
I am revisiting this recipe again but today I will be baking this Banana Walnut Yogurt Bread (Wholemeal) using Blue Jacket Bread Flour & Whole Wheat Flour.

I have been blessed with some of these Blue Jacket Flour and thank you to Marie :)

I simply loved these Blue Jacket Flour as the flour was milled to a very soft & fine texture, giving the bread texture the extra softness & fluffiness.

Today's bread was no exception, with the use of the Blue Jacket Flour, it was simply very soft. Love it to the max!

As this was a "Banana" flavored bread, the whole house smelled so nana-ty while the bread was baking, it smelled so heavenly good.

When I removed the bread pan out of the oven, the aroma of the Banana Walnut Bread reminded me of "goreng pisang". Out of the sudden, I felt like eating "goreng pisang" too :p

As usual, I just loved to eat my bread with a good spread of butter. Though this bread was already full of aroma, butter's a MUST for me....

Banana Walnut Yogurt Bread

(Recipe as adapted from my previous post)


180g Blue Jacket Bread flour

70g Blue Jacket Whole Wheat flour

80g pureed banana

110~140g plain yogurt

25g sugar

1/2 tsp salt (3g)

1 tsp instant yeast (3g)
20g unsalted butter

25g chopped walnuts

Banana Oats for topping

1. In the mixing bowl, put in both flour, pureed banana, yogurt, sugar, salt & yeast, knead till the ingredients come together.
2. Add in the butter, continue kneading until you get a pliable dough. Let the dough rise for about 45~60 minutes, or doubled up in size.

4. Expel the air from the dough and flatten the dough(picture as above). Spread the walnuts onto the dough and make it into a round ball and let it rise for 15 minutes.(picture as below)

5. Roll the dough out and roll it up like a swiss roll. Place the dough in a bread pan and let the dough rise for 45-60 minutes or until doubled up. Brush the dough with milk & sprinkle some banana oat flakes on top of the dough.(picture as below).

6. Bake in a preheated oven of 180°C for about 30~35 minutes.

7. Remove from oven and remove the loaf from the pan and allow it to cool completely on a wire rack before slicing.

Do link back to MiMi Bakery House if you have used any information as published in this blog.

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