“This case is SO MUCH BIGGER than you think. It goes to the very HIGHEST Levels; we have to keep pulling the strings.”
-William Colby, Former Director of the CIA, Investigator of the Franklin Cover Up (WHY JOHNNY CAN’T COME HOME)
Hail Adrian!
The name Adrian has become associated with MYSTERY, evil and darkness, “The Dark One.” [1] The name Adrian is particularly associated with Roman Polanski’s HollyWeird’s blatant Satanic/ILLUMINATI cult movie, Rosemary’s Baby. Polanski is no joke. He is an international sex crime criminal and fugitive from justice. Polanski is an elite member of a secret powerful international Luciferian Pedophile Ring that is linked to the Ninth Gate- the Ninth Satanic Circle. If you have not seen Polanski’s movie, the Ninth Gate, I suggest that you review it.
“Satan is his father, not Guy. He came up from hell and begat a son of mortal woman. Satan is his father and his name is ADRIAN. He shall overthrow the mighty and lay waste their temples. He shall redeem the despised and wreak vengeance in the name of the burned and the tortured. Hail, ADRIAN! Hail, Satan! God is dead! Satan lives! The year is One, the year is One! God is dead”[2]
Nike & Adrian- Reptilian or Satanic Maybe Both
In the above odd and strange Nike commercial video, look at Adrian‘s skin- reptilian or the DEVIL consistent with Rosemary’s Baby? It appears that Adrian would only go so far with the Luciferian Agenda. It also appears that he didn’t execute the Satanic Covenant of Secrecy, Fame and Fortune. If he did, he would still be playing professional football.
Nevertheless, the name Adrian is actually associated with “water” and the ancient Etruscan port and settlement of Adria in Northern Italy, situated between the mouths of the rivers Adige and Po.[3] Its classical period is associated with between 530 and 520 BC.[4] There is considerable controversy surrounding the settlement of Adria more ancient than the Etruscans. Even among some of the ancients, Adria and the early Bronze age Villanovan settlement was an outpost of the Tyrrhenians (Ancient Land of Tyre).[5]
Tyre was one of the main cities of Ancient Canaan (Phoenicia).[6] Canaan‘s most ancient mystery schools were based on the Kemetic Mysteries and Drama of Osiris and Isis.[7] Ancient Canaan is known as the Land of PALESTINE.[8] In the ancient world, the Greeks knew the Canaanites as Phoenicians- Greek for “PURPLE.”[9]
“But of the cities of these people, which the LORD thy God doth give thee for an inheritance, thou shalt save alive nothing that breatheth; But thou shall utterly destroy them; namely the … CANAANITES …; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee …”
The widespread murder and genocide committed by the barbaric desert tribes of Ashkenazi/Hyksos against innocent CANAANITE elders, women and children has caused quite a bit of theological debate and controversy. Often, the genocide is based on the Divine Command Theory. God has the right to command an act, which, in the absence of a divine command, would have been sin (thou shall not kill), which is morally obligatory in virtue of God’s Command.[10]
The LORD that ordered the invading nomadic Ashkenazi/Israelites to murder the CANAANITES (Children of Osiris and Isis) recounted in DEUTERONOMY was the adopted LORD of the barbarian Hyksos, Osiris’ JEALOUS brother GOD SET- SETH, SATAN, LUCIFER.
In 2013, the Sphinx of the Great Pharaoh Menkaure was uncovered at an ancient site in Tel Hazor National Park, north of the Sea of Galilee in Israel. Menkaure was a Pharaoh of Kemet’s Great Pyramid Age, the 4th Dynasty. He is the builder of the 3rd great pyramid in the infamous Gaza Plateau. Menkaure’s pyramid at Giza is called Netjer-er-Menkaure which means “Menkaure is Divine“. Israeli archeologist falsely claim that they don’t know where Kemetic artifact came from. The Great Pharaoh Menkaure was in the Land of Canaan before the Ashkenazi/Hyksos invasion. Menkaure was one of the Sons of Osiris (Ausar).
For the Luciferians, the Battle for Adrian Peterson’s Soul is as old as it is SYMBOLIC. There is old saying in HollyWeird, God give you the talent, but SATAN give you the fame. Luciferians are under the assumption that Adrian Peterson owe the ILLUMINATI for his fame, glory and fortune. What belongs to the Canaanite of Palestine is theirs to take. These people intend to collect from Adrian with “absolutely no moral imperatives at all.” So COMMANDS the Lord of Darkness, King of Hell, Ruler of the Earth, God of this World! God- Who invites us to become as gods.[11
Adrian Peterson isn’t particularly known as a crusader of any real issues, controversial causes or opinions. He isn’t known for his radical conscious, any intellectual or educational endeavors or accomplishments. Adrian is a man from humble beginnings- born and raised in the back woods of PALESTINE, Texas with all its Badges, Ravages and Horrors of Slavery, and Reconstruction.
However, he’s not just an ordinary regular country brother, either. Mind, body and soul, Adrian transformed himself into an awesome world class, prominent and respected athlete of color. In 2011, he signed a 6 year / $86.28 million contract with the Minnesota Vikings, including a $12,000,000 signing bonus, $36,000,000 guaranteed, and an annual average salary of $14,380,000.[12]
In 2013, he was named as the NFL’s most valuable player. In a league dominated by accomplished and well publicized quarterbacks, it was quite a compliment and acknowledgement of his achievement in America’s greatest past time. Adrian earned the MVP award over Denver Broncos Quarterback Peyton Manning after receiving 30.5 of the 50 votes by an Associated Press panel of NFL writers.[13]
In 2013, Adrian had one of the more remarkable seasons in NFL history. Just eight months after tearing his anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and his medial collateral ligament in a game in December 2012, , he managed to put together one of the best seasons ever by a running back. Adrian rushed for 2,097 yards and 12 touchdowns and came just eight yards shy of Eric Dickerson’s single-season rushing record.[14]
It takes a normal human being up to a year to recover from ACL surgery alone. But within four months of ACL surgery, this remarkable and awesome human being was back on the practice field that left even the medical profession in utter AWE.[15] In the game of football, we have come to expect excitement each time Adrian touches the ball, he’ll reach almost epic and heroic proportions on the field of play that he gives the Glory to Christ.
“Without Him [Jesus Christ], doing this recovery, I had no chance – at all! No chance to do this on my own. He kept my mind at ease, doing the rehab. For me, because I’ve used this principle my whole life, it was so easy to buy into it and know; put this in God’s hand, have faith; that simple process, your principles that you have, having faith and believing …”[16]
Adrian has always been outspoken about his Christian Faith. His immense success on the field has gained him the nickname “PURPLE JESUS,” a title which he has said he understands, but doesn’t necessarily support due to his Christian Faith.[17]
“The Klansmen Pins his Faith to the Bible as the Revealed Will of GOD.”[18]
In fact, many active Klansmen were/are ordained ministers of the Christian Faith.[19] However, Adrian‘s unbroken connection to the faith, doctrine and practices of Christianity is not necessarily as that biblically revealed by the Will of God, but is still deeply rooted in the Faith in the Will of God in the African Struggle for justice, freedom and liberation in America. Christianity for Black people has become almost equivalent to the Rod, Sword and Shield to overcome by the Will of God- the constant STRUGGLE against racism, and the principalities of EVIL (Ephesians 6:12).
Throughout his career, Adrian Peterson has remained basically a “God, Country and Football” man. When a man of color reach the global public prominence and heights that Adrian has reached by Faith in the Will of God, he becomes a global SYMBOLIC threat to the New World Order (NWO). He becomes a target by some of the most clandestine, powerful, cold-blooded and dangerous Luciferians on the face of the planet.
Either he must do the work of SATAN or be reduced to a condition akin to that of slavery. He will no longer be a symbol, hero or an inspiration to anyone to struggle against universal racism, and the principalities of EVIL, the NWO.
Erica Syion, Mother of One of Adrian’s Sons, shows off her Classic MK ULTRA/MONARCH Sex Kitten Leopard Spots
Needless to say, Adrian’s prominent celebrity status along with an annual salary over $14 million draw a lot of attention and clandestine company with a Satanic/ILLUMINATI agenda to appeal to his weaknesses for the flesh of STRANGE and DANGEROUS WOMEN that he has been left deliberately DISABLED to decode. In fact, once a target of Luciferians very few people understand the codes to overcome a comprehensive offensive program to destroy them by legions and networks of the Secret Satanic Brotherhood.
The Secret ILLUMINATI Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network
the Nines & Child Sacrifices
The video above was published in November 2012 before the widespread international exposure of the Ninth Circle this year. Five international judges are examining evidence of child rape, torture, murder and kidnapping allegedly done by global ILLUMINATI elite members of the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network that includes British Royalty and the Bilderberg Group. Regular Ninth Circle child sacrifices were said to take place in the catacombs of Catholic Cathedrals, the Vatican, on private estates and Groves and government military bases in Belgium, Holland, Spain, Australia, Ireland, France, England and the United States.
A prior ICLCJ document claimed other Ninth Satanic Circle members included Montreal Catholic Archbishop Christian Lepine and a prominent billionaire- George Soros has been identified by eyewitnesses as being at Ninth Satanic Circle hunting parties in the Netherlands. Children were stripped naked, raped, hunted down and killed – as were children in an Australian CIA/MK ULTRA mind control program according to an eyewitness.
In August 2014, officials of the International Common Law Court of Justice (ICLCJ) in Brussels, Belgium in conjunction with Montreal police raided a secret Ninth Satanic Circle gathering where two children were scheduled to be sacrificed. Among those arrested were two Americans from bordering states of South Dakota, Cargill Corporation Executive Kerry Brick of Wayzata, MINNESOTA, and Sinclair Oil Executive Stephen Holding of Sun Valley, IDAHO.
MURDER is the unlawful killing, with malice aforethought, of another human. Most societies both present and in antiquity have considered MURDER a most serious crime worthy of the harshest of punishment, under the justification that commission of MURDER is highly detrimental to good order within society.[20] Since the beginning of recorded history, MURDER has been one of mankind’s most heinous crimes against society and civilization. The cold blood MURDER of Adrian’s beautiful and innocent 2 year old son Tyrese Robert Ruffin (Peterson) in South Dakota under odd and strange circumstances as set out below is completely outside the area of arguable conspiracy theories and Satanic/ ILLUMINATI and New World Order speculative theories. When their activities involve the high crime of MURDER involving an innocent two year old child, the debate ENDS and the search for his true clandestine Assassins BEGINS.
Racial MURDER & Satanism in South Dakota
The remote State of South Dakota has been a virtual open killing ground for institutional racial murder for several generations. This virtual cult of murder is now veiled and shrouded in the occult. It is buried deeply underground protected by Masonic and Satanic blood oath covenants of secrecy. South Dakota is remote and far from the public eye and any significant populations of color. This hidden cult of racial murder and of the occult surrounded defenseless Little Tyrese Robert Ruffin (Peterson) in South Dakota.
Racial Genocide- Wounded Knee, South Dakota
“And here I find the great distinction between the faith of the Indian and the white man. Indian faith sought the harmony of man with his surrounding; the other sought the dominance of his surrounding. In sharing, in loving all and everything, one people naturally found a due portion of the thing they sought, while, in fearing, the other found need of conquest.“
Chief Luther Standing Bear, above, (1868-1939), Chief of Oglala Sioux Tribe- he witnessed the slaughter of unarmed men, women, and children at Wounded Knee in 1890.[21]
It was after a night so cold in the winter that the Lakota called it “The Moon of the Popping Trees” because as the winter winds whistled through the hills and gullies at Wounded Knee Creek on that morning of December 29, 1890, one could hear the twigs snapping in the frigid air.
When a soldier of George Armstrong Custer’s former troop the 7th Cavalry tried to wrest a hidden rifle from a deaf Lakota warrior after all of the other weapons had already been confiscated from Sitanka’s (Big Foot) band of Lakota people, the deafening report of that single shot caused pandemonium amongst the soldiers and they opened up with their Hotchkiss machine guns upon unarmed men, women and children. Thus began an action the government called a “battle” and the Lakota people called a “massacre.” The Lakota people say that only 50 people of the original 350 followers of Sitanka survived that morning of slaughter.[22]
The Wounded Knee bloodbath and massacre wasn’t necessarily the result of the U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs feared militancy of the Lakota Ghost Dance. Wounded Knee was part of veiled general plan for racial genocide and Lakota removal from tribal lands on a permanent basis. Approximately 90 million of the 138 million acres of Native American territory became white-owned in just forty-five years.[23]
As the House Indian Affairs Committee Minority Report of 1880 attests:
The real aim of [the Dawes Act] is to get at the Indian lands and open them up to settlement. The provisions of the apparent benefit of the Indian are but the pretext to get at his lands and occupy them. With that accomplished, we have securely paved the way for the extermination of the Indian races upon this part of the continent. If this were done in the name of Greed, it would be bad enough; but to do it in the name of Humanity, and under the cloak of an ardent desire to promote the Indian’s welfare by making him like ourselves, whether he will or not, is infinitely worse.
House Indian Affairs Committee, Minority Report, H.R. Rep. 46-1576, at 7-10 (1880)
South Dakota is bordered by the states of North Dakota, Minnesota, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Montana. The state is named after the Lakota and Dakota Sioux Native American tribes.[24] South Dakota has an estimated population of 833,354. In 2012, the Census Bureau estimated that 86.2% of South Dakotans were White, 8.9% were American Indian or Alaskan Native, 3.1% were Hispanic or Latino, 1.7% were Black or African American. In the 2000 census, the five largest ancestry groups in South Dakota were: German (40.7%), Norwegian (15.3%), Irish (10.4%), Native American (8.3%), and English (7.1%).[25]
Little Tyrese & Old World European Dualism
Janus is an Ancient Roman God for Chaos and Deception secretly adopted by the ILLUMINATI. He is a god of Double Nature, symbolized in his two headed image. His two faces were originally one clean-shaven and other bearded that represented the sun and the moon. He was usually depicted with a key. The Janus head is a popular phrase for “Deception.”[26]
The origin of the name Janus is without any doubt, the Roman Demon God, Bifrons. Bifrons was also one the names given to the BAPHOMET worshipped by the Knights Templar, and which description was as a statue with two heads surely inspired in the Roman God Bifrons, one looking towards the left to tell the past, and the other looking towards the right to tell the future, all this by means of the Power of a Demon. It is also said the Janus-Bifrons appeared as a monster and then changed his appearance to that of a man. Janus-Bifrons is a shape-shifter.[27]
Rare 16th Century Woodcut Showing Old World Europeans Willfully Swapping Their Books of Salvations for the Works of the Devil (SATAN)
Medieval Satanic Woodcuts make it abundantly clear that Europeans understood that there was SATAN, and it is not at all an invention of Christianity. During the Middle Ages, they worshiped and practiced his works- SATANISM. And, it appears far too often that Christianity and Satanism were part of a strange phenomena of bedfellows that made up the nature of Old World Dualism that we have yet to fully decode. However, Native Americans referred to European two-faced “dualism” as speaking with a “forked tongue.”
The phrase “speaks with a forked tongue” means to deliberately say one thing and mean another [deception] or, to be hypocritical, or act in a duplicitous manner.[28] That could also include a “duplicity” such as in the case of good and evil – A study in dualism: The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.[29]
Satanic two-faced dualism is illustrated in an infamous case in the European medieval “Body of Christ.” Gilles de rais (1404–1440) of France, rode by the side of the Legendary Heroine of France and Roman Catholic Saint Joan of Arc. (1412–1441) and served as her chief lieutenant, fighting with such fierce merit that King Charles VII (1403–1431) later awarded de Rais the title of Marshal of France. Gilles de rais was/is accused of having slain as many as 800 Children as sacrifices to SERVE SATAN,[30] In fact, the secret Ninth Circle Satanic Cult may date from the times of Gilles de rais and the 15th Century.
Rare Medieval Woodcut of the Sacrifice of Children to SERVE the DEVIL
Whether you know it or not, children by the thousands continue to be clandestinely sacrificed to Gilles de rais’ Old World SATAN . In 2014, the International Common Law Court of Justice (LCLCJ) in Brussels is continuing to investigate numerous children’s deaths connected to the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult network. Death certificates were released on the 796 Irish children, ages two months to nine years, found in a cistern (septic tank) used as a mass grave at the Catholic St. Mary’s Mothers and Babies Home near Taum, Ireland. LCLCJ forensic experts have confirmed the decapitation and dismemberment of babies in the mass grave resembled the usual signs of ritualistic murder. The Ninth Circle was/is directly linked to underground Satanic Cult networks in South Dakota.
Little Tyrese & Wodin
“We will of course not let them know about Wotan [Wodan].” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels-[31]
The evidence for human sacrifice in the period of the Iron Age is most prolific in Denmark, Germany and Holland, where many bodies have been found completely preserved in peat bogs. Some were hanged or strangled, the noose still around their neck, and others were BLUDGEONED on the head or had their throat slit.[32]
In fact, Little Tyrese’s October 22nd gathering of fellowship for friends and acquaintances was held at the First Evangelical Free Church in Sioux Falls.[33] The Evangelical Free Church of America (EFCA) is an evangelical Christian denomination that also pin their faith like the Klan to the Bible as the Revealed Will of God.[34] EFCA was formed in 1950 from the merger of the Swedish Evangelical Free Church and the Norwegian-Danish Evangelical Free Church Association.[35]
The Church of Sweden goes back to the Middle Ages commingled with Norse Paganism and other pre-Christian religious systems that survived in the territory of what is now Sweden; for instance the important religious center known as the Temple at Uppsala at Gamla Uppsala was evidently still in use in the late 11th century.[36] The temple was dedicated to Wodan (Odin) and Fricco (Freyr).[37]
I doubt very seriously if Adrian truly understands what’s really going on Underground in and around Minnesota and a Viking Culture.
Norway, Land of the Odin and the Vikings, is the only country in Northern Europe with wooden churches from the Middle Ages still intact.[38] Christianity in the three pagan warlord kingdoms of Denmark, Norway, and Sweden all took shape along the same time period in the Middle Ages along beside Wodan’s (Odin) pagan Temple at Uppsala as above.[39] What was going on at Wodan’s Temple?
“Like Odin, Wodan was the god of hanging. The Cimbri sometimes hanged their captives over the bronze cauldrons, while the priestess cut their throats. These sacrifices to Wodan would then later be thrown into sacred lakes.”[40]
Down the Rabbit Hole, Little Tyrese & the Masonic Order
Just how deep are you willing to sink down the Rabbit Hole? Little Tyrese’s Celebration of Life Ritual was held at Sioux Falls’ El Riad Temple.[41] On May 25, 1888, the first ceremonial of Nobles of the Mystic Shrine held in Dakota Territory, was called to order in Sioux Falls by W. D. Stites, first Illustrious Potentate of El Riad Temple. The ceremonial was held under dispensation on May 25, 1888 and a “Class of 33” was taken into El Riad Temple. El Riad Temple was instituted by El Kahir Temple of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.[42]
El Kahir & Albert Pike-Arkansas Grand Dragon of the Invisible Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of the Ole Southern Satanic Brotherhood
In 2011, the El Kahir Temple of Grand Rapids was exposed to have been a “Clandestine Masonic Membership Shrine” under the jurisdiction of the Satanic Grand Lodge of Arkansas. [43] The Grand Lodge of Arkansas meet in the Satanist/Grand Dragon of the Klan Confederate General ALBERT PIKE’s Memorial Temple, PIKE’S old home, built in 1838.[44] Recall that Pike was the secret Old World European ILLUMINATI representative for North America. The Ole Southern Satanic Brotherhood that he helped to create in America is part of the Old World ILLUMINATI Satanic (Ninth Circle) network.
Pike & Janus- Dual Headed Masonic Eagle
Pike was appointed Grand Orator of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas on November 7, 1864, from 1853 onward he was, at various times, chairman of numerous committees and boards.[45] Before the Civil War, Arkansas Freemasons had made two bold moves. In 1853, they established the library of the Grand Lodge of Arkansas with Pike as chairman. It is the second-oldest library in the state. In 1859, they opened ST. JOHN’s College in Little Rock and educated and indoctrinated many of the state’s leaders.[46]
“Albert Pike organized the Ku Klux Klan in Arkansas after General [Nathan Bedford] Forrest appointed Pike the Grand Dragon of that Realm. The Tennessee leaders of the Klan at the time of its founding were prominent Masons subordinate to Grand Commander Pike.”[47]
In the decade after the Great War, Freemasonry was reestablished slowly in every section of Arkansas. By the end of the nineteenth century, there were 12,522 Masons in 442 lodges, and ALBERT PIKE (1809- 1891) was the best known Mason in Arkansas and most likely in South Dakota.[48]
Since its establishment as a state on November 2, 1889,[49] South Dakota and its predominately superstitious and dualistic natured European-Germanic population have been under the iron grip and influence of secret networks of Old World Secret Satanic Societies and the Ole Southern Satanic Brotherhood. The old families of South Dakota are undoubtedly deeply inter-related and associated with Secret Old World Bloodline and Blood Oath Secret Satanic/Masonic Based Societies such as the International Shriners, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and Albert Pike’s Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, and Freemasonry.
South Dakota & Old World Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult
The global elite Old World Ninth Circle Satanic Cult is also secretly based in South Dakota. It is involved in the routine and systematic kidnapping, rape, torture and SACRIFICIAL MURDER of new born infants and children up to age fourteen.[50] According to witnesses in a federal lawsuit, the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult is globally based and centuries old, operating at Roman Catholic cathedrals in Montreal, New York, Rome, London and dozens of other locations, including at protected forest groves in America, Canada, France and Holland. It routinely utilizes children taken from Catholic orphanages, adoption agencies, hospitals and schools.[51]
“Catholic Jesuit priest involvement in Ninth Circle Satanic Cult rituals at the Mohawk school in Brantford Ontario Canada is confirmed in correspondence from school principals as far back as 1922. Similar Jesuit sacrificial rituals using small children and newborns for sacrifice rites at CATHOLIC INDIAN SCHOOLS IN SOUTH DAKOTA and Omak, Washington are attested to by eyewitness Clarita Vargas in an affidavit entered into our docket material.”[52]
Actress Nicole Kidman of HollyWeird’s Satanic Flick Eyes Wide Shut psychologist father, Dr. Anthony Kidman, was linked to the Cult. When he was exposed in Australia as a master programmer and ring leader of an exclusive and elite Sydney pedophile ring linked to the Ninth Circle Satanic Cult, he suddenly ended up dead in Singapore.[53]
HollyWeird’s Nicole Kidman and Dr. Anthony Kidman, formerly of the Ninth Satanic Circle
After the collapse of Lawrence King’s Omaha, Nebraska CIA Satanic and Pedophilic Franklin Federal Credit Union, the federal credit union insurance fund repaid nearly all depositors 100 % of their deposits. The single big glaring exception was a South Dakota Sioux Falls order of Roman Catholic nuns that lost $2 million because its certificates of deposit exceeded the $100,000 insurance limit.[54] Secret Old World Satanic undergrounds, clandestine Masonic and the CIA/MK ULTRA Occult Bureau’s roots also runs deep in South Dakota.
Ahnenerbe, CIA Occult Bureau, Ninth Satanic Circle & South Dakota
The Occult Bureau within the Third Reich was established by Lucifer’s Son, Reichsfuhrer SS- 1 Heinrich Himmler. It was called the Ahnenerbe. The true nature of the Ahnenerbe is difficult to describe because it was and still is surrounded by layers of blood oath secrecy even in America. Generally, it was billed as a study society focused on the anthropological and cultural history of the Aryan race. However, the Ahnenerbe more closely resembled an “Occult Society” with a secret budget the size of the Nazi General Staff or Department of Defense.[55]
“In April 1945, American troops stumbled across a massive cache of Ahnenerbe files hidden in a dark, dank cave called Kleines Tuefelsloch (the LITTLE DEVIL’S HOLE) near the Bavarian village of Pottenstein. For the next four years, America intelligence officials closely studied the captured documents, eventually sending many to the Army’s Edgewood Arsenal and Camp Detrick.”[56]
Actually, the American recovery of Ahnenerbe cache of files was part of a pre-arranged highly classified package of plans of Allen Dulles, Himmler and Operation Paperclip to covertly change the SS (Knights of the Black Sun) venue from Europe to America.
The Ahnenerbe Secret Files became the basis of classified CIA/MK- ULTRA Occult Bureau Mind Control and Mass Population Control Experiments and Programs under Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele, and Dr. Luther W. Greene (L. Wilson Greene), Technical Director of the Chemical and Radiological Laboratories at the Army Chemical Center at Edgewood Arsenal, Harford County, Maryland.[57]
There is testimony of a CIA/MK ULTRA test subject who was subjected to ritual trauma based electrical-shock, LSD, radiation, rape, dislocation of joints, chemical and drug experimentation as a child that had been sent to a special school with many other children and taught how to sexually please men and entrap them, and that Dr. L. Wilson Green, Dr. Mengele and others of the CIA routinely used them as sex slaves and special covert congressional sexual blackmail espionage agents that lead directly to South Dakota.[58] In fact, within the last couple of months, links are being developed connecting Dr. L. Wilson Greene and the CIA with aiding and abetting the Ninth Satanic Circle by supplying it with ritual Satanic abused mind altered child victims.
Ninth Satanic Circle Network, White House & South Dakota
“[T]he D.C. resident expert on South Dakota politics” and the underground pinnacle of its POWER was Jeff Gannon aka James D. Guckert- male prostitute/ escort and Republican right wing activist that worked as a quasi-press reporter without credentials at the George W. Bush White House.[59]
Hail SATAN- President George W. Bush’s Senior Advisor and Deputy Chief of Staff- Karl Rove
Jeff Gannon had been part of Karl Rove’s subversive Satanic “Dominant Political Creed in America.”[60] Gannon “nom de ho Bulldog“[61] says that he met Rove only once, at a White House Christmas party.[62] Well, I don’t think anyone in the “Beltway” really believes that. Around Washington, Gannon had been known as Rove’s “Good Friend.”
“Karl [Rove] used to hang out at JR’s, which is on 17th between P&S, before he became so well-known. This is a “respectable” gay bar for discreet people who do not wear mesh panties, high-heeled pumps and wear terrible wigs.”[63]
Some maintain that Gannon, above, was issued U.S. Secret Service press credentials by Karl Rove at President George W. Bush’s request.[64] Rove has secret ties to a powerful and vicious underground (UNDERNEATH) conservative political homosexual creed (circle) of national political bloggers such as “nom de ho Bulldog“ Jeff Gannon.
Bulldog National Blogger Ali Akbar & Republican Heavy Newt Gingrich
Rove is said to have been a lover of a conservative Texas Republican Party national political blogger, Ali Akbar. Akbar is another one of Rove’s secret CREED of dominant conservative Republican homosexual bulldogs. Akbar is traced to Ellis County, Texas, where he worked for a news web site called the Ellis County Observer.
Akbar’s work apparently involved covering up the misdeeds of a former police chief named Michael Meissner, who was charged with posing as a woman and soliciting photos of under- aged boys.[65] That’s the way Rove’s “Dominate Satanic Creed “roll.
President Bush and Rove’s Favorite Bulldog Fake White House Reporter- Jeff Gannon
“Cable television news reports have recently linked an alleged male prostitute to the present White House since George W. Bush permitted James Guckert to use an unprecedented Secret Service-approved alias (Jeff Gannon) while having access to the White House for two years as a pool reporter serving the younger Bush–before which Gannon had advertised himself on internet pornography sites as a male “escort” charging $200 an hour. [Gannon is the subject of independent news reports which have referred to him as the former kidnapped Des Moines, Iowa paperboy JOHNNY GOSCH--forced into child sex-slavery.] John DeCamp told this writer “I believe Johnny Gosch and Jeff Gannon are one and the same person–but I am not in a position to know positively.”[66] Recall, Iowa is a border state of South Dakota.
On February 5, 1999, in a civil action in a U.S. District Court in Lincoln, Nebraska, Paul Bonacci, a former child CIA/MK ULTRA sex slave at the center of a secret powerful and elite pedophile ring (Franklin Scandal and Cover-Up) exposed some enormously chilling and explosive details involving the JOHNNY GOSCH aka JEFF GANNON abduction linked directly to the White House, CIA, Lt. Col. Michael Aquino, Pentagon and the U.S. Military Industrial Complex.
Bonacci revealed in federal court that he and Gosch and a number of other children were forced to participate in an elite government sponsored pedophile sex slave ring, that dehumanized and controlled its young victims using techniques such as drugs, MURDER, satanic rituals, sexual abuse, and torture, resulting in iatrogenic MPD (multiple-personality disorder). The children were systemically programmed and “zombified” as part of the CIA’s ongoing, under-the-radar MK-ULTRA vast clandestine mind control program.[67]
“George W. Bush has not explained how Guckert/Gannon–who had advertised himself as a male escort–could apparently operate in the White House as a reporter for two years using a Secret Service-approved alias and regularly be called upon by George W. Bush and press secretary Scott McClellan during nationally televised presidential press conferences.”[68]
At least since the 19th Century, South Dakota has been known to be a complex center of unprecedented covert Satanic and Masonic undergrounds; AND extraordinary energy and activity linked to ancient magnetic lines, grids of force and radiation field lines.[69]
OCTOBER- Satan’s Harvest of Souls
SATAN is an unnatural life force that exists throughout our planet. The energy it gives off is totally negative. Its chemical make-up is incompatible with what is natural. Natural is a nature pertaining to the natural world.
During the Aztec calendar month of Tepeihuitl (from September 30 to OCTOBER 19), it was dedicated to Sacrifices of Children.[70] SATAN has his own harvest celebration— a “Harvest of Souls.” Lucifer’s Servants prepare for SATAN’s Harvest of Souls during the entire month of OCTOBER in various ways- chaos, domestic violence and all manner of death and destruction.
“Their (Luciferians) diabolical activities begin on October 1st and build the entire month of October, climaxing on October 31st which is dedicated to planned world-wide human sacrifice. These sacrifices take place in covens and carefully guarded exclusive meeting places of high-ranking government officials. Beware: Pseudo Christian ministries also lure people in for the purpose of using them for human sacrifices.”[71]
Fallen Angels, Little Tyrese & EVIL Joey
“He [Jesus] gathers the rebels together like goats and pushes them towards the wall of Heaven; a hole opens up, revealing the chaos without. The angels are horrified and throw themselves out of Heaven. They fall for nine days, until Hell, “the house of woe and pain,” receives them. The HOLE IN THE WALL of Heaven is closed, and the angels approach the Son, rejoicing. He returns to his father.” Paradise Lost Book 6 [72] Joseph “Joey” Robert Patterson fell out of Kadoka,[73] the Latoka word meaning “Hole in the Wall”.[74] EVIL Joey is also symbolically associated with the Latoka’s sacred and mysterious Black Hills (University). The Black Hills is believed to be a place of supernatural and paranormal energies inhabited by a Circle of Evil Spirits.
Speaking of the Circle of Evil Spirits in the Black Hills the Indians said: “The Evil Spirit was mad at the red people and caused the mountains to vomit fire, sand, gravel and large stones, to terrify and destroy them, but the Good Spirit had compassion and put out the fire, chased the Evil Spirit out of the mountains and left them unhurt, but when they returned to their wickedness the Great Spirit permitted the Evil Spirit to return to the mountains again and vomit forth fire ; but out their becoming good and making sacrifices the Great Spirit chased away the Evil Spirit …”[75]
EVIL Joey’s ancestral roots are buried at the Old Masonic Cemetery in Philip, South Dakota. Masonic cemeteries are setu