How do you create longevity in a competitive industry and a noteworthy reputation? Watch today’s show with Cliff Mautner to find out what he has done over his 30 year photography career to remain successful.
Guest Bio:
Cliff Mautner’s career in photographer spans 31 years. After 15 years and 6000 assignments as a photojournalist with the Philadelphia Inquirer, as well as shooting for an eclectic array of commercial clients ranging from Comcast to Subaru, Cliff launched his wedding photography career. After 850 weddings or so and many years later, he hasn’t looked back. He’s perhaps best known for his ability to utilize some of the most difficult lighting conditions imaginable to create quality images and for his diligence in capturing beautiful, meaningful moments.
Cliff is a proud Nikon Ambassador to the United States, was named one of the top ten wedding photographers in the world by American PHOTO magazine, won the WPPI grand award for Photojournalism, received the 2012 Nikon WPPI photographer of the year award, and in 2013 was honored with the International Photographic Council’s Leadership award at the United Nations.This past February, Cliff received the lifetime achievement award from WPPI. Cliff’s dedication to his clients is paramount, as he continues to shoot 50 or so weddings per year.
He’s also the founder of the highly successful “Lighting and Skill set Bootcamp”- a workshop that’s drawn students from over 40 countries, and it’s dedicated to empowering photographers with the skills needed to acquire a style of their own. He’s married to his beautiful best friend, Susan Stripling Mautner, and he’s the proud father of twin daughters, Samantha and Alison, and stepdaughters, Emma and Olivia.
Take Away Tips:
-There is no such thing as high end
-Don’t despise small beginnings
-Keep pushing through
-Think of taking pictures that will stand the test of time
-If you have to think about shutter speeds and F stops you have more work to do
-You have to see it in your minds eye
-There are no templates or recipes for success
-Shoot for the clients needs first not just yourself & ask what can I give my client?
-The #1 tip for success is to take care of your existing clients
-To emulate someone else’s style is a mistake
-Customer service and relationships is more important than the images themselves!
Links mentioned:
Cliff Mautner’s photography website
Cliff Mautner’s Lighting & Skillset Bootcamp
Cliff Mautner’s courses on Kelby Training
With thanks to our friends at Video Pixie for editing this episode.
Goodie Giveaway:
Cliff has kindly donated TWO DVD’s from his Kelby Training instructional series. To be eligible to win enter below, you only have 7 days to act!
What are YOUR take-away tips? Add your COMMENTS below…
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