
It’s an easy mistake: Posting something on a social profile once or twice a day just for the sake of it.

Doing the same thing over every social platform is another commonly committed sin in the social world.

But hey, everybody in the world is making something of social media so of course you should too, right?

No. This kind of strategy, if it’s one, can hurt your business badly.

Why not? Because people are sick of crap. Which means they’re always on the lookout for something that’s valuable. Interesting. Share-worthy.

In order to make the most of social, it’s a real must to first know your platforms.

Today, I’ll discuss Twitter, Google+ and Facebook. Of course, there’re some bonus tips, too.

Picture-content combination

Though this idea is not very much popular on Twitter, it does have a significant value on Facebook and Google+. While image selection should be very careful (it can even make your post get liked/shared like crazy), content should be interactive enough that a reader gets instigated to start a conversation.

Don’t go on bragging about your company’s achievements. Please accept that your audience is not interested in knowing about them. They’re rather looking for what they want, what interests them. So try to build a robust, large community instead.

Meta data optimization

The moment you post a share on Facebook/Google+, it will show you not only the link of your webpage/blog but also its title, featured image and meta description. Thus it becomes necessary to brush up all these areas.

Twitter rather has Twitter Cards which perform the same function. Of all the cards, app cards and product cards are a great way to help you promote better.

Pro tip: Refrain from using meta data if it doesn’t add on to your sharing experience.


Facebook recently launched hashtags, which, as we all know, are a great way to organize real-time conversations, promote a brand, hunt down potential customers and innovate. Did you know that American express is looking forward to enabling its customers pay through hashtags? That Porsche is already using hashtags for cross-platform contests?

After Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest and even Facebook-owned Instagram, it’s time we make the most of Facebook hashtags, too.


Social media buttons: Less is more

If you’re running a blog, always make sure to add social media bookmarks with each post –platforms like WordPress have some themes in which they come integrated. You can also use WordPress plugins to integrate them.

Always remember, less is more. 1-3 buttons are likely to get you more social attention than many, many bookmarks.


This is what you’d see at the end of a Smashing Magazine article – just one social media button. That’s just enough for the people who really like your post. They’ll share it.


It not just makes your search results more clickable – it helps them rank higher. Embrace authorship sooner than later, for it’d more than likely be the mightiest of mighty social tactic tomorrow.


Scratch someone’s back and they’d most likely scratch yours, too. But do this very smartly, i.e. tag others only when it’s terribly relevant. For their recognition, they are likely to give you some recognition as well.


That 140-character bio you get to write for your company on Twitter should be compelling enough to make people follow you, visit of website and develop a bond with you.

Crazy Egg’s introduction tells you what the heck it is, how it can help you, and who founded and runs it. That’s a great use of 140 characters.

Similarly, make your Google+ and Facebook introductions count. In Google+, you can also put in keywords in your bio, making it search engine friendly. This is my Google+ introduction:



You don’t want to do something like this:





P.S. Sharing the same stuff more than once is okay

This so-called commandment has been in the industry for long: Thou shalt not share your post more than once. And I’ve witnessed many businesses solemnly obey it.

This commandment doesn’t make much sense on more than one front: a) not all your followers are online at one moment; b) not all of them are from the same time zone; c) when you can get more social attention for something, why settle for less?

So make sure that you share your epic posts more than once.

P.P.S. Always couple your social tactics with a strategy

Social tactics often go in vain when you don’t couple them up with a robust strategy, which helps you look at the bigger picture and answer the most important question: how to take care of all things social in the long run?

Hope this helps you do better marketing.

The post Know Your Social Weapons… Better appeared first on Weblogbetter - Blog Tips.

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