
If you're like most people, you probably have some sort of Bucket List, with dream destinations or activities you hope to get to at some point in your life. This can be as simple as learning to swim or ride a bike all the way to running a marathon on every continent. Time, money, and preparation are are things that might be standing in your way. But one day...

Recently, during a #Hikerchat (an online Twitter chat for outdoors-minded folks, Fridays at noon Eastern) Teton Sports challenged me to publish a Bucket List for this year. After some hemming and hawing, I finally posted my 2015 Bucket List on Instagram. It's composed of 7 items, arranged in order from likely to stretch goals.

Likely to Happen:

Run 3 Half Marathons - as a #RocknBlog Ambassador, this is already pretty much a given, as I've signed up for 3 races already. But with running being so problematic for me over the last few years, I'm not taking anything for granted.

Create 12 video gear reviews - I have a real fear of being photographed, so standing in front of a video camera is really tough for me. At the end of 2014, after many, many years of procrastination, I finally did a review of the Goal Zero Lighthouse 250 Lantern and posted it to YouTube.  If you've watched it, you know improvement is needed, but I'm pretty proud of myself. This year I'd like to push myself and create and post a gear review video a month.

Possibly, maybe:

Canoe Camping - this is something Munchkin and I discussed last fall, started planning, then it fell by the wayside. This year I'd like to make it happen; there's something so appealing about staying someplace that you can't get to by car. I once camped on an island that was accessible only by ferry and that remove from the mainland was very liberating. I'd love to expose my kids to that an earlier age. Also, canoeing!

Family Rafting Trip - we watched the documentary "DamNation" the other night, and it really got me excited about getting back on a river. Many years ago, I got to float a Missouri River in canoes over a few days, still one of the coolest memories I have. I'd love to take the kids and get them on a raft this year - I found a place in Michigan where we could camp and also float down a river that wouldn't be too difficult for a 5 year old.

Learn to XC Ski - when I was young, we lived in Finland, so I cross country skied at a young age (everyone did there). Growing up in Southern California for the most part, however, wasn't particularly conducive to the sport. I'd love to get back on the planks and enjoy the nature preserves in a different manner.  Te only reason this is in the Possible and not Likely list is that there are only a few places around here that give instruction and rent the gear, so it's going to come down to proper weather and time available coinciding. We'll see.

Stretch Goals:

Family camping trip to Mount Rushmore - too expensive for us to fly as a family, 13.5 hours by car, this is a trip that is one I'm determined to get done one day, just not sure it's going to happen this year.   When I visited the Badlands and Mount Rushmore as a youth, it left an indelible impression - the juxtaposition of endless nature and man's impact on it (the sculpture was a huge undertaking) was something I'll never forget.

Hike the River to River Trail - when we visited the Garden of the Gods last Thanksgiving, the kids were entranced with the very un-Illinois like scenery. Gaigai of all people became interested in thru-hiking the trail. As a father, I can't imagine anything better than spending an extended period of time with my only daughter, but, at 160 miles, it would take a solid week or more to hike, so that's a big investment of vacation time. Could happen, want it to happen, it will happen, just maybe not this year.

Do you have a Bucket List?

What item is on your wish list that's the biggest stretch?

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