The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) has projected that Melbourne will become Australia’s biggest city by the year 2053
Dubai, UAE: The latest ABS statistics indicate that Melbourne’s population is expected to reach 8.6 million by 2061, surpassing Sydney in 2053. Victoria’s population is expected to grow strongly from 5.6 million in 2012 to 10.3 million in 2061 – an increase of 83 per cent.
The ABS has included a number of alternative population assumptions for Melbourne around fertility rates, net overseas migration and life expectancy. Under higher ABS projections, Melbourne could be Australia’s most populated city by as early as 2030.
The Victorian Government has acknowledged the growth forecasts by opening up housing opportunities in urban renewal precincts, growth areas and in rural and regional Victoria.
The Government’s Plan Melbourne outlines action that is designed to create a State of Cities, not just a city-state. The plan is also intended to protect Melbourne’s suburbs, as well as providing a pipeline of development in defined locations.
About The Victorian Government Business Office (VGBO):
Established in 1997, the Victorian Government Business Office, Dubai (VGBO) is operated by the State Government of Victoria to help promote Victorian trade and investment in the Middle East and North Africa region.
Through a variety of programmes and business initiatives, the VGBO assists Victorian exporters and provides assistance to Middle East and North African regional companies and organisations to source products and services, business introductions and investment opportunities with Victoria.
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