executed by fanatics or sociopaths, but by ordinary people like Oberstumbannfuhrer (lieutenant colonel) SS Otto Adolf Eichmann and Hauptsturmführer (Captain) SS Dr. Josef Mengele that just happened to accept the premises of their state and therefore participated with the view that their actions were normal, just “the way things are done.”[6]

After WW II, there was those that sought the prosecution and punishment of Nazis for war crimes and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. Some sought “denazification” to re-educate Nazis that its state campaign of Racial Mass Murder and Aryan Domination based upon pseudo racial and scientific theories was/is not normal and that is not “the way things are done.”

At the Fall of Nazi Germany, thousands of its leading ardent Nazi and SS scientists, physicians, military and business leaders that had not been prosecuted and punished, and had not been “denazified” were clandestinely smuggled into America on the basis of National Security.

In most cases, those secretly smuggled into America, their membership in the Virl Society, SS- Knights of the Black Sun, Nazi Party and evidence of their executed CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY only became a note of paper clipped (Operation PAPERCLIP) to their files.

“The Nationalist Socialists derived power from one source: … a fanatical autohypnosis

which convinced disciples, succumbing to the totalitarian discipline in the promise of reaching transcendent reality, that they were the new men the age was waiting for.. ..that they were endowed with a secret energy which would enable them to take over Germany and the world. If they were properly prepared, mysteries would be revealed to them which would give them SATANIC POWERS.” Dusty Sklar, Gods and Beasts – The Nazi’s and the Occult, 1977

“The VRIL SOCIETY was dedicated to EVIL,” says historian Michael Fitzgerald…Through their control of the Nazi party they committed the greatest acts of EVIL in the 20th Century.”[7]

“At first glance, the large circular room in the basement of Wewelsburg Castle … you can see thirteen lanterns flickering on the curved walls. But it’s only when you look directly upwards that the room’s significance becomes shockingly clear. At the centre of the dome lies a giant swastika. This room was the central temple of the Satanic cult that created and directed Germany’s Nazi party. This so called VRIL SOCIETY counted many of Hitler’s henchmen as members, including Himmler, Bormann, and Hess. Central to the whole cult was Hitler, who they believed to be a psychic medium in contact with powerful forces that would create an all-conquering Aryan nation. Some saw him as the Dark Messiah.”[8]

It wasn’t the premises of the State that they had followed in virtual “autohypnosis” to commit the greatest acts of EVIL in the 20th Century. It was Set, Seth, Satan, Devil- The Dark Messiah- LUCIFER! During the late 1940s and 1950s, LUCIFER’s Servants- his greatness deceivers and “inner circle” had been clandestinely brought to the United States to continue a campaign of racial mass murder and EVIL across the globe.

Guardians of the VRIL, Temple of the Dark Messiah

William Henry “Bill” Cosby, Jr.’s (born July 12, 1937) secret Blood Covenant with the DEVIL began long before he entered HollyWeird. It began sometime after 1956 during the CIA-MK ULTRA mind control program when the young U.S. Naval Hospital Corpsman was transferred to Bethesda Naval Hospital. The Bethesda Naval Hospital is the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC), formerly known as the National Naval Medical Center located in the community of Bethesda, Maryland, near the headquarters of the National Institutes of Health.

The original Medical Center was composed of the Naval Hospital, and Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI). The NMRI was founded in 1942 under Dr. Andrew C. Ivy. He was a Special Consultant to the Secretary of War regarding war crimes of a medical nature at the Nuremberg trials, 1946-1947. [9  During the 1947 Dachau Doctors Tribunal, the chief prosecutor, U.S. General Telford Taylor, relied on the guidance of Dr. Ivy as an advisor and expert medical ethnics witness, a representative of the American Medical Association.

Under Operation PAPERCLIP, Dr. Ivy became one of the key guardians of the “VRIL Satanic Inner Circle” in America. On March 3, 1950 a space medicine symposium, “The Biological Aspects of Manned Space Flight” was held at the University of Illinois Medical School in Chicago. It was sponsored by Major Gen. Harry G. Armstrong, USAF Medical Corp (MC) and Dr. Andrew Ivy, Vice President of the University of Illinois.[10]

Dr. Ivy’s space medicine symposium was attended by international Nazi war criminals- Knight of the Black Sun- SS- Sturmbannführer (Major) Werner von Braun and Dr. Hubertus Strughold, above, formerly of the Aviation Medical Research Institute of the Reich Air Ministry in Berlin who had been listed on the Central Registry of War Criminals and Security Suspects.[11] After the fall of Nazi Germany, General Armstrong setup the U.S. Army Air Force Aero Medical Center in Heidelberg to harbor fifty-eight (58) Luftwaffe-SS doctors under Dr. Strughold, thirty-four (34) of whom followed him under Operation PAPERCLIP to the U.S. Air Force School of Aviation Medicine (SAM) in Texas, where he served as commandant.[12]

At the symposium, Heinz Haber, Ph.D. presented a paper on Astronomy and Space Medicine. “Heinz Haber was a German Luftwaffe reconnaissance aviator until 1942. He worked for the Luftwaffe Institute for Aviation Medicine; In order to assess the risks faced by German air force pilots, the institute performed experiments on hundreds of inmates at the Dachau concentration camp near Munich. The inmates who survived these experiments were usually killed and then dissected. “[13] During the 1950s and 1960s, the CIA loaned Heinz Haber to Walt Disney for secret mass media psychological warfare (pysops) projects.[14] The Nazi Haber may have been the inspiration for the Disney character, Ludwig Von Drake.[15]

St. John Finger Gesture- One God- LUCIFER

At Dr. Ivy’s symposium, Konrad Buettner Ph.D. presented a paper on Bioclimatology of Manned Rocket Flight. At a conference in Germany, a Nazi researcher, identified as Professor Ernst Holzloehner, presented his findings through experiments he conducted on Dachau concentration camp inmates “who were frozen to death in vats of ice water in the camp yard during winter.”

Dachau Concentration Camp, Germany, Prof. Ernst Holzloehner (left) and Dr. Sigmund Rascher holding a political prisoner in ice water during an experiment.  According to Holzloehner’s presentation, the human subjects suffered excruciating pain before they died from having various body parts frozen. Linda Hunt, author of the book Operation Paperclip, discovered at least five other Paperclip scientists who worked at SAM who knew about the Dachau Experiments through their participation at the same 1942 conference. These were Drs. Walter Schreiber, Hans Clamann, Ulrich Luft, Konrad Buettner, and Richard Landenberg.[16]

Author H.P. Albarelli of A Secret Order found Konrad Johannes Karl Buettner’s work for the U.S. government at SAM particularly intriguing. Buettner was brought to America in 1947 by Project Paperclip to work with Maj. General Armstrong’s SAM. According to Air Force files, Buettner conducted extensive research on the “effects of extreme heat on humans.”[17]

VRIL Satanic Inner Circle 1959 Randolph Air Force Base, Texas- Dr. Fritz Haber, Konard Buettner, Strughold, and Dr. Heinz Haber

In April 1952, Buettner made minor headlines in the United States when he announced the findings of a study he conducted for the UCLA engineering department. The main finding being: “[That] NEGROES would be in special danger of heat from an atomic explosion” due to their “heavily-pigmented skin.”[18]

Bethesda Naval Hospital & The High Priest of the Satanic VRIL

In 1947, Dr. Ivy’s Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI) brought in ardent Nazi, Luftwaffe Colonel Dr. Theodor Benzinger, of the “Dark Messiah“ to take over the institute at Bethesda Naval Hospital.

Dr. Benzinger and Nuremberg

On October 12, 1946, Dr. Benzinger had been named as a major Nazi defendant in the American controlled Dachau Doctors Tribunal. He had been a leading Luftwaffe principal doctor involved in the Dachau Terminal Experiments. Eleven days thereafter, Dr. Benzinger was dropped from the defendants’ list and walked out of Nuremberg Prison without an explanation.[19] Dr. Benzinger rejoined General Armstrong and Dr. Strughold at the U.S. Army Air Force Aero Medical Center in Heidelberg. One of the first doctors out of Aero Medical Center to head to America in February 1947 was Dr. Theodor Benzinger.[20]

In 1947 at NMRI- Bethesda Naval Hospital, Naval  Lieutenant MC Dr. Charles Savage was attached to Dr. Benzinger not vista versa. Dr. Benzinger was the Scientific Director of NMRI, and Dr. Savage was the paper director of the Navy’s ultra Top Secret Project CHATTER.[21]

Immediately after the Fall of Nazi Germany, SS- Dachau drug-mind control and “truth serum” experiments were written up by the US Naval Technical Mission. In 1947, the US Navy initiated Project CHATTER at NMRI to continue to expand secret Nazi/SS mind control and interrogation tools developed out of the joint SS/Luftwaffe Dachau Concentration Camp “aviation series” terminal human medical experiments.[22]

“Project CHATTER was a Navy program that began in the fall of 1947. Responding to reports of ‘amazing results’ achieved by the Soviets in using ‘truth drugs,’ the program focused on the identification and testing of such drugs for use in interrogations and in the recruitment of agents. The research included laboratory experiments on animals and human subjects involving Anabasis aphylla, scopolamine, and mescaline in order to determine their speech-inducing qualities.”[23]

Under Dr. Benzinger, NMRI also became a secret major front for the newly formed CIA first exposed in 1977 by the Select Committee on Intelligence and the Subcommittee on Health and Scientific Research investigation into the CIA’s MK ULTRA program.[24]

Dr. Benzinger was no ordinary Nazi even if there could be such a thing. In the THIRD REICH, he held the extraordinary secret title Obermedizinalrat. Even the meaning and definition of Secret Obermedizinalrat and Privy Obermedizinalrat (Medical Officer Secret) is veiled. It can be viewed as of the blood, soil and soul of Germany- the VRIL.[25] He was among the Inner Circle of the Vril Empire of EVIL- the Third Reich’s 1000 Year of Aryan Supremacy. That’s why Dr. Bezinger walked out of Nuremberg Prison pursuant to America’s secret pact with Lucifer’s Son, Reichsfuhrer SS- 1 Heinrich Himmler, to transfer venue of the Nazis and the Knights of the Black Sun- SS to North and South America. Under Dr. Benzinger, NMRI at Bethesda Naval Hospital also became a temple of a VRIL Satanic Cult dedicated to Aryan Supremacy, and the same EVIL of the DARK MESSIAH.

Bethesda Naval Hospital, Along Comes Bill

According to the Navy, Bill Cosby served from 1956 to 1960 in naval hospitals, including Bethesda Naval Hospital, where he allegedly helped Marines recover from Korean War injuries.[26] The subject of Korean War injuries was of particular interest to the CIA, Dr. Bezinger and Lt. Savage at NMRI.

The Korean War -“Fatherland Liberation War” began June 25, 1950 and ended July 27, 1953. On April 10, 1953 just days before the end of the Korean War, in a speech at Princeton University to justify rounding out Project CHATTER, Bluebird and Artichoke into MK ULTRA, CIA director Allen Dulles warned that the human mind was a “malleable tool,” and that the “brain perversion techniques” of the Reds [North Korean-Russian] were “so subtle and so abhorrent” that “the brain becomes a phonograph playing a disc put on its spindle by an outside genius over which it has no control.”[27]

The CIA had well been into mind control and “brain perversion techniques” developed out of the Dachau Experiments well before the Korean War. Operation BLUEBIRD was approved by Roscoe Hillenkoetter, Director of the CIA, on April 20, 1950. In August 1951, the Project was renamed ARTICHOKE.[28]

Operation BLUEBIRD-ARTICHOKE Nazi/SS and Naval mind control and interrogation tools developed out of Project CHATTER was in full effect and expanded in the U.S. North Korean aggression. In a recently released CIA hand written document, a doctor involved in Operation BLUEBIRD-ARTICHOKE- Hypnotic Messenger said,

I have developed a technic which is safe and secure (free from international censorship).  It has to do with the conditioning of our own people.  I can accomplish this as a one man job. The method is the production of hypnosis by means of simple oral medication.  Then (with no further medication) the hypnosis is re-enforced daily during the following three or four days. Each individual is conditioned against revealing any information to an enemy, even though subjected to hypnosis or drugging.  If preferable, he may be conditioned to give false information rather than no information.

This should be repeated every six months in each case, in order to be sure that the suggestions established have not “worn off.”I would be glad to go anywhere in the world (including Korea) to accomplish this for you.  I think that the greatest security would be in my travelling as a naval flight surgeon doing research in aviation medicine especially with the project of “motion sickness” in mind. Of course I would be willing to undertake more hazardous investigative methods if you should deem them advisable.[29]

Of course, the doctor was referring to working secretly under the auspices of Dr. Benzinger’s Aviation Studies and Research at NMRI, a CIA front.

Operation CHATTER, BLUEBIRD-ARTICHOKE also involved “The Problem of Disposal of Subjects.” and the creation of “amnesia barriers with hypnosis” by electric shock mind control and interrogation tools developed out of Auschwitz Concentration Camp by Hauptsturmführer (Captain) SS Dr. Josef Mengele that was expanded by his student, Dr. Ewen Cameron of McGill University.[30]

An extremely important and revealing ARTICHOKE document dated December 3, 1951 read:

Immediately after the conference on Friday, 30 November 1951,[whited out] succeeded in finding [whited out] and [whited out], and the writer discussed electric-shock devices and certain related matters from about 3:30 to 4:45 with [whited out].

[Whited out] is reported to be an authority on electric shock.  He is a professor at the Medical School of the [whited out] and, in addition, is a psychiatrist of considerable note. Pro-[whited out] is, in addition, a fully cleared Agency consultant.

[Whited out] explained that he felt that electric shock might be of considerable interest to the “Artichoke” type of work.  He stated that the standard electric-shock machine (Reiter) could be used in two ways.  One setting of this machine produced the normal electric-shock treatment (including convulsion) with amnesia after a number of treatments.  He stated that using this machine as an  electro-shock device with the convulsive treatment, he felt that he could guarantee amnesia for certain periods of time and particularly he could guarantee amnesia for any knowledge of use of the convulsive shock.

[Whited out] stated that the other or lower setting of the machine produced a different type of shock.  He said that he could not explain it, but knew that when this lower current type of shock was applied without convulsion. it had the effect of making a man talk.  He said, however, that the use of this type of shock was prohibited because it produced in the individual excruciating pain and he stated that there would be no question in his mind that the individual would be quite willing to give information if threatened with the use of this machine.  He stated that this was a third-degree method but, undoubtedly, would be effective.

[Whited out] stated that he had never had the device applied to himself, but he had talked with people who had been shocked in this manner and stated that they complained that their whole head was on fire and it was much too painful a treatment for any medical practice.  He stated that the only way it was ever used was in connection with sedatives and even then it was extremely painful.

The writer asked [whited out] whether or not in the “groggy” condition following the convulsion by the electro-shock machine anyone had attempted to obtain hypnotic control over the patient, since it occurred to the writer that it would be a good time to attempt to obtain hypnotic control. [Whited out] stated that, to his knowledge, it had never been done, but he could make this attempt in the near future at the [whited out] and he would see whether or not this could be done.

[Whited out] and [whited out], as well as all others present, discussed the use of electro-shock at considerable length and it was [whited out] opinion that an individual could gradually be reduced through the use of electro-shock treatment to the vegetable level.  He stated that, whereas amnesia could be guaranteed relative [to] the actual use of the shock and the time element surrounding it, he said it would obtain perfect amnesia for periods further back.  He stated several instances in which people who had been given the electro-shock treatment remembered some details of certain things and complete blanks in other ways.

[Whited out] said that a [whited out], who is practicing in [whited out] has perfected a battery-driven machine which, according to [whited out] is portable.  [Whited out] said that the standard electro-shock machine is a very common machine in medical offices and in the major cities there must be several hundred of them in use at all times.[31]

In 1956, with Lucifer’s Servants’ secret MK ULTRA torture, mind control and Manchurian Candidate assassination programs out of Dachau running amok at the Bethesda Naval Hospital- NMRI, Bill Cosby enters the scene.

In the March/April 2011 issue of “Anchor Watch” magazine that is published by Navy Information Operations Command Maryland, it clearly says that Bill Cosby had been stationed at Naval Hospital Argentina.[32]

The Naval Hospital Argentina institution was founded in 1947 [33] under the presidential term of Nazi collaborators, Juan Domingo and Eva Perón.[34] It serves Argentina Navy personnel.[35]

This strange window less fortress type building built in 1977 is the current Naval Hospital Argentina located in the Caballito section of Buenos Aires.[36] I assume that Perón’s old 1956 naval facility sat on this site or was located nearby.

There weren’t any injured U.S. Korean War soldiers in Perón’s old naval hospital. He certainly wasn’t passing out good will, pudding and Jell-O to the poor and needy. There can be only one reason why Cosby under the auspices of the U.S. Naval Hospital in Bethesda would be in Argentina, a Nazi haven, at former president Juan Peron’s Naval Hospital.

He was an ARTICHOKE/CIA MK ULTRA team member technician that had horned his EVIL with Dr. Benzinger and NMRI working on top secret projects involving Korean War soldiers and veterans with truth serums, torture and the experimental drugs and interrogation tools straight out of Dachau.  Cosby was in town to Artichoke- wipe clean some very sensitive CIA agents, assets or enemies at secret off shore sites, or he helped dispose of some of Perón’s regime’s loose change. On September 19, 1955, Perón had been deposed in a military coup.[37]

More importantly from 1956 to 1960, CIA torture- interrogation/genetic human cloning expert Dr. Josef Mengele was also working as an affluent physician and businessman of Perón’s  elite German entourage in Buenos Aires. It was only after Israeli Mossad agents kidnapped that normal German mass murdering war criminal SS- Oberstumbannfuhrer Otto Adolf Eichmann in Buenos Aires in April 1960 that Mengele fled the city.[38] It is also possible that Cosby had been involved in advance torture- interrogation training sessions with Dr. Mengele at the secured Naval Hospital facility, or he was Artichoked- mind wiped clean of the most sensitive details of the program with memory blocks implanted by Dr. Mengele before Cosby left the service. It is also possible that along with amnesia blocks, Cosby has a termination switch and alter implanted too.

Cosby: From Bethesda, Mengele to HollyWeird Glamorizing the CIA

From April 28, 1965 to June 30, 1966, the CIA director was a Navy man, Director of the Navy’s Central Intelligence, Vice Admiral William Francis Rabon, Jr.[39] Vice Adm. Rabon had been very familiar with the Nazi VRIL Satanic Inner Circle. After the Fall of Nazi Germany, the director of Navy Intelligence (Rabon) lobbied the War Department General Staff to circumvent State Department regulations so that an ardent Nazi VRIL guided missile expert Dr. Herbert Wagner of the Nazi Party and Knights of the Black Sun- SS and four of his assistants could be smuggled directly into Washington DC on military aircraft with blackened windows.[40]

SS Dr. Herbert Wagner- High Priest of the VRIL

During the early 1960s, Rabon directed the Navy’s Polaris Submarine Ballistic Missile Program. The Navy’s submarine ballistic missile system was developed primarily by one of SS Wagner’s assistants, Willy Fielder. Fielder had been a member of  SS Wernher von Braun’s V-1 missile team. Fielder was brought into the U.S. in 1948 under Project PAPERCLIP.[41]

In September 1965 within a mere five (5) years after Cosby’s discharge from the U.S. Navy and with absolutely no acting experience, he popped up in the supporting role in one of America’s most ground breaking, popular and award-winning television series of the 1960s- I Spy.[42] Cosby was hardly a polished mass media HollyWeird candidate. Former Naval Medial Corpsman Cosby was most likely selected for the special mass propaganda assignment with the recommendation and approval of Vice Admin. Rabon, Director of the CIA, another high level guardian of the Nazi Satanic Inner Circle of the VIRL and Dark Messiah. Cosby played a black CIA agent in a HollyWeird’s mass media TV propaganda program romanticizing the CIA. In a magazine Interview, he let it slip that the CIA- Admiral Radon and MK ULTRA Richard Helms had direct creative input and censorship over content in the production of the I Spy series.

Playboy: How did you feel about playing and, in a real sense, glamorizing a CIA agent?

Cosby: “Well, actually, the CIA NEVER LET US say we were CIA agents.”[43]

Cosby & HollyWeird’s MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten Circle

In HollyWeird, Cosby’s immediately circle of influence became composed of Hugh Hefner (Playboy Buddies), Dean Martin (Gold diggers), etc. and the Mafia- the television/film industry’s most powerful players, handlers and programmers of CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based mind controlled “Sex Slaves and Kittens.”[44]

What Cosby did as a Project ARTICHOKE/MK ULTRA mind control technician for Dr. Benzinger, Navy and CIA, he did for the principal handlers and programmers of HollyWeird’s “Sex Slaves and Kittens.”

With CIA and Naval Intelligence approval and clearances, Cosby most likely provided sex slave/kitten handlers with MK ULTRA experimental drugs, technical support, and the implantation of the “Dark Messiah Satanic Layers” in young women victims.

Paige Young was out of Hugh Hefner’s Stable of MONARCH Sex Kittens. Paige was used, exploited, abused and programmed by Hefner and Cosby to be a virtual “Sex Slave” of HollyWeird’s rich and elite like legendary director, John Huston. She had been Cosby’s personal drugged Sex Toy for sometime when on April 7, 1974, she was found dead in her apartment from a 38 caliber head wound.[45]

“There was a large American flag draped across her bed and there was a PENTAGRAM laid out on the wooden floor.”[46] “There were news clippings, magazine articles, everything you could think of. Written across it was something like: ‘Hugh Hefner is the DEVIL‘.”[47]

The UK Daily Mall covered up the Satanic link to Paige’s death, it said, “A PENTAGRAM is the shape of a five-pointed star drawn with five straight strokes and was used in ancient times as a Christian symbol for the five wounds of Christ.”[48]

A pentagram representing the five wounds of Christ in itself is a true statement of some of its early, selective and most absurd history.[49] Hugh Hefner- DEVIL and the PENTAGRAM with Bill Cosby & MK ULTRA in the background associated with CIA, I really don’t think anyone really believed Paige was trying to make any connection with her death and an ancient absurd symbol of the five wounds of Christ. It was a clever devise to confuse the masses. It was a cover-up.

The Pentagram is also known as the Sigil of Baphomet. The Sigil of Baphomet is the official insignium of the CHURCH OF SATAN, and is trademarked by the organization.[50] Both Hefner and Cosby were Luciferian/ILLUMINATI within HollyWeird’s close circle of influence of Anton LeVay and the CHURCH OF SATAN.    END OF PART I

[1] http://www.businessinsider.com/sony-exec-calls-kevin-hart-whore-2014-12

[2] http://www.drphil.com/shows/show/2333/

[3] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/07/hugh-hefner-bill-cosby-sexual-assault-allegations_n_6284676.html

[4] http://theforbiddenknowledge.com/symbology/1o5.htm

[5] http://www.pseudoccultmedia.net/2009/06/monarch-playboy-kittens-next-door.html

[6] http://dictionary.sensagent.com/banality%20of%20evil/en-en/

[7] http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/2164567/posts

[8] http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/chat/2164567/posts

[9] https://americanheritagecenter.wordpress.com/2011/11/10/a-c-ivy-papers-document-medical-history-and-cancer-research/

[10] http://spacemedicineassociation.org/sma/history1950/

[11] Jacobs, Annie, Operation Paperclip, the Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America, Little Brown and Company, NY, NY (2014) pg. 455

[12] Id. at pg. 466

[13] http://tolma.blogspot.com/

[14] http://tolma.blogspot.com/

[15] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_in_Mathmagic_Land

[16] https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?6630-Operation-Paperclip-CIA%E2%80%99s-Denial-of-Protecting-Nazis-is-Blatant-Lie-Part-1

[17] Albarelli, Jr., H.P., A Secret Order, Investigating the High Strangeness and Synchronicity in the JFK Assassination, Vol. 1, Trine Day LLC, Walterville, OR (2013) pgs. 149-150

[18] Id., pgs. 149-150

[19] Jacobs, Annie, Operation Paperclip, the Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America, Little Brown and Company, NY, NY (2014) pg. 243

[20] Id. at pg. 244

[21] http://www.topsecretwriters.com/2012/02/project-chatter-navy-lsd-experiments/

[22] http://www.mygen.com/users/ufo/The_Sequoia_Seminars_History.html

[23] http://www.topsecretwriters.com/2012/02/project-chatter-navy-lsd-experiments/

[24] Id.


[26] http://www.navytimes.com/story/military/2014/12/04/bill-cosby-sexual-assault-navy-chief-honor-revoked/19897577/

[27] http://forum.prisonplanet.com/index.php?topic=153737.40

[28] https://sites.google.com/site/mcrais/bluebird


[30] http://intheknow7.wordpress.com/2010/03/25/kissinger-palin-mengele-how-deep-does-the-rabbit-hole-go-monarch-mind-control-global-management-team-pt-1/

[31] https://sites.google.com/site/mcrais/bluebird

[32] http://www.public.navy.mil/fcc-c10f/niocmd/AnchorWatch/AW_2011_04-18.pdf

[33] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hospital_Naval

[34] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juan_Per%C3%B3n

[35] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hospital_Naval

[36] Id.

[37] http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/peron-deposed-in-argentina

[38] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Eichmann

[39] http://www.nndb.com/gov/234/000043105/

[40] Jacobs, Annie, Operation Paperclip, the Secret Intelligence Program that Brought Nazi Scientists to America, Little Brown and Company, NY, NY (2014) pgs. 103-105

[41] http://www.scientistsandfriends.com/rockets3.html

[42] http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Series/ISpy?from=Main.ISpy

[43] http://ispy65.tripod.com/id64.htm

[44] http://www.pseudoccultmedia.net/2009/06/monarch-playboy-kittens-next-door.html

[45] <a href="http:/

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