
Hi all, (Shalom)

If you are the one who found the scripture on the person’s door at the Academy, then you are in deep trouble with Elohim Himself.

If not, then forgive me.

If you are, then read this verse.

Psa 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.

Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight (Those Christians should be fired and hanged, slaughtered, and killed. The people above them should be punished as well),

Note: You probably said it more tactful then I just did in the ( ). But in your heart and mind, you may have been thinking this. If not forgive me again.

O Adonai (Lord, Y (hands) H (behold, reveal)V (nails)H, AT (Head of the Cross), Yeshua, Jesus Christ, Messianic King who arrives in 2015 and 2017) Aleph (head, first, beginning), Tav (Cross, end, last).

AT is mentioned in the Torah 600 times and totally in the Tanakh 2000 times.

You call yourself a Jew but you have an hatred to God of Creation, the Universe and the World. Since you take your hatred out against Christians, then you are taking your hatred out against ELOHIM HIMSELF.

Unlike you who worship no G-d, at least the Christians worship the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Let every knee bow unto Elohim.

Forgive me if I offended you on this phrase “Unlike you who worship no G-d”.

O Adonai my strength, and my redeemer. The Messianic King is their redeemer as well is yours. The difference between them and you is that they found Him and reached out to Him before you ever will because you are in rebellion to ELOHIM HIMSELF.

Note: If you are not in rebellion to EL then forgive me again.

Your fight is not against the Christians but against ELOHIM HIMSELF.

The Lawsuit against the Christian should actually be a Lawsuit against ELOHIM HIMSELF and not against followers of the Messianic King who will be your brothers and sisters in the Messianic Kingdom in 2017.

Everytime you kill a Christian/Messianic/ Messianic Jew for their belief in the Messiah (Mashiach) then you kill ELOHIM HIMSELF.

I am no attorney like you are, but I believe in the Torah (Elohim’s Biblical Instructions) just as much as the Attorneys who are representing the Christian. They also are on Elohim’s team. If not all of them are, most of them are Jews. Jay Sekulow is a Jew. Remember this: You are fighting against your own brother.

Every person in this world since 30 AD or possibly all the way back to creation (I don’t know this for sure), will be judged by fire from the Messianic King Himself for every thought, word, and action since the age of five (I think, but I am not quite sure about the start age time).

Since Elohim is Holy and you are not nor am I as well as all beings on this earth, only purified beings (purified by fire by God’s Biblical Instructions) will be accepted into the Messianic Kingdom. These are those who have been redeemed by the Messianic King (Jesus Christ, Yeshua (my salvation)) by accepting Him into their heart and are totally following the Torah including the Kosher Dietary Laws which most if not all Christians do not do. Those who say they are Christians and have not really been circumcised in the heart will be surprised when they find out that they will not be the wife of Yehoshua on their wedding day in 2017.

Those who follow all other religions of the world will burn in the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity. All Jews who do not accept the Mashiach will also burn in the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity.

If you bet on percentages, 90-95 percent of humanity will burn in the lake of fire and brimstone for eternity.

Are you going to be one of these or do you want to be in the Messianic Kingdom? If you want to be in the Messianic Kingdom for eternity, then talk to Jay since he is an attorney.

The following attachments support the return of the Messianic King in 2015/2017. Also attached is a study on things happening on Annual Sabbaths since Creation. The two Feast Dates articles was one but they got so large that I had to divide them. You may modify them any way possible by adding scripture from the Torah or the Tanakh. You may also change the titles if needed or desired on the two Feast Dates.

Since I challenged El to prove to me that Yeshua is Adonai of the Sabbath, He has not let me down. My first study was on Lev. 23 which took two years to study. I have been stuck on the fourth day of Creation and anything related to it since 2007 when I met the Messianic King in a dream for real in 2007. Yes I have found The Messiah just like the Rabbi in Jerusalem which there is a book about his findings.

Friend. Forgive me again if you found anything offensive in this note.

John Aschraft Jardalkal@aol.com

Deut 6:4-5 and Lev. 19:18c. Remember that the Christians also follow these two commandments if they truly love El.

Shalom: This is my beloved bride who I love. May my Shalom cover your body, soul, spirit, and mind for all of eternity.

This is what the Messiah told me in that dream in 2007 when I saw the holes in His wrists. Yes the Messiah is for real.

BTW: That was the fourth Godly dream I had since the age of eight. In all I had 7. 7 = completion. Godly dreams you never forget and you remember all the details. If you want to read my brief on this, I love to share it. It is about 25 pages long. If you look at the Menorrah, the fourth candle is the servant candle which Messianics call the Christ candle. Isn’t it interesting that I met the Messiah for real at that fourth dream.

I live in Tijeras and would love to meet you some day.


Have a wonderful Shabbat. Shabbat Shalom.

Dear (name withheld),

Mikey has read your email and asked me to be one of the respondents.

After reading your email I see that you have many errors in it concerning Mikey and the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF).

The media, spokesmen for organizations and politicians know full well exactly what we do but choose not to give the full story. They also know the laws regulating the military but ignore them in order to write a story that will incite anger from the Christian base.

Mikey and the MRFF DO NOT act on their own but on the complaints of soldiers who see the blatant disregard for the Constitution and military law where religion is concerned.

We are neither anti-God nor anti-Christian. Mikey is Jewish and prays 3 times a day to the same Father we do. A full 75% or more of the Board, Advisory Board, volunteers and supporters with the MRFF are Christian. Out of our 37,100+ military clients (1 can represent 50 and 1 represents 100) are Christian – Catholic, Episcopalians, Methodists, Lutherans, Baptists, Evangelicals, etc. If anything, we represent Christians more than any other religion but that doesn’t make the news.

You are preaching to the choir.

We Christians with the MRFF take God’s Word on obeying our “governing authorities” very seriously.

Let me tell you the true facts behind the whiteboard incident:

Christians listed above are under emotional distress and persecution by an extreme fringe of Christianity better as known Dominionists. Though this sect only makes up about 10% of the Air Force Academy, they are the most vocal and allowed to run roughshod over the other 90%. They crave media attention in the hopes of drawing in those mainline Christians – which THEY persecute – outside of the academy to come to their defense and it’s working very well.

This is what the military thinks of the faith of those Christian denominations listed above:

US Army chaplain MAJ James Linzey, who, in a 1999 video, described mainstream Protestant churches as “demonic, dastardly creatures from the pit of hell “that should be “stomped out.”

This is the thinking in our military all the way up the chain of command towards mainline Christians; they should be stomped out.

Dominionist Christianity (google it) is what we fight against – not all Christians. They believe that they must cleanse the world of all Christians not of their sect, those of other faiths and those will no faith, in order for Jesus to come back thus throwing out the Book of Revelation.

As a Christian how would you like to be –

Told you’re not “the right kind” of Christian or not “Christian enough?”

Told that you are going to hell because you do not believe in the Christian sect they do?

Given poor performance ratings because you won’t accept their sect?

Denied advancements because you are of a different sect?

Verbally abused with in-your-face religious proselytizing against your own religion?

Driven out of the military on trumped up charges?

Put on “point” on every mission?

And, there is more…so much more.

This is the hostile environment the mainline Christians deal with on a daily basis by the Dominionist Christians. Their Constitutional rights of religious freedom are being trampled on without any help from those in the chain of command.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment (Establishment Clause) of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise (Free Exercise Clause) thereof . . . “(1st Amendment)

The Establishment Clause comes before the Free Exercise Clause for a reason; the Free Exercise Clause is subservient to the Establishment Clause – not the other way around as some Christians would like it to be.

The Supreme Court heard the Lemon v. Kurtzman case in 1971 and ruled in favor of the Establishment Clause.

Subsequent to this decision, the Supreme Court has applied a three-pronged test to determine whether government action comports with the Establishment Clause, known as the “Lemon Test”

Lemon Test:

1. Any law or policy must have been adopted with a neutral or non-religious purpose.

2. The principle or primary effect of any law or policy must be one that neither advances nor inhibits religion.

3. The statute or policy must not result in an “excessive entanglement” of government with religion.

If any government entity’s actions fit into one of these three, then it is a violation of the Establishment Clause.

The Air Force has strict rules on religious neutrality. This is binding on everyone at the academy.


Air Force Instruction 1-1

7 August 2012

2.11. Government Neutrality Regarding Religion. Leaders at all levels must balance constitutional protections for an individual’s free exercise of religion or other personal beliefs and the constitutional prohibition against governmental establishment of religion. For example, they must avoid the actual or apparent use of their position to promote their personal religious beliefs to their subordinates or to extend preferential treatment for any religion. Commanders or supervisors who engage in such behavior may cause members to doubt their impartiality and objectivity. The potential result is a degradation of the unit’s morale, good order, and discipline. Airmen, especially commanders and supervisors, must ensure that in exercising their right of religious free expression, they do not degrade morale, good order, and discipline in the Air Force or degrade the trust and confidence that the public has in the United States Air Force.

AFI 1-1 passes the Lemon Test because it is a religious-neutral policy within our government entity; the military.

Dominionist Christianity is the ONLY religion that consistently oversteps the rules and laws set out in the military. All other religions and mainline Christians work within them and cause no problems. If they did, we would be on it.

The Cadets just went through training on religious neutrality (AFI 1-1) but this one Cadet decided to ignore it. Twenty nine Cadets and four staff at the academy recognized the blatant disregard (insubordination) of the rules and came to us for help because the academy failed them.

When one joins the military, he/she gives up some rights in order to have cohesion and good order in the unit. They are not allowed to speak back to their superior or disparage the President. They are not to speak about politics or religion in public while in uniform. They are to obey every rule and command even if they disagree with it.

No Cadet has to give up their Christianity. They are still free to talk about it in the hallway with a friend, go to chapel, attend a Bible study, bow their head in prayer at meal time, etc. We encourage this. But they are not allowed to post religious things in common/secular areas (hallways) especially on a whiteboard owned by a person in authority.

Go to this link and read the REAL story and the comment by Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh III regarding this incident.


I suggest you go to our website www.militaryreligiousfreedom.org click on “About” and then click on “Foundation Voices.” Scroll through and see the honorable and distinguished military personnel that we rely on for their expertise in military law.

You are forgiven because the media and those of the Christian faith have deceived you.

Pastor Joan

MRFF Advisory Board Member

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