
To mark Down’s Syndrome Awareness Week, this month we’re focusing on a charity that strives to support people affected by Down’s Syndrome – be they parents, families or health professionals. The Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA) began life in 1970 as a local parent support network, but is now a national charity with more than 20,000 members. The DSA produces a fantastic array of information resources for parents, families and people with Down’s Syndrome themselves. But of particular interest to midwives, they also provide interactive training sessions designed to improve the care and information received by parents coming to terms with a Down’s Syndrome diagnosis. Launched: 1970 Based: England, Wales and Northern Ireland. We have 20,000 members and supported over 130 affiliated support groups up and down the country. Employees: 36 Mission Statement: Helping people with Down’s Syndrome live full and rewarding lives. The Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA) is the only charity in the UK that covers all aspects of living with Down’s Syndrome from diagnosis through to end of life. Tell it Right, Start it Right Campaign is the first part of the journey NICE guidelines (‘Antenatal Care: routine care for the healthy pregnant woman’) recognise the importance of providing balanced and accurate information about Down’s Syndrome to mothers in early pregnancy, to support them in making an informed choice about antenatal screening and to ensuring a screening pathway if their screen result indicates a high chance of Down’s Syndrome. The Down’s Syndrome Association (DSA) conducted a survey of new ...

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