
Outside of the ACC. The people that were walking by loved it. They thought it was some kind of performance art. Kinda reminds me of zubat

Harbor and Young. I had other people stop and laugh when I was putting this up. Better than getting yelled at haha

Older one, from last winter.

Young and Queens Quay.

Freeland and Queens Quay. Same spot as the question mark box I did a while back.

Smokers are Jokers.

Harbour and Bay st.

Y'all come back now you here!




Its so funny to see that by adding eyes and teeth to an object it instantly gives them so much character. I honestly had the best time making these. 

Again, you can find more of my work on my Facebook street art page:


This makes me happier than I can possibly explain.

Banjo Kazooie?!

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