
The 2013 Reebok CrossFit Games Open Begins!

Monday: CrossFit

With the kids overnighting at their aunt and uncle's, Laima got a run in while I went to CrossFit. Even though I was a bit worried about my arm, it ended up being no problem. We worked on power snatches and once again I was humbled by my lack of technique. Work in progress. WOD was  a simple one, though tiring on the legs:

5 rounds, 15 minute cap, of:

30 air squats

15 power snatches

Then 100 sit-ups if time remaining (I got to 27).

We headed into the city for lunch at the Taco Joint and then returned a 6 year old Patagonia jacket at their downtown store. They didn't have a comparable jacket in stock, so Laima wandered around trying comparable items. They ended up calling around to different stores to find the size and color of the model she chose and found it in Freeport, ME. That store will ship it to our house. AMAZING customer service!

Tuesday: CrossFit

Perhaps because I used to be a daring driver in my younger days, but, for whatever reason, Laima mercilessly belittles my lack of manhood in not wanting to drive when conditions seem iffy. As I slid down the driveway and the traction control sounded every few seconds as I drove down our wintry, snow and ice covered street, I decided to skip CrossFit and stay home. A bemused smile greeted me.

On the positive side, I had forgotten to do some sets of burpees yesterday for the 100 Day Burpee Challenge, so I got them all in today - 53 burpees!

Wednesday: Off

34 burpees this morning, before heading into the city for work.

Today Workout 13.1 was announced, 17 minutes AMRAP of burpees and snatches -- looks tough and maybe impossible past the second round for me, but I'm kind of excited. Turns out the 100 Day Burpee Challenge was a good plan!

Thursday: CrossFit

Waffled on whether I should go to CrossFit today or maybe take a day off and conserve energy, but the WOD looked like a lot of fun:

For Time:

Row 750 Meters, then 8 Rounds Of:

5 Toes to Bar (I did knees to chest)

10 Sit-ups

Run 3 Turf Lengths

The sit-ups were the hardest thing by far, definitely need to work on those. I wonder if any CrossFitters do a taper before competing?

On a positive note, since the Workout tomorrow has so many burpees, I skipped them today and will make them up tomorrow. If I can get through the first 2 rounds of the workout, I'll only owe 1 burpee (motivation!).

Friday: CrossFit Games Open Workout 13.1

Went in today feeling tired and not particularly motivated, and EXTREMELY nervous. After warmups, actually contemplated going home and resting up, trying it again Sunday. Really should not have worked out yesterday.

The workout was a disappointment, did not do as well as I had hoped and nowhere near what I envisioned as a perfect case scenario. Will have to think on this for a while.

To add insult to injury, I still owed 16 burpees for the Challenge, since I had only done 55. Managed to get them at home, without real motivation.

Saturday: Off

After 13.1, really needed a mental break, so planned a morning for myself. Got my burpees done (more burpees!), then headed out to do some shopping. First stop, Trader Joe's looking for salad toppings, nuts, and whatever else caught my eye -- ended up with one bag (probably a record), including a beautiful orchid for Laima.

Dick's Sporting Goods was next, wanted to pick up a kettlebell for a book review I have going, will be part of my garage gym series of posts.

Last stop the grocery store: veggies for roasting -- scored a rutabaga, turnips, parsnips, acorn squash, butternut squash, and spaghetti squash. Not sure why it's taken so long for me to embrace roasted veggies, definitely my new favorite.

Sunday: Run

Had every intention of running this morning, but cold rain made it unappealing. Did my burpees and called it a day.

Back at it tomorrow.

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