
WASHINGTON, April 26, 2016 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- On Thursday, May 19, 2016, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. ET, the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) is hosting a Teacher Talk webinar where teachers will share tips and best practices to design powerful, personalized professional development, preparing educators for the shift toward personalized learning.

Next generation learning requires new methods, strategies and skills from educators. New models demand personalized professional development for teachers to prepare for the shift in pedagogy and practice. This webinar will highlight educators sharing their own stories about the most powerful, personalized professional development to prepare for next generation learning models.

Join this webinar to discover tips, tools and best practices to personalize professional learning and prepare for the shift to personalized instructional models.

Susan Patrick, President and CEO of iNACOL, said, "By modeling personalized learning within professional development, teachers experience ways to design innovative and purposeful learning opportunities for students. Powerful personalized PD equips educators with the skills and abilities to optimize learning for each student, each day."

This webinar is free to attend—participants are invited to register here for final detaILS and login information.

Webinar Title: Powerful, Personalized PD for Teachers


About iNACOL

The mISSion of the International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL) is to catalyze the transformation of K-12 education policy and practice to advance powerful, personalized, learner-centered experiences through competency-based, blended and online learning. iNACOL is a non-profit organization FOCusing on research, developing policy for student-centered education to ensure equity and access, developing quality standards for emerging learning models using competency-based, blended and online education, and supporting the ongoing professional development of classroom, school, and district leaders for new learning models. Visit our website, like us on Facebook, connect with us on LinkedIn and follow us on twitter.

SOURCE International Association for K-12 Online Learning (iNACOL)

Source: PrNewsWire All

Link: iNACOL Webinar Explores Powerful, Personalized Professional Development for Teachers

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