
The PR machine has lifted off, straight up and vertical, in a historic display of amazing adjectives and state-of-the-art hyperbole that is 5 times the level experienced since the Wake Up Call.  Then again, and all things previously mentioned pulled together into a cohesive whole, if you thought that was impressive, it was just the launching pad for a planetary assault of verbiage that dwarfs all else that has come before and when I say you cannot imagine the glories of PR puffery that are about to be unleashed I am not talking metaphorically.



From: Clive Rabey – D/CO Flag AO <fscwus@flag.org>
Date: Sat, Jun 29 
Subject: The Big Push – Your action needed

Dear Mary,

          As of this writing we are gearing up for the biggest boom in Scientology history. That is not said carelessly or with any embellishment.

          I am sure you have heard the rumblings of what has been going down here at Flag. Hundreds upon hundreds of trainees pouring in from across the planet to train for the imminent release of Golden Age of Tech, Phase II. The FSO staff themselves going flat out in preparation for the release and delivery of Superpower and the Cause Resurgence Rundown.

          As an attestation to the power of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, public here at Flag who are already benefiting from this very exciting evolution are rocketing up The Bridge! We have just attained our target of making 1 Solo NOTs Completion for every day of the past year — yes, 365 OT VII Comps in just the past 12 months, up from last year’s Highest Ever of 207! Need I say more? You are about to see this same thing right there in your own area. Believe me when I tell you this is by an order of magnitude that honestly cannot be believed until experienced personally!

          But, and it is a very big “but,” there is still a vital component needed — Ideal Orgs everywhere. The hard truth is the existing non-Ideal Orgs simply will not be able to accommodate this new Golden Age of Tech, nor the resultant expansion and influx it will create. Spatially, lines, terminals — they are just not set up. Even more fundamentally, we need these strongholds of LRH Tech to form the base of the Bridge in every geographic zone. Including your zone.

           To accomplish just that, and specifically what I want to impress upon you, is the use of the brand new property — “The Time is Now: Making Every Org Ideal” video presentation from International Management. Created with the sole purpose to help you build your Ideal Org, this video presentation is like nothing we have ever had before.

          This presentation has been crafted as the perfect enlightenment tool for use in Ideal Org fundraising and the manning up of your org. It is the most powerful tool in your arsenal and you must ensure it is used at every opportunity to bring public on board in your crusade to build your Ideal Org.

          As an OT, your own actions on this are vital. Tactically and specifically:

          a) If you yourself have not seen “The Time is Now: Making Every Org Ideal” video presentation, you must do so at once. Go into your local org and watch it. You will see how invaluable it is.

          b) Your org will be holding regular showings of this video presentation at events and to individuals. You must ensure that every Scientologist in your field has a chance to see this presentation. So find out when these showings are and use your own comm lines and influence to get your entire field there.

          In summary, this is THE tool to use in enlightening Scientologists on the purpose, how’s and why’s of creating your Ideal Org. Utilize it to the max to create your Ideal Org, now!

          Over to you to make it happen!


          ML, Clive

          D/CO Flag AO


Now, that probably WAS written by Clive Rabey. It is such a mess of confused thoughts and mixed messages it is hard to follow. But you cannot fault him for trying to live up to expectations on the hype-o-meter.

The next one is definitely NOT written by Barbara Dews. This is full of Shermanspeak and is the unfiltered message Chairman of the Bored wants going out to the huddled masses yearning to be free:

From: Barbara Dews (barbaradews@flag.org)

Subject: What is the Golden Age of Tech Phase II?

Date: Saturday, June 29, 2013

Hi Everybody,

Believe me it is all happening at Flag right now!  The Chairman of the Board is at Flag now overseeing the launch of the Golden Age of Tech Phase II and the opening of the new Flag Building including Super Power and Cause Resurgence Rundowns.  He brought all the materials to Flag to begin the single largest training program in Scientology history, involving more than 1000 technical staff from orgs across the globe and another 395 from Flag itself.  

Mr. Miscavige during a Flag graduation gave an overview of all that went into completing the Golden Age of Tech II materials. It was an immense program which began with a thorough search for everything LRH ever wrote from 1948 to 1986.  That included all HCO Bulletins, HCO Policy Letters, Flag Orders, Central Bureaux Orders and many other issue types as well as all LRH dispatches, telexes and internal correspondence, not to mention every lecture and recorded conference.  This comprehensive array of LRH material had been laid out on tables in chronological order in a warehouse in Los Angeles –larger than the entire city block where the new Flag Building resides—and meticulously reviewed.  

Further included were major projects which LRH had specifically and at great length detailed to be completed. In particular, the compilation of new reference books and verification of courses and rundowns.  And all of them are now done.

With that historic completion, the pre-launch program required for the full launch across the Scientology world could now begin: precision training necessary for supervision and delivery.  Given that the next phase in the Golden Age of Tech encompasses everything on the Processing side of the Grade Chart and everything on the Training side, that means training right through Class VII, Class VIII, Class XII as well as Super Power and Cause Resurgence.

Mr. Miscavige gave a sense of the magnitude of the Golden Age of Tech II materials themselves. The quantity is massive for both the Training and Processing sides of the Bridge—including 25 courses and 2,416 pages of issues, not to mention all other elements such as books, Golden Age of Tech drills binders and breakthrough training aids. Altogether it totals 2914 individual items, and all of it in 17 languages. In fact, the materials for the RTC training program at Flag were shipped to Clearwater in no less than 7,440 boxes weighing 190,800 pounds, or more than 95 tons.

Further elaborating on what it all means, Mr. Miscavige said, “We are training on the Grade Chart—all of it. We are training the supervision and precision delivery of training and auditing. On the one hand, it’s just like the Basics, with a full restoration and recovery of every single word of LRH tech and an obliteration and eradication of every last molecule of alter-is and arbitrary. But on the other hand, it is actually something much more. Because, it also represents the culmination of LRH projects to make available what has never been available before. And, in terms of training, add on ounce of ‘magic’ that results in what can only be described as total certainty.”

That training is not only what is now underway in Flag’s Coachman Building course rooms, but also what will be happening in orgs when these materials are released: training total tech experts in application and moving preclears up the Bridge to Clear in the exact time frames LRH describes in Ron’s Journal 35 “From Clear to Eternity.” And given that Ideal Orgs have been built to accommodate the Golden Age of Tech Phase II, they will be able to train armies of auditors from here on out.  Moreover, when the RTC training program at Flag is completed, Class V Orgs will constitute the largest top tech corps in Scientology history—trained to total certainty.

“Even more than that,” Mr. Miscavige said, “It’s fast correct that. It’s stunningly fast. That’s not just speed.  But that’s also speed with all the gains. I’m not just ‘telling’ you that’s what you’re going to see. I’m guaranteeing it.”

Where upon, Chairman of the Board proceeded to give a hint of all else there is to come, in light of what the new Flag Building will ultimately provide—including the crowning accomplishment and achievement of it all: Super Power.

While there have been glimpses of one entire floor that contains drills to restore all of a thetan’s perceptics, that only represents the last half of the tenth and final rundown of Super Power.  For a sense of its immensity, Mr. Miscavige spoke of the first rundown in these terms: “It addresses the biggest button and charge on anyone’s case –Ethics, Justice and, very much, Injustice.  And not just in present time, but the Whole Track.”

He further described the scope of just that first rundown in terms of the HCO Bulletin that contains the process and commands—43 pages in all. While as for its power, there is this quote from LRH: “Nothing is more likely to exteriorize a pc than this rundown.”

With that introduction to Super Power, Mr. Miscavige previewed Cause Resurgence with a single phrase: “The most basic and unlimited rundown in Scientology and the first spiritual therapy on the Whole Track.”

It is all truly happening right now at Flag!

I certainly want to help you get there and help you get ready!    Call me or write anytime for anything.


Barbara Dews

Flag Service Consultant

323 872 3585

Hmmm, as usual, the significance is on “number of boxes of materials shipped” and “molecules of out tech” (WTF?)….. I could make a sarcastic comment about virtually every line of this over-inflated nuttiness. But it needs no interpretation to highlight the insanity.

But there is one final question.  You may have read my recent post about the first promise on the release of OT IX and X .

According to Clive Rabey — there has been a “Solo NOTs Completion” every day for a year. So, Dave, what about OT IX and X?

Note, many of these “comps” are reportedly what they are now calling “Expanded OT VII” completions. Who knows what that is, but given that everything else on the circular bridge to nowhere has to be “redone”, I can only presume they are “re-doing” OT VII like they are “re-doing” OT VIII and Purif and Objectives and Grades and anything else.

And the seals keep clapping. And THAT is truly amazing, astonishing and outrageous. And that’s no hype….


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