
My guest on Episode 17 of The Science of Successful Job Hunting is not just an interview coach, but THE interview coach!

Margaret has over 10 years of international recruitment experience in the corporate sector, recruiting thousands of candidates across Europe, Middle East and the US, and almost as long running her own private interview and career coaching practice.

In today’s episode, Margaret shares her tips and techniques on how to perfect your interview technique.

In this episode we discuss…

The role your mindset plays in your interview success

Why it’s important to mention all your relevant skills on your CV and face-to-face

Whether you should discuss salary expectations at the interview

How many questions you should ask your interviewer (and which ones)

The most important thing you should do to prepare for an interview

…and much more!

Listen to Episode 17 below (35m12s) or click here to download…

Got any questions or thoughts about this episode? Please leave your comments below… For general job hunting questions or advice for inclusion in a future podcast episode, send me an email…

Episode 17 mentions & resources

Download a free sample chapter of The Science of Successful Job Hunting

How to win at job interviews (free e-course from Margaret Buj)

Connect with Margaret via her Interview Coach website

Related blog posts:

“Stay eternally optimistic” – how one long-term jobseeker survived SIX years of unemployment!

ASK MILDRED: How do I find a job as an older, experienced jobseeker

Five ways finding your strengths can help your job search

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Listen to previous episodes:

Episode 16: Napoleon Hill’s 7 steps to landing the job you want

Episode 15: Winning through redundancy…with Steve Preston

Episode 14: 10 questions to ask before sending off your CV

Episode 13: Positioning yourself for the corner office…with Dr Lois Frankel

Episode 12: 10 quick and easy ways to improve your CV – immediately!

Episode 11: How to relocate for your dream job…with Ida-Melody Babela

Episode 10: 8 strategies for effective networking

Episode 9: Becoming the Rare Find…with George Anders

Episode 8: 5 ways to tap the hidden job market

Episode 7: Confident Job Hunting…with Sherry Bevan

Episode 6: What to do when you’ve done all you can to get your next job

Episode 5: How to get a good job after 50

Episode 4: The A-Z of landing your dream job

Episode 3: Go the extra mile…with Alfred Ajani

Episode 2: Read & Grow: 10 life-changing books

Episode 1: Goal clarity – the vital first step of job hunting

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