Previously on Midlife Crisis Crossover: we commenced with the first installment of our photo collection from this year’s GenCon Indy. For parts Two and Three we’ll continue spotlighting the annual Costume Contest, but moving on from the winners to the other entrants, a most worthy and crowded field.
Part Two, then: characters from games of all types. Same rules apply as last time, especially the part about correcting me when I’m wrong. if you’d like to set the record straight, I solemnly vow I won’t cry.
As always, Final Fantasy receives preferential treatment here because I’ve actually played most of those. Forthwith: Fang, the dragoon L’Cie who shows up late in FFXIII and makes some of our older party members look sick. Here she’s questing for her lost teammate Hope. Lightning and Vanille also shared the stage, but Fang won our Most Decent Pic Award of that random moment.
From the same realm, more or less: Terra, our main character from FFVI.
Altair from the Assassin’s Creed series. Our MC had a devil of a time pronouncing his name despite the corrections shouted from the rows behind us.
Amaterasu from Okami. We’ve seen at least one of these at a previous GenCon, which helped me get the spelling down pat.
A Dark Brotherhood Assassin from Skyrim.
Sera Eldwyn from the board game Summoner Wars.
Lady Aiyana from the tabletop game Warmachine. No relation to Jim Rhodes, whose super-hero name is spelled differently.
A Pyro with a Lollichop. That may be one of the silliest sentence fragments I’ve typed in quite a while. Blame Team Fortress 2.
Skull Kid from Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask.
Proto Man, from the Mega Man series, armed with laser Gatling gun. Because sometimes a normal Gatling gun with ordinary bullets just isn’t hurtful enough.
Rathalos soul armor from Monster Hunter. Or something to that effect. This armor is comprised of over 900 scales, 250 of those in the helmet alone. This might’ve won the Professional Division in a less crowded year, but that division had more entrants this time around than I’ve personally ever witnessed in my limited experience.
The samurai Nakayama Hayato from Pathfinder, also up against a tough crowd in the star-studded Professional Division.
Avacyn, Angel of Hope, from Magic: the Gathering.
Also from Magic: the Gathering, the team supreme of Garruk Wildspeaker, Liliana Vess, Jace Beleren, and Gideon Jura.
To be continued!