
    ATLANTA, GA, April 10, 2016 /satPRNews.com/ -- Spring is in the air, but for the allergy-prone, that can mean yet another annual slog through weeks of maddening allergy symptoms. For those wishing to break the cycle of spring misery, AllergyEasy now offers a simple solution with oral immunotherapy drops. They work like shots but avoid the pain and hassle of getting regular injections at the physician's office.

The drops (also known as sublingually immunotherapy drops) are dISPensed under the tongue where they absorb into the bloodstream through oral cells. Like shots, they can help the body to develop immunity to allergens (like pollens, molds, etc.) so that it stops reacting to them in ways that lead to uncomfortable symptoms. Because the drops are safer than shots, they can be dosed at home rather than at the doctor's office.

Sublingual allergy drops have been gaining traction since the mid-1980s. In some European countries, they are prescribed just as often as allergy shots. AllergyEasy founder, Stuart Agren, M.D., believes the drops are the future of allergy treatment.

"Nearly a quarter of the population has allergies, and that figure is on the rise," said Agren. "With today's fast pace, few people have time to go to the doctor's office multiple times a week for shots."

Agren said many people get through allergy season with a combination of allergy pills, but those can have drawbacks.

"Medications like antihistamines and decongestants can have side effects, and they don't do anything to fix the underlying allergy-just its symptoms," said Agren. "When people stop the medications, the symptoms come right back."

Allergy immunotherapy-whether through oral drops or shots-is the only treatment that has been proven to affect the underlying allergy.

Dr. Agren said that he has found that drops work faster than shots.

"Shots are given a couple times a week, but drops can be taken daily which I have found can help with faster relief," said Agren.

About 85 percent of patients using AllergyEasy drops experience symptom relief in the first one to three months of starting treatment, according to Agren.

Agren said that another big perk of AllergyEasy drops is that they protect patients against a broad spectrum of allergens.

"A lot of shot programs just desensitize patients to a limited number of local allergens, but AllergyEasy drops contain mixes of the most common allergens from around the country for broader protection," said Agren.

Spring allergies can cause hay fever, asthma, eczema, hives, coughing, and chronic ear and sinus infections. Trees are often the main culprit behind spring allergy symptoms-especially ash, juniper, birch, acacia, oak, and pecan trees.

Patients can contact AllergyEasy to find physicians in their area who currently prescribe AllergyEasy drops.

AllergyEasy helps allergy doctors around the country provide sublingual immunotherapy (allergy drops) to their patients who suffer with allergies to pollen and food allergies (including dairy allergy, wheat allergy, nut allergy, fruit allergy and more.) AllergyEasy can connect patients to a doctor in their area who offers sublingual allergy treatment.

Source: 24x7 ALL

Link: Spring Allergies? AllergyEasy Oral Drops Are a No-Hassle ALTErnative to Shots

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