
News Updates from CLG
08 April 2015

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Previous edition: $45 Billion in U.S. Tax Dollars Goes Missing in Afghanistan - Audit

Former CIA station chief will face murder charges over drone strike, Pakistan court rules | 07 April 2015 | The former head of the CIA in Pakistan should be tried for murder and waging war against the country, a high court judge ruled on Tuesday. Criminal charges against Jonathan Banks, the former CIA station chief in Islamabad, were ordered in relation to a December 2009 attack by a US drone which reportedly killed at least three people. Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui of the Islamabad high court also ruled charges should be brought against John A Rizzo, formerly the top CIA lawyer who gave the legal green light for drone strikes.

Pakistan court orders murder case registration against CIA Station Chief | 07 April 2015 | A Pakistani court ordered police on Tuesday to register a criminal cases against two former CIA officials for offenses of murder, conspiracy, waging war against Pakistan and terrorism. Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui of Islamabad High Court issued the order to the Islamabad Police Chief Tahir Alam Khan on a petition filed by Kareem Khan, a resident of North Waziristan tribal region who had lost his son and his brother in a drone attack carried out by the CIA in 2009...The police chief explained that the government was reluctant to register the case against the former CIA station chief in Islamabad Jonathan Banks and CIA legal counsel John A Rizzo because such an act could possibly jeopardize relations between Pakistan and the United States.

U.S. secretly tracked billions of calls nearly a decade before 9/11 terror attacks | 07 April 2015 | The U.S. government started keeping secret records of Americans' international telephone calls nearly a decade before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, harvesting billions of calls in a program that provided a blueprint for the far broader National Security Agency surveillance that followed. For more than two decades, the Justice Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration amassed logs of virtually all telephone calls from the USA to as many as 116 countries...current and former officials involved with the operation said. The data collection began in 1992 during the administration of President George H.W. Bush, nine years before his son, President [sic] George W. Bush, authorized the NSA to gather its own logs of Americans' phone calls in 2001. It was approved by top Justice Department officials in four presidential administrations and detailed in occasional briefings to members of Congress but otherwise had little independent oversight, according to officials involved with running it. [Ergo, Bush and his successor Obama had/have been lying to the public for *years* about the 'need' for blanket NSA surveillance to avoid another 9/11--when all the surveillance in the world didn't prevent the *first* 9/11 attack aka inside job.]

US soldier killed in Afghanistan insider attack after US diplomat visit to Jalalabad | 08 April 2015 | One US soldier was killed and two injured in an attack by an Afghan soldier at a regional governor's compound in eastern Afghanistan. The attack, in which the Afghan soldier was killed, happened shortly after a visit by a US embassy official. The incident happened in the city of Jalalabad "right after the US official had left," said Gen. Fazel Ahmad Sherzad, police chief for the eastern Nangarhar province, the New York Times reported. Reuters said one of the three US troops injured in the firefight later died.

Saudi Arabia asks Pakistan for troops to help fight Houthi rebels in Yemen | 06 April 2015 | The Saudi-led coalition fighting Yemen’s Shia Houthi rebels has asked Pakistan to contribute soldiers, raising the possibility of a ground offensive in the country. Pakistan Defence Minister Khawaja Muhammad Asif revealed the request as the country’s parliament debated whether to contribute militarily to the campaign against the Houthis. Saudi Arabia has not ruled out a ground offensive and asked for aircraft and ships to aid the campaign during Mr Asif’s visit to Jeddah last week.

Official: Cuba expected to be removed from State Sponsors of Terrorism list | 07 April 2015 | The State Department is expected to recommend that Cuba be removed from the government's list of State Sponsors of Terrorism, a U.S. official told CNN on Tuesday, a notorious designation that has been a stumbling block in the establishment of embassies in both Havana and Washington. "Our expectation" is that Cuba will be removed from the list, the official said. But the official cautioned the Obama administration has yet to make any formal announcement.

Female Palestinian MP snatched by IDF, held without charge for 6 months | 07 April 2015 | Israeli troops have placed under six-month administrative detention a female Palestinian MP who is involved in the PA's relationship with the International Criminal Court. Israel has been fiercely opposed to Palestine joining the ICC. Khalida Jarrar, 52, is a senior political leader of the left-wing Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization...Jarrar's arrest brings the number of Palestinian legislators currently held in Israeli prisons to 16.

Vehicle sets off explosives alert at MacDill AFB gate | 08 April 2015 | (Tampa, FL) MacDill Air Force Base officials have closed the Dale Mabry gate after a vehicle entering the base triggered an alert for possible explosives. South Dale Mabry has been closed south of Interbay Avenue.

Dzhokhar faces execution: Boston bomber is found guilty of ALL 30 charges - and 17 carry a possible death sentence | 08 April 2015 | Dzhokhar Tsarnaev today learned he could face the death penalty after jurors in the Boston bombing 'trial' found him guilty of all counts. The 21-year-old stood emotionless with his arms folded and his head bowed as the verdict, which was reached after nearly 12 hours of deliberations, was read out in U.S. District Court in Boston on Wednesday. The charges included using a weapon of mass-destruction to kill three young people at the marathon in April 2013. Seventeen of the 30 charges had carried the death penalty.

Verdict to Be Announced in Boston Bombing 'Trial' --'Lawyer' Judy Clarke announced her client, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, was guilty on first day of 'trial' #DisbarNow #FalseFlag #CraftInternational | 08 April 2015 | A verdict has been reached in the Boston Marathon bombing trial [sic]. Jurors in the trial of accused Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev asked the judge two questions Wednesday, looking for guidance on key decisions in the case. The jury asked whether a conspiracy can pertain to either a sequence of events or a single event.

Hologram replaces Edward Snowden statue in Brooklyn park | 07 April 2015 | Hours after police removed an illicit bust of Edward Snowden from its perch in a Brooklyn park on Monday, artists replaced it with a hologram. The group of artists -- who collectively call themselves "The Illuminator" and are not related to the trio behind the original sculpture -- used laptops and projection equipment to cast an image of Snowden in a haze of smoke at the spot where the sculpture once stood.

Explosion causes massive power outage in D.C., Maryland | 07 April 2015 | An explosion at a Maryland power plant is to blame for a region-wide power outage that impacted the White House, the Capitol, the University of Maryland and other buildings throughout D.C. and Maryland on Tuesday afternoon, according to an official. D.C. Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management spokeswoman Robyn Johnson told the Associated Press that the outage affected 8,000 customers in the District.

Power outage in Washington, D.C. leaves White House, State Dept., other government buildings in the dark | 07 April 2015 | A widespread power outage left Washington, D.C., in the dark Tuesday afternoon, with several government landmarks, including the White House, affected. The State Department, U.S. Capitol, Justice Department, as well as the University of Maryland at College Park, also lost power during the outage...A spokesperson for Pepco, the Washington, D.C.-area provider electricity utility, told CNBC that scattered outages Tuesday had occurred for "unknown reasons." Homeland Security officials, however, told The Washington Post, that they believed the outage was caused by an explosion at a power facility in southern Maryland.

Sen. Rand Paul launches 2016 presidential campaign | 07 April 2015 | Sen. Rand Paul launched his 2016 presidential campaign Tuesday with a combative challenge both to Washington and his fellow Republicans, cataloguing a lengthy list of what ails America and pledging to "take our country back." Paul's fiery message, delivered in his home state of Kentucky before he flew to four early-nominating states, was designed to broaden his appeal outside of the typical GOP coalition as well as motivate supporters of his father's two unsuccessful bids for the Republican presidential nomination. In a 26-minute speech that eviscerated "the Washington machine," he spared neither Republican nor Democrat as he attempted to tap into Americans' deep frustrations with their government.

Rand Paul launches 2016 White House bid: 'We have come to take our country back' | 07 April 2015 | Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky officially declared himself a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination on Tuesday, promising a crowd of cheering supporters that he is ready to shake up Washington and disprove those in his own party who doubt that a fiercely libertarian conservative can be a serious contender. "The Washington machine that gobbles up our freedoms and invades every nook and cranny of our lives must be stopped," Mr. Paul told a jubilant audience at the Galt House hotel. "I want to be part of a return to prosperity."

Corporatist Rahm Emanuel Wins Runoff Election to Secure 2nd Term as Chicago Mayor | 07 April 2015 | Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the former White House chief of staff whose cutting personality and centrist policies earned him the nickname "Mayor 1 Percent" among his critics, was re-elected mayor of Chicago on Tuesday, surviving a challenge from Jesus G. Garcia, a county commissioner who was attempting to become the city's first Latino mayor. With more than 90 percent of the vote counted, Mr. Emanuel, 55, had a double-digit lead and Mr. Garcia called Mr. Emanuel to concede, an official with Mr. Garcia's campaign said. For Mr. Emanuel, it was a narrow escape from what could have been an embarrassing loss to Mr. Garcia, a feisty former alderman and community organizer who for months hammered Mr. Emanuel for closing dozens of public schools and claimed the mayor ignored the working class and poor in the nation's third largest city.

Lynne Abraham Collapses During Philly Mayoral Debate | 07 April 2015 | Philadelphia Mayoral candidate Lynne Abraham (D) is recovering after a scary moment during Tuesday night's mayoral debate. The former Philly District Attorney collapsed as State Senator Anthony Hardy Williams answered questions. A doctor checked out Abraham and told NBC10 she had fallen ill but would be okay. She did not return for the rest of the debate.

S. Carolina police shooting: Cop is charged with murder, protesters call for justice | 08 April 2015 | 1:27 p.m.: At a news conference at North Charleston City Hall about the shooting of Walter Scott, Mayor Keith Summey told reporters Wednesday that the city has ordered an additional 150 body cameras "so every officer on the street" in the city will have one. That is in addition to 101 body cameras already ordered, he said. 1:25 p.m.: "The mayor's got to go!" people chanted after Summey ended a news conference about the shooting of Scott by Officer Michael Slager.

White South Carolina police officer faces murder charge over shooting of black man | 07 April 2015 | A white South Carolina police officer has been charged with murder over the shooting death of a black man who appeared to be fleeing from him, local authorities said on Tuesday, with the FBI and the U.S. Justice Department announcing a separate probe into the case. A video of the Saturday incident, showing North Charleston police officer Michael Slager shooting 50-year-old Walter Scott, was viewed by state investigators, and a decision was made to charge Slager with murder, North Charleston Mayor Keith Summey said at a news conference.


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