Getting free money from rich people is realistic if you have a genuine need. A year ago I wrote a post on how people experiencing hardship could get free money. I thought I would do the same this year. This post will have all the resources that you need to get free money from Government, Free money from charities and free money from rich people. I have organized the information so it’s easier to find all the helpful resources. Be sure to bookmark this post and share it with people who might be experiencing hardship. Finally, if you've found any of this information helpful then leave a comment below as it’s always nice to hear from people who have benefited from the information.
Free Money from Millionaires, Billionaires & Celebrities
Millionaires, Billionaires, and celebrities give financial assistance if you have a genuine need. If the Government or charitable organizations can't help then there's a good chance that you could get free money from rich people. I have bookmarked a selection of post which have helped many individuals and families get financial assistance from these wealthy people.
How do I Ask Oprah for Money
Free Money from Rich People
Millionaires Who Give Money for Free
Get Money from Rich People
Philanthropists, billionaires, and millionaires giving money are all around us. These amazing people have pledged to give a large proportion of their net wealth to help people in need. The reason why the majority of requests for money get turned down is because people use the wrong approach. They use dialogue such as I want to get rich please help and how can I get rich with no money. Using dialogue like the ones underlined is a put-off for millionaires giving money and you're unlikely to get help.
How to Ask Rich People for Money
The first step is understanding and reflecting on your needs. Do you really need help from millionaires giving money? do you really need free money from rich people? Have you tried asking friends and family for help and are you eligible for financial assistance? If after answering all these questions you believe you need help from rich people you can try asking for help.
The best way to reach out to billionaires, celebrities, philanthropists and millionaires giving money is through their charitable foundation. You can find contact details of millionaires and you could send a speculative email or letter but the chances of getting a response are small. You should understand your own needs and then find a charitable foundation which offers programs to help you overcome your present circumstances. For example, if you were experiencing financial hardship you could ask for help from the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation. Suppose you wanted to further your education you could contact the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation as well as the George Lucas Edutopia Foundation. There are thousands of organization offering free money to help people progress. Remember this is not a getting rich scheme
People That Give Money to People in Need
I have compiled a few profiles of billionaires, philanthropists, and millionaires giving money below. These generous individuals are the people that give money to people in need. You can start by researching these wealthy billionaires and then looking at their charitable organizations to find programs that will help you progress.
Bill Gates Giving Money
Reaching out to Bill Gates is a great way to get free money from rich people. To date, he has donated over $28 Billion to help people all around the world. In the Giving Pledge Bill Gates has agreed to give away more than half of his wealth to help people in need. Bill Gates has generously given to Harvard's computer science department, libraries, pilot high schools and local charities in Seattle. You can contact Bill Gates through the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation. You will find the contact details below.
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
East Coast Office
PO Box 6176
Ben Franklin Station
Washington DC 20044
Telephone: (202) 662-8130
Warren Buffett Giving Money
Warren Buffett has donated over $17 Billion and has a net worth of $46 billion. The billionaire stock market guru has pledged to give away nearly 99% of his wealth to help people all over the world. If you're thinking about free money from rich people you need to consider Warren Buffett. Warren has pledged to contribute $30 billion over 20 years to the Gates Foundation.
Buffett has also contributed to his late wife's organisation which is the Susan Thomson Buffett Foundation. After teaming up with Bill Gates to create the Giving Pledge the duo have signed up more than 92 philanthropists, billionaires and millionaires giving money away. All these rich people have agreed to give away at least half of their fortune to help people in need. You can contact Warren Buffett through the Gates Foundation or the Susan Thomson Buffett Foundation which is given below.
The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation
222 Kiewit Plaza Omaha
Nebraska 68131
Telephone: (402) 943-1383
Free Money from the Government
The first place that you should go to for financial assistance is the Government. The Government offers assistance for difficult times and if you're eligible you could get benefits such as Food Stamps, help with child care, help with paying rent, mortgage assistance and much more. On the bookmarks below you'll find a definitive list of all the help that's available from the Government, I have also bookmarked how to find unclaimed money from the Government.
Financial Assistance from the Government
Find Unclaimed Money from the Government
Definitive Guide to Getting Federal Help
Free Money from Charitable Organizations
You should also turn to foundations and charities for help if you need money. Many charities and foundation offer urgent assistance to individuals and families facing hardship especially if you are in need of money now. If you've experienced a disaster, need medical assistance, help with homelessness then you should as all the organizations listed below for help. If you have a genuine need then there is a good chance you'll get help.
Top 100 Foundations that Help Needy Families
Best Foundations that Give Grants to Individuals
Foundations that Support People with Disabilities
Free Computers for Low Income Families
Free computers are available for low income families. If you're income falls below the Federal Poverty line there are programs that help you to get free computers, laptops and internet connection. Having a computer is vital and can help to make your life easier, you can also look for opportunities to progress. I have bookmarked below posts which explain how to get free laptops and computers for low income families.
Free Computers for Low Income Families
Free Gas & Vehicles for Low Income Families
If you need help with transportation you should read the guides below. These guides explain where you can get free cars and free gas for your cars. If you need a car urgently and are on a low income there is a good chance you'll be approved.
Free Cars for Low Income Families
I Need Money Now
If you're prepared to hustle and need to make money fast then take a look at the guides below. The bookmarks below explain how to generate money really fast when you're experiencing hardship.
1. I Need 100 Dollars Right Now What Can I Do?
2. I Need 200 Dollars Right Now What Can I Do?
3. I Need 1000 Dollars Right Now What Can I Do?
4. I Need 2000 Dollars Right Now What Can I DO?
5. I Need 5000 Dollars Right Now What Can I Do?
Free Money from Rich People
This is the definitive guide to finding free money. I am constantly on the lookout to help people who need financial assistance and will be sure to add content here which will help people. Please bookmark this page and share it on Social Media sites below so it can reach and help other people. Also feel free to leave a comment if this post has been helpful as it's always nice to receive positive feedback. Remember free money from rich people is available but only to people who have a genuine need. Also the best way to contact millionaires giving money is through their charitable. I really hope this information helps people who are experiencing financial hardship.
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