The skin is the largest organ in the human body, but is often the most neglected organ as well. The skin serves as a filter that protects us from all the harmful elements of the outside world, while regulating body temperature and acting as our first line of defense against diseases and infection. As the skin constitutes the outer-layer protection of the body, it is affected by virtually all activities that we engage ourselves in. Therefore, maintaining healthy skin is essential to make the skin resistant to harmful foreign elements and thereby helping lead a healthy lifestyle.
However, maintaining healthy skin becomes all that more challenging in regions such as the Middle East which have a hot and dry climate for at least half the year. In particular, the hot, dry air of desert climates can be very brutal on your skin, especially if you have sensitive skin. It can often cause dry skin, one of the most common skin abnormalities that could lead to other skin problems if left untreated. Moreover, the air-conditioning we use in many hot climates actually removes water from indoor air and has a drying effect on skin.
Companies such as Dermoviva have been quick to respond to these skincare challenges and have leveraged their extensive R&D expertise to introduce their range of DermoViva body lotions that are specifically formulated after taking Middle Eastern climatic conditions into consideration.
The DermoViva body lotion range includes three variants – Hydrate Plus, Fairness Glow and Age Defying. TheHydrate Plus Intensive Moisturizer body lotion ensures that the Natural Moisturizing Factor (NMF) of the skin is maintained because of the science behind natural ingredients such as honey, almond and Aloe vera, which make sure that critical moisture is not only restored but also retained.
The Fairness Glow variant, with natural skin radiance boosting ingredients such as sandal, turmeric and saffron, is an incredibly smooth moisturizing lotion that is deep penetrating as well as quick absorbing, thus ensuring reduced melanin synthesis to give you radiantly glowing fair skin. This lotion is particularly useful to combat the effects of exposure to UV radiation or the harsh chemicals in make-up products.
The Age Defying variant is a herbal moisturizing lotion that is uniquely formulated to tackle the signs of premature ageing. Enriched with the combination of trusted herbal skin revitalizing ingredients like Chamomile, Pomegranate & Yoghurt, this deep penetrating and quick absorbing lotion encourages skin cell renewal to give you revitalized and younger looking skin.