
Covert U.S. Domestic Racial War against the Nation of Islam & Black Muslims

Since the 1960s, Black Muslims in the United States have been under an absolutely arbitrary governmental racial reign of terror. Black Muslims weren’t a criminal enterprise or a domestic terrorist group. It was a group of Black citizens– organized under the Religion of Islam for mutual worship, support, protection and self-sufficiency that is protected under the U.S. Constitution.

After the Deception, Lies and Cover-Up of 9-11, the government’s covert domestic racial war against Black Muslims has escalated to the very fringes of the Ante Bellum “Law of the Land” set out in Dred Scott v. Stanford 60 U.S. 393 (1857).

Hidden behind the 9-11 justification to heighten the domestic security of the United States lurks a U.S. domestic design, policy and crime of racial genocide.[1]

In 1857, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Taney wrote the court’s opinion. According to Taney, the authors of the constitution had viewed all blacks as beings of an inferior order, and altogether unfit to associate with the white race, either in social or political relations, and so far inferior that they had no rights which the white man was bound to respect.

On June 26, 1970, FBI Agent George C. Moore, Section Chief of the Racial Intelligence, recommended to assistant director of the FBI’s Intelligence Division, William C. Sullivan, that the Bureau deliberately increase disruption in black communities by triggering a war between the Nation of Islam (NOI) and the Black Panther Party. The primary purpose of the proposed COINTELPRO, Moore wrote, was threefold: it would make both groups less attractive to potential members; it could help stem the spread of the Black Panther Party’s newspaper.[2]

In 1975, the FBI knew that the Nation of Islam (NOI) was not itself involved in any violence. Agent George C. Moore agreed that the NOI was not involved in organizational violence, adding that the Nation of Islam had been unjustly blamed for violence in the ghetto riots of 1967 and 1968: “We had a good informant coverage of the Nation of Islam…. We were able to take a very positive stand and tell the Department of Justice and tell everybody else who accused the Nation of Islam … [that they] were not involved in any of the riots or disturbances. Elijah Muhammad kept them under control, and he did not have them on the streets at all during any of the riots.”[3]

When asked why, therefore, the NOI was included as a COINTELPRO-CHAOS target, Agent Moore answered: “Because of the potential, they did represent a potential … they were a paramilitary type. They had drills, the Fruit of Islam, they had the capability because they were a force to be reckoned with, with the snap of his finger Elijah Muhammad could bring them into any situation. So that there was a very definite potential, very definite potential.”[4]

During the height of COINTELPRO-CHAOS campaign to neutralize NOI in the early 1970s, Yusuf Bey, the YBMB, Inc. founder, came to Oakland and became a member of the Nation of Islam Mosque No. 26 in San Francisco adhering to the edicts from the Nation of Islam’s Chicago Elijah Muhammad’s headquarters.

At that time, Bey went by the name, Capt. Joseph X. Together with Bey’s brother, Minister Billy X, the two men received permission from Chicago to establish a new congregation, Mosque No. 26B, in Oakland. The Bey Brothers also created Your Black Muslim Bakery [5] in Oakland which was incorporated June 6, 1973.[6]

COINTELPRO-CHAOS not only triggered a covert war between NOI and the panthers, but Black Muslims against Black Muslims. During the late 1970s, violent and deadly disputes, tensions and CHAOS were triggered between Capt. Joseph X, Billy X Minister 26b, and Mosque 26 in San Francisco.[7]

As result of COINTELPRO-CHAOS deliberate disruption in the Black Community, Joseph X-Yusuf Bey, abve, took over YBMB, Inc., his brother Billy X took over NOI Mosque 26b in Oakland.

YBMB, Inc. was virtually created out of COINTELPRO-CHAOS. Among the CHAOS, Yusuf Bey was still able to develop a business institution that filled a badly needed market niche in the Black Community that provided jobs; and natural without preservatives nutritious and healthy bakery and fish products at affordable prices.

During the 1970s, Mosque 26 and 26b had been fully infiltrated with COINTELPRO-CHAOS informers, agent provocateurs; and Black Manchurian Candidates programmed to deliberately kill innocent white citizens to spread its campaign to destroy the Nation of Islam, and reign of terror to deliberately polarize the races.

NOI & Infiltrated Black Manchurian Candidates, Programmed to Kill for the Big Show

Not much is known about Brother Jesse Lee Cooks, above, before 1958, but by that time, he was already a severely disabled hapless classic multiple personality disordered individual.

In 1958 in East St. Louis, five years after the start of CIA-MK ULTRA, Jesse Lee Cooks allegedly attempted to smother his mother. Cooks was twelve years old.

According to the author of the 1979 Book, Zebra, Clark Howard, Cooks’ mom told him to go outside and play, “When he got outside, Jesse had an overwhelming urge to go back into the house. But it was not like he was going back in; it was like somebody else was doing it and he was only watching. Somebody else sneaked back inside; somebody else crept up to the bedroom door and peaked in at his mother napping on the bed; somebody else slipped quietly into the room-with a pillow, somebody else tried to smother the dozing woman.” [8] Cooks was committed to the charitable Illinois State Training School for delinquent boys. Located in St. Charles, Illinois, it was commonly called “Charleytown”.

The boys’ school was involved in behavior modification/mind control programs. The school came under fire for experimental drugging kids, particularly with the CIA-MK ULTRA experimental behavior modification drug, Thorazine. One thing was clear, Cooks suffered from multiple personality disorders, which made him susceptible to hypnotism, and mind control at an impressionable age.

In 1965 or 1966, Cooks started robbing banks. He was captured robbing a bank in Los Angeles at Pico and Vermont. After a federal conviction, he was sent to the Federal Correctional Institute at Lompoc for nine months.

Lompoc is a minimum security federal prison near Santa Barbara, CA. It has a dubious history as a front for CIA Project CHAOS. After undergoing secret behavior modification and mind control protocols, Timothy Leary, the Pope of Dope, was liberated from the prison by members of the Weathermen Underground as a cover for a secret Project CHAOS espionage operation to neutralize the International Division of the Black Panther Party in Algiers, North Africa.[9]

After Lompoc, Cooks was transferred to the U.S. prison in Terre Haute, Indiana. He stayed there two and a half months. It was yet another federal prison with dubious links to CIA-MK ULTRA secret projects.

Chandra Levy, then an intern at the Federal Bureau of Prisons in Washington, D.C, checked off Timothy McVeigh’s visitors at Terre Haute federal prison. Recall, Chandra Ann Levy (April 14, 1977 – c. May 1, above with Gary Condit, disappeared in May 2001. She was presumed murdered after her skeletal remains were found in Rock Creek Park in May 2002. Levy and U.S. Congressman Condit (D-CA) had been secretly romantically involved in a relationship. It became a Washington scandal, when Condit had been linked to her disappearance to possibly cover-up the out of marriage affair.[10]

However, it has been reported that Levy had noted some twelve or more visits by Dr. Louis Jolyon West, the UCLA mind control expert for the CIA-MK ULTRA mind control program. Dr. West had pronounced Jack Ruby insane after he suggested a conspiracy in the JFK Assassination.  Dr. West also was involved with Manchurian Candidates Sirhan Sirhan and Patty Hearst while they awaited trial. There is some speculation that Tim McVeigh had being treated by Dr. West before he was arrested for the infamous Oklahoma City Federal Building bombing on April 19, 1995.[11]

‘Breaking Men’s Minds: Behavior Control and Human Experimentation at the Federal Prison in Marion’. Journal of Prisoners on Prisons Vol. 4 No. 2 (1993)

After Terre Haute, Cooks spent nine months at the U.S. prison in Marion, Illinois. Since the early 1960s, Marion Federal Prison has been one of the leading “behavior modification” experimental penitentiaries in the nation. It was a model for mind control.  It specialized in Chinese Torture Techniques and “Brainwashing.”[12]

Cooks was then sent into Federal Prison on McNeil Island in Washington, where he stayed for two years. McNeil Island is the place where Charles Manson was programmed in L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics that I call the “Manson Experience.”

While confinement at McNeil Island, Washington, Manson began studying Scientology under the guidance of a convict named Lanier Rayner, who had been a student of L. Ron Hubbard. [13]

After McNeil Island and the “Manson Experience”, Cooks was then sent to the Federal Correctional Institute at Terminal Island, San Pedro. It is also known as a CIA “spook prison”. On March 21, 1967, Manson was released from Terminal Island and then sent to the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area to begin the MK ULTRA-CHAOS Manson Family mission to literally discredit, disrupt and destroy the Flower and Peace Generation.[14]

From Terminal Island, Cooks was paroled and given back to the State of California to serve a one-year-to-life sentence for two supermarket holdups in Los Angeles. [15]

Cooks had been through the various federal CHAOS “spook” prison secret behavior modification and conditioning systems and assessments. Cooks was a perfect Manchurian Candidate for the Big Show.

For the Big Show, Cooks was turned over to a white Russian emigrant, Dr. David G. Schimdt of Stanford University Medical Center at Neumiller Hospital, San Quentin Prison.

Dr. Schmidt was a colleague of CIA-MK ULTRA psychiatrist and Station Chief at Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton.

During the 1950s, Dr. Schmidt reportedly collaborated in secret CIA-MK ULTRA LSD experiments using state prisoners in the psychiatric wards as guinea pigs. Dr. Schmidt allegedly invented a secret mind control (psychotronic) machine called, Magnetic Integrated Neuron Duplicator (MIND). This is just a fancy phrase that means EEG cloning. TAMI stands for “Thought Amplifier and MIND Interface” . It seems to be a second generation system built on top of MIND. The acronym for the kill mode weaponized software of this technology is SATAN, “Silent Assassination Through Amplified Neurons” . While the CIA has a whole bag of “tricks” to menticize people, the drugs can leave a trace of metabolic residue or a signature of damage that they leave in the body and brain. So SATAN has become the preferred method of silent assassination in the agencies with the best “plausible denial” rating.

In 1968, a former prison, John Ginter, claimed in a court case that the chief psychiatrist at San Quentin, Dr. Schmidt, told him that a M.I.N.D. device or magnetic integrated neuron duplicator was illegally used on him experimentally at San Quentin Prison.[16] Somehow, Ginter had retained memory of the secret M.I.N.D. psychotronic at the prison.

Over thirty years later, a researcher named Tessa Puglia found a 1966 book on rocketry and spaceflight which has Ginter’s exact same 1968 acronym of the secret psychotronic housed at San Quentin Prison.

In Russian and translated to English, the book is, “English-Russian Guided Missiles & Space Flight Dictionary”, Publisher, Voenizdat, or Military Publishing House, Moscow, 1966.[17]

The foreword states: The monographs, reference works, dictionaries, and periodicals on rocketry and spaceflight published in the USA and UK were used as source for this Dictionary. [18]

At Page 874, the full entry is: MIND magnetic integrator neuron duplicator, neuron magnetic integrator-repeater (for remembering experience and for learning new facts). [19] It is the Big Show. It was Dr. Schmidt’s psychotronic mind control machine.

Within the six months at San Quentin, Cooks joined the prison Nation of Islam mosque as cover for the Big Show and final CHAOS operation. [20] In San Quentin out of the psychiatric wars, the nucleus of the infamous NOI Mosque Zebra Manchurian Candidates were formed as a prelude to the project CHAOS Big Show. The other confirmed programmed Zebra Manchurian Candidate was Anthony Cornelius Harris.

Black Manchurian Candidate: Anthony Cornelius Harris, Programmed to Kill

During his testimony for which he was granted immunity in the Zebra Murder Trial, Harris freely admitted that he was involved (the slayer) in at least 10 of 14 killings of whites.

Anthony Harris also had an extensive psychiatric history and institutional background. In 1959, five years after the start of CIA-MK ULTRA, when he was 14 years old, Anthony’s mother placed him in a state mental hospital, Pacific State Hospital.

At Pacific State Hospital, The U.S. National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), a funding front for CIA-MK ULTRA, had a special research project there, Socio-Behavior Study for Mental Retardation. The NIMH project was headed by Dr. George Tarjan and Nobel Peace Prize’s Linus Pauling, an international renowned chemical/nuclear scientist. Dr. Tarjan was a Professor of Psychiatry of the Neuropsychiatric Institute, UCLA, Past President of the American Psychiatric Association, and American Academy of Child Psychiatry.[21]

Dr. Tarjan’s UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute was headquarters to the notorious CIA-MK- ULTRA “Maestro of Mind Control”, Dr. Louis Jolyon West.[22]

Dr. Pauling and Dr. Alton Ochsner of New Orleans, sons of German immigrants, were old friends. Dr. Ochsner was an extremely powerful old southern ultra military intelligence racist that was implicated in creating pasty, Lee Harvey Oswald, for the assassination of JFK.[23]

According to Edward T. Haslam, author of Mary, Ferrie & the Monkey Virus, The Story of an Underground Medical Laboratory, Dr. Ochsner headed the CIA’s MK DELTA mind control-assassination program under Dr. Sidney Gottlieb.[24]

Jesse Lee Cooks served 14 months under Dr. Schmidt at San Quentin before parole. In March 1973, Cooks was arrested by U.S. Marshals in Chicago, and returned to San Quentin as a short-term parole violator. Cooks also spent four months in Dr. Oshsner’s CIA-MK DELTA domain, New Orleans. [25]

Programmed MK ULTRA mental patients, Black Manchurian Candidates Cooks and Anthony Harris infiltrated NOI Mosque 26 in San Francisco; and NOI Mosque 26b in Oakland.


Cooks, the Murder and Mayhem Begins

The October 20, 1973 machete murder of Quita Hague, and mutilation of Richard Hague in San Francisco was the work of Manchurian Candidates Cooks, and Anthony Harris.

Harris linked Larry Green with the murder and attack. Cooks was identified by Hague as an assailant. Hague could not identify the other assailants, but it was Cooks that abducted them. Hague said that he was hit in head with an object by Cooks, and knocked unconscious.

Cooks & the Adduction, Linda Lou Enger

October 23, 1973, Cooks was identified as the assailant in the Linda Lou Enger case. Enger, 27, was walking to her apartment at 75 Waller Street, near the UC extension at Laguna and Waller, when she was grabbed and held. The assailant pressed a .22 caliber pistol against her neck. [26]

The assailant and Ms. Enger walked around the area engaging in conversation. After discussing the world situation, the war in Viet Nam, the assailant allegedly said that the time had come to end “to this sort of thing.”

The assailant said the “world had to be change,” that “people were going to be killed and the streets lined with blood.” The assailant said, “people would be killed indiscriminately, and that there was no use to be afraid or upset about it.” The assailant further said that was the way things were, that is the way it worked. He threatened to kill her 10 to 15 times. The assailant accompanied Ms. Enger to her apartment, and left sometime later. The ordeal lasted approximately 2 hours. [27]

Two days later, the assailant called Ms. Enger inquiring about her. He asked her if she wanted him to leave her along. She said yes, and the assailant ended the call. [28]

Cooks & the Murder of Frances Rose

On October 30, 1973, at approximately 9:05 p.m., Frances Rose, 28, was shot and killed with a .22 automatic pistol at 55 Laguna Street. A witness described the assailant as a muscular Black man, 25, 5’ 10”, wearing a navy-blue watch cap, an olive-green jacket, and gloves. A few minutes later within blocks of the scene of the shooting, police stopped Jesse Lee Cooks. Cooks was perspiring profusely like Manchurian Candidate Sirhan Shiran after the Assassination of RFK.

Cooks was dressed only with slacks and shirt. The officers pat-searched him and found a loaned .22 automatic pistol. Seventeen .22 caliber long bullets were found in his pant’s pocket. [29]

After the reading of his Miranda rights, Cooks made a statement. Cooks said that he met Ms. Rose when she offered him a ride. He said that he got into the car and was angered by Ms. Rose making racial slurs, and calling him a “Nigger.” He said that he shot her about four times. Police said that they found the jacket and watch cap about 50 feet from where Cooks was detained.[30]

Cooks was charged with the murder of Frances Rose in December 1973, he pleaded guilty to first-degree murder and was sentenced to state prison.

Almost 5 months before Manchurian Candidate Anthony Harris called and exposed the so-called NOI Death Angel Cult, Cooks, the other Manchurian Candidate was in police custody.

October 20, 1973

Jesse Lee Cooks, and Anthony Harris identified as assailants in the Hauge slashing killing in S.F., and attempting to kidnap several children. (People v. Cooks (1983) 141 Cal.App.3d 224 [190 Cal.Rptr. 211])

October 23, 1973

Cooks allegedly assaults Frances Rose, 28, in S.F. Cooks arrested within five blocks of scene, perspiring profusely with .22 automatic. Assailant wore navy pea coat, and watch cap.

December 11, 1973

At about 9: 45 p.m., Anthony Harris, and another kill Paul Dancik, 26, at 300 Haight with .32. The assailants, one light skin, and other dark skin, wore navy pea coats.

December 13, 1973

In S.F., future S.F. Mayor Art Agnos, above, assistant to Leo McCarthy, shot by “Zombie” assailant shot twice in the back with .32, and Marietta DiGirolamo shot and killed with .32.

December 20, 1973

In S.F., Ihario Bertuccio, and Teresa De Martin shot with .32

December 22, 1973

Neil Moynihan, Mildred Hosler shot near Civic Center Hotel, at 12th and Market, Gough & McCoppin with .32. Assailant was described as not white, and not black, hair “curly” and “unkempt”.

January 28, 1974

Zebra “Zombie” Killings may begin “officially”. Five white people, Tana Smith, Vincent Wollin, John Bambic, Jane Holly, Roxanne McMillian, were shot with .32 in San Francisco on Monday, January 28, 1974 by Black “zombie” assailants. . A letter stated that the killings were tied to the SLA and arrest and freedom of Russell Little, and Joseph Remiro for the assassination of Dr. Marcus Foster. NOI member Manny Moore identified as assailant of Holly at 1440 Silver Avenue, at laundry. Lonnie C. Green, U.S. Navy, identified Manny Moore as assailant.

April 1, 1974

In S.F., victims Rainwater and Story shot with .32 at Geary & Webster.

April 14, 1974

In S.F., victims Anderson & White shot with .32 at Hyde & Fillmore. Manny Moore identified as assailant.

April 16, 1974

In S.F., May Shields assaulted at 231 Vernon St. Assailant described as light complexion with skull cap.

April 18, 1974

SF Police release composite drawing of Zebra killer (Anthony Harris). Patty Hearst said that drawing was that of Clinique.

April 22, 1974

Anthony Harris allegedly calls police and exposes the “Cult of the Death Angels”.

The police had flushed out the Zebra Manchurian Candidate Killers in October 1973 with arrest of Jesse Lee Cooks, but COINTELPRO-CHAOS allowed innocent citizens to be needlessly slaughtered and maimed from October 1973 to April 16, 1974 pursuant to its racialist and illegal pacification plan to discredit, neutralized and destroy Black Panthers, Muslims and the NOI.

The Clandestine  Architects of the Big KILL

Who drew up the blueprint to sacrifice so many innocent citizens as puns in California’s Racial Pacification Plans?

It is generally believed that Dr. William Herrmann was a counter insurgency expert for Systems Development Corporation and an advisor to Governor Reagan that drew up California’s pacification plan for Black, Brown, Left and Vietnam Anti-War Radicals.[31]

Dr. Herrmann was a true spook. He was born in Poland in the 1920s. He said that he had lived in Little Falls, New Jersey and became a US citizen in 1956 two years after SS Baron Otto von Bolschwing landed in America.

However, Dr. Herrmann was a lying CIA spook and disinformation expert. He was twenty years older than he confessed to be. He didn’t go to anything that he did in Poland during the war and how and why he had been granted entry into the United States.

According to the public record, Dr. Herrmann is yet another foreign shadowy figure that the government claims that it knows nothing about. Nevertheless, Dr. Herrmann had been on the secret payrolls of the Armed Forces and the Department of Defense for decades.[32]

I suspect that Dr. Herrmann was a CIA Bloodstone operative out of Poland. “… there was much more to Bloodstone than its cover story. In reality, many of Bloodstone’s recruits had once been Nazi collaborators who were now being brought to the United States for use as intelligence and covert operations experts. Some of them eventually became US agent spotters for sabotage and assassination missions. The men and women enlisted under Bloodstone were not low-level thugs, concentration camp guards, or brutal hoodlums, at least not in the usual sense of those words. Quite the contrary, they were the cream of the Nazis and collaborators, the leaders, the intelligence specialists, and the scholars who had put their skills to work for the Nazi cause.”[33]

System Development Corporation evolved out of the System Development Division of the RAND Corporation. The Rand Corporation is a CIA related think tank. Henry James Rand was head of the Rand Corporation and George H. Bookbinder was a top RAND executive in Cleveland, OH. Both Rand and Bookbinder served together in the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the forerunner of the CIA[34] At least one source identified Bookbinder as a SS spy and a gang member of the Gehlen Org.[35]

Bookbinder had worked under Frank Wisner in Bucharest, Romania in 1944. [NYT 6.15.59; Smith OSS Univ. of Calif. Press London 1977 p397].[36]

Baron Bolschswing was the top Nazi SS control officer in Bucharest, Romania under the Iron Guard[37]. In Bucharest, Wisner and Bookbinder worked on the espionage network and activities of the head of the Mineral Oil Subdivision of German Ministry, Mid-east Expert, Hauptsturmführer SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschswing, the BEAST of Bucharest.[38]

Baron Bolschswing was Reagan’s resident SS officer and boss of the Nazi-Gehlen Org, the secret Parallel CIA; and he ran the “Deep State” shallow government in California. The Baron was the real counter insurgency expert that Reagan, Bookbinder and Dr. Herrmann worked under.

The grand architects, SS Baron Bolschswings and Dr. Herrmann, of California’s racialist illegal and deadly pacification plan are dead and buried for decades. Yet, like architects, they built monuments, buildings and systems to last a thousand years, the 1,000 REICH.  That is a key part and parcel of their MASTER PLAN.

In the 21st Century,  you can see their vile and evil plans continued by others that have stepped into their places. A new more powerful, vicious and secretive post 9-11 COINTELPRO-CHAOS governmental cabal targeted our Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc. in Oakland  for a covert war of destruction. As with their covert Big Show and Big KILL of the 1970s, innocent and GOOD citizens are expendable. Yet, it is still MASS MURDER OF THE PEOPLE.

Brother Waajid Bey was a  wise, able, good and faithful educated and experienced businessman that had taken over as CEO-President of Your Black Muslim Bakery, Inc. His vision was to represent the People with a successful business enterprise and political guardian floor plan with a foothold in the market and community that continued  to produce opportunities, resources, jobs and naturally healthily products that would last an eternity.  On his way home from work, Brother Waajid was kidnapped, bounded, and slaughtered then thrown in shallow grave in the Oakland hills like a sack of garbage.

If you ask the Oakland Police Department about the investigatio of Brother Waajid’s murder, they’ll laugh and smile, Oh Waajid Bey, the Man Without a Face, we just can’t seem to locate the file. We must have misplaced or even lost it. Check back with us- in a 1000 YEARS.

After Waajid’s kidnapping and murder, YBMB, Inc. was infiltrated and filled from top to bottom with classic young MK ULTRA CHAOS Black Manchurian and MONARCHS out of California’s hell hole mental-foster care and prison industrial institutions, and failed educational systems.programmed to KILL like Cooks and Harris.  They were allowed with police sanctioned acts and threats of violence to drive away YBMB’s experienced and educated business managers, advisors and supporters. Young hungry wolves  filed every level of YBMB, Inc. so that like a controlled demolition, the business institution, one of Oakland’s last Black Business Enterprises, explode at every level collapsing the institution into its own footprints. The vultures flew in and pluck everything of value from rubble and remove it far away from the grasp of the Black Community and the People.

I continue to talk about SS Baron Bolschswing often because the truth has to be known and repeated. You will never be able to counteract COINTELPRO-CHAOS and move ahead without fear unless you clearly understand it. We need to continuously put things in place for the People, and teach the children. A lot of work still has yet to be completed to document what this vicious, evil and vile TOP SECRET Nazi war criminal and CIA Agent was doing illegally in California and the governmental officials and individuals that collaborated with him and carry on his legacy and Master Plan  to send so many innocent people needlessly to their graves and negatively impact our lives in pursuit of an agenda of genocide; and CHAOS to permanently polarize the races right out the THRID REIGH.

The Governmental officials and individuals that collaborated with SS Nazis and the CIA to continue their plans into the 21st Century need to be held accountable for murder, crimes of genocide, CRIMES AGAINST DEMOCRACY and the deliberate destruction of vital Black Business Institutions like YBMB, Inc.

[1] http://www.hrweb.org/legal/genocide.html

[2] Evanzz, Karl, The Messenger, The Rise and Fall of Elijah Muhammad, Pantheon Books, NY, 1999, pg. 358, citing FBI HQ file on COINTELPRO: Black Extremists.

[3] http://www.icdc.com/~paulwolf/cointelpro/churchfinalreportIIIa.htm

[4] Id.

[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yusuf_Bey

[6] http://kepler.sos.ca.ca.gov/cbs.aspx

[7] Supra, at footnote 4

[8] Howard, Clark, Zebra, The true account of the 179 days of terror in San Francisco, Richard Marek Publishers, NY, 1979, pg. 52

[9] http://espionagecentral.50megs.com/whats_new_5.html

[10] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chandra_Levy

[11] http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.culture.discuss.cia-drugs/16852

[12] http://solitarywatch.com/2011/01/22/supermax-psych-behavior-modification-at-marion-federal-prison/

[13] http://tatelabianca.blogspot.com/2006/06/my-life-with-charles-manson-chapter_11.html

[14] http://letsrollforums.com/charles-manson-family-murders-t26183.html

[15] Supra, pg. 54

[16] http://www.lib.cas.cz/www/space.40/ACRONYMS/TACRON-M.HTM#MI

[17] http://mindjustice.org/mind.htm

[18] Id.

[19] Id.

[20] Supra.

[21] http://www.springerlink.com/content/u76p84608x2l3647/

[22] http://www.freedommag.org/english/LA/issue02/page12.htm

[23] http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/JFKochsner.htm

[24] http://www.sqlspace.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=12350

[25] Supra.

[26] People v. Cook (1983) 141 CA3d 224, 262, 190 Cal Rptr 211

[27] Supra.

[28] Supra.

[29] Supra.

[30] Supra.

[31] http://www.hiddenmysteries.org/mind/research/re110699g.html

[32] http://www.leopoldreport.com/LRsajt73.html

[33] http://www.shunpiking.com/ol0207/0207-CS-bback-us-nazi.htm

[34] http://oswaldsmother.blogspot.com/2008/06/other-defector.html

[35] http://lastdaywatchers.com/2009/11/is-america-in-the-bible/

[36] http://www.slideshare.net/AJWeberman/nodule-x6-angletons-reaction-to-defection

[37] Hersh, Burton, The Old Boys, The American Elite and the Origins of the CIA, Charles Scribner’s Sons, NY (1992) pg. 200

[38] Id.

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