
Last evening, Reason co-sponsored an

event at New York’s great Museum of Sex titled “Thank

You for Vaping,” in which foes of the nanny state lit up

electronic cigarettes (filled with all sorts of material!)

in defiance of the Big Apple’s new vaping ban. It was a swell time,

as perusal of the press coverage can attest.

ABC News:

More than 300 e-smokers showed up for a “vape-in” at Manhattan’s

Museum of Sex Monday night to protest a New York City ban on indoor

e-cigarette smoking. They thumbed their noses at e-cigarette

prohibitionists by dancing and vaping the night away until well

past midnight, when the ban went into effect. [...]

Tara Lober, a 21-year-old from Brooklyn who attended the event,

said she thinks the ban is silly.

“This is a health issue, yes, but I see it as closer to a civil

rights issue,” Lober said[.].


The scene might have been mistaken for a pickup

spot—there were more than 100 bodies loose with booze, many toking

on hookah-looking things. But those present consisted of vapers,

what users of e-cigarettes and higher-tech nicotine-vaporizing

devices call themselves, and they gathered to protest the city’s

indoor e-cig ban that took effect at midnight—by continuing to vape

after 12 a.m. [...]

One such vaper is Will Gallagher, a 20-year-old photography

student who had a cigarette habit until he got into vaping.

“They make this out to be a bad thing when there really isn’t a

lot of information,” he said of anti-vaping efforts. “It’s really

been a shoot first, ask questions later situation.”

And, compared with smoking, “it’s a much healthier thing,” he

added. [...]

Vice magazine co-founder Gavin McInnes helped lead

the countdown from five before midnight, which was followed by

shouts of “Illegal smoking, woo!” and “Outlaw!” as vapers breathed


When Newsweek asked McInnes what brought him

to the vape-in, he said he didn’t vape or smoke but was “always a



If SoHo’s

swanky Henley Vaporium was a sign that the vape scene has

come out from underground and is penetrating the mainstream, last

night’s event seals the deal. (Henley founder Talia Eisenberg was

there donning a “Fuck Big Tobacco” shirt.) Attendees mingled with

glasses of wine and High Life, in a darkly lit venue strewn

with Playboy magazines and a DJ mixing next to

the cocktail bar.

It felt more like a fancy club than political protest, but the

message was clear: get your hands off our vapes. If not for the

benefit of the public health, than for the nascent industry

attempting to distance itself from the toxic habit that society has

been trying to kick for decades.

The Verge:

Inside, a diverse crowd of punks, 9-to-5-types,

white hairs, 20-somethings, Army veterans, and artists puffed on

nicotine vaporizers, the all-metallic devices that look like part

of a vacuum cleaner, and “cigalikes,” the smaller, cheaper sticks

that look like cigarettes and probably have glowing tips. The smell

of caramelized banana, Apple Jacks, and melon mixed in the air.


“This is the beginning. This is where this fight takes off,”

says Jenee Fowler, a thin woman with multicolored hair also known

as Vape

Girl on YouTube. Fowler’s boyfriend Russ Wishtart, a

vaping advocate who hosts a libertarian-themed podcast, recently

joined a smoker’s rights group in a lawsuit

against New York City over the vaping ban.

Fowler is a former smoker, like many of tonight’s attendees. She

quit after she started using an electronic inhaler that vaporizes a

nicotine solution in order to simulate the effects of smoking. Like

many of tonight’s attendees, she feels the e-cig ban is


“We were forced to be smokers because we were addicted,” she

says, taking a hit of something called “freckle-faced dragonberry.”

“Now we finally have our lives back.”

Would she be observing the new rules that ban

vaping in restaurants, bars, schools, within 15 feet of a

hospital door, “public arenas where bingo is played,” and so


No, she says. “I am going to vape everywhere.” [...]

McInnes was wearing the “College” shirt from the

movie Animal House, which he said he had just

watched. “We don’t care if de Blasio puts us on double secret

probation,” he said. “We are going to release water vapors into the

sky, because that doesn’t hurt anybody.”

“Five, four, three, two, one,” the crowd counted down. “I’m

breaking the law!” one man yelled, holding his e-cig in the air.

“We’re all breaking the law!” someone else yelled.

The police never came.

The Verge has a photo essay of the event

here. The

Independents will have some video from the event tonight

at 9 p.m. ET on Fox Business Network.

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