
To everyone that is part of the extended family that gathers here to share views, to see what’s going on or are just a little curious — Happy New Year.

2013 has been an adventure. I sincerely appreciate the encouragement and support I have received from so many of you.

Over the past few days, Tony Ortega has recapped the year and if you haven’t caught up with it, do so at his blog.

A LOT has happened. The landscape of the Scientology world has shifted.

In my view there were two monumental events in the last year:

1. Monique Rathbun filing her lawsuit. To mix metaphors — this is a snowballing tar baby. The more furiously Miscavige and Co try to shake it off the more it sticks to them. While their flailings are almost comical, this is deadly serious business. Cost is no object, but money can’t buy you happiness and it can’t ultimately buy you truth. The light he hopes is at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train. The only question is how long he can delay the inevitable.

2. Leah Remini stepping forward and calling bs as only a true New Yorker could. Leah changed the game. She was the first celebrity to step out of the Stepford wives. Smart, sassy, classy and incredibly relatable, she created a shitstorm even though she hardly said anything. She single handedly made a lot of people notice what is going on inside the bubble. What people now know can never be unknown. 

In the spirit of the New Year and looking to the brighter side of life, show your support and watch Leah’s new show on TV Land at 10pm EST Wedesnday 1 January. It will get the year off to a great start with a small act of defiance. And I bet there will be plenty of laughs to go with it.

I predict 2014 will be a watershed year. For sure, things are going to continue to get better outside the bubble while Captain Miscavige bounces his Titanic from one iceberg to the next.

Happy New Year everyone. It’s a great time to be with so many friends. 

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