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Revision as of 22:04, September 25, 2012

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|capital = [[Wilton]]

|capital = [[Wilton]]

|largest_city = [[Wilton]]

|largest_city = [[Wilton]]


|languages = [[w:English language|English]]


|languages = [[wikipedia:English language|English]]

|religions = Secular

|religions = Secular

|demonym = Wessaxon

|demonym = Wessaxon


|government = [[w:Absolute Monarchy|Absolute monarchy]]


|government = [[wikipedia:Absolute Monarchy|Absolute monarchy]]

|head of state = [[Wessaxon Monarchy|King]]

|head of state = [[Wessaxon Monarchy|King]]

|head of government = Heir apparent

|head of government = Heir apparent

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|area = >780,000 sq ft

|area = >780,000 sq ft

|population = ~55

|population = ~55


|currency = [[w:Pound sterling|Pound sterling (£)]]


|currency = [[wikipedia:Pound sterling|Pound sterling (£)]]

|time_zone = UTC

|time_zone = UTC

|nat_drink =

|nat_drink =

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The King of New Wessex holds sole and absolute executive, legislative, and judicial power and authority. He can appoint co-rulers and grant titles at will. The power and authority of all other thrones and offices within New Wessex ultimately derive from his throne.

The King of New Wessex holds sole and absolute executive, legislative, and judicial power and authority. He can appoint co-rulers and grant titles at will. The power and authority of all other thrones and offices within New Wessex ultimately derive from his throne.


The royal family of Wilcsland is the [[House of Mac Donnchadha-Houghton]], a large family rumoured to be descended from [[w:High King of Ireland|High Kings of Ireland]] and [[w:Holy Roman Emperor|Holy Roman Emperors]]. None of the [[Wessaxon people]] have ever expressed a desire to remove the monarchy, and have never expressed a desire to limit the powers of the reigning monarch.


The royal family of Wilcsland is the [[House of Mac Donnchadha-Houghton]], a large family rumoured to be descended from [[wikipedia:High King of Ireland|High Kings of Ireland]] and [[wikipedia:Holy Roman Emperor|Holy Roman Emperors]]. None of the [[Wessaxon people]] have ever expressed a desire to remove the monarchy, and have never expressed a desire to limit the powers of the reigning monarch.

==Foreign relations==

==Foreign relations==

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The culture of New Wessex can be clearly divided into Wilcslandian and Orlian culture. These are mostly limited to their respective constituent countries, but Orly has been influenced by Wilcslandian culture to a certain degree, especially in Copan.

The culture of New Wessex can be clearly divided into Wilcslandian and Orlian culture. These are mostly limited to their respective constituent countries, but Orly has been influenced by Wilcslandian culture to a certain degree, especially in Copan.


Wilcslandian culture is a direct continuation of the [[Kingdom of Moylurg#Culture|Moylurgian culture]] which existed between June 2009 and November 2010. A tolerant and artistic culture, it is based heavily on that of [[w:Ancient Egypt|Ancient]] and (after the transition to Wilcsland) [[w:Ptolemaic Kingdom|Ptolemaic Egypt]], as well as its predeccessor state of the [[Kingdom of the Taklamacan#Culture|Kingdom of the Taklamacan]]. National symbols of Wilcsland include the [[w:Lion|lion]] and the [[w:Flail|flail]]. Wilcsland is also home to such monuments as the [[Wilcslandian Pyramids]].


Wilcslandian culture is a direct continuation of the [[Kingdom of Moylurg#Culture|Moylurgian culture]] which existed between June 2009 and November 2010. A tolerant and artistic culture, it is based heavily on that of [[wikipedia:Ancient Egypt|Ancient]] and (after the transition to Wilcsland) [[wikipedia:Ptolemaic Kingdom|Ptolemaic Egypt]], as well as its predeccessor state of the [[Kingdom of the Taklamacan#Culture|Kingdom of the Taklamacan]]. National symbols of Wilcsland include the [[wikipedia:Lion|lion]] and the [[wikipedia:Flail|flail]]. Wilcsland is also home to such monuments as the [[Wilcslandian Pyramids]].


Orlian culture is based on various [[w:Culture of the United Kingdom|British]] [[w:Youth subculture|youth subcultures]]. As such, it differs drastically from Wilcslandian culture and is in itself very diverse. Many genres of music are popular amongst Orlians, and the Orlian culture as a whole is generally based around social interaction.


Orlian culture is based on various [[wikipedia:Culture of the United Kingdom|British]] [[wikipedia:Youth subculture|youth subcultures]]. As such, it differs drastically from Wilcslandian culture and is in itself very diverse. Many genres of music are popular amongst Orlians, and the Orlian culture as a whole is generally based around social interaction.

[[Category:New Wessex]]

[[Category:New Wessex]]

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